Saturday, August 24, 2024



And so the Dems concluded their convention with their nomination of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, as their President and Vice President hopefuls. There wasn’t much of a competition, since Biden basically nominated her when he stepped aside.  And she is the sitting VP, so her nomination makes eminent good sense.  Kamala has adequate experience, with her four years as VP, plus her other government experience:

·         Vice President for 3+ years

·         US Senator from California

·         California Attorney General

·         District Attorney

So, with that experience base, what will be her competition?

Donald Trump:

·         President of the United States

·         TV Actor

·         Unsuccessful Businessman

·         Unsuccessful Marital Partner

·         Demented Public Speaker

So, one assumes there will be an election leading to a solid supermajority of voting Americans who wish to elect Mrs. Harris. I mean, all one needs to do is listen once to a Trump public appearance, hear him ramble incoherently, and lie incessantly, before concluding that he is obviously unfit to hold any public office, no less the US Presidency.

And yet, and yet . . .

I have been aware of American presidents since FDR. I still remember listening to FDR on the radio during WW II.  And I have participated, VOTED, in every election since 1952.  I voted for Eisenhower over the intellectual, Adlai Stevenson.  Because, how could you not vote for the WW II Hero, Ike?

And we have had our share of losers as President.  I mean, Shrub??? Nixon, Reagan   . . . god think of that, we actually elected Ronald Reagan, a failed movie star to be President. But we have some good ones too—Harry Truman, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama . . . and now Joe Biden. Joe is showing some signs of aging, so it is perhaps the right thing for him to step aside, but he still joins the ranks of our Good Presidents.

So, now, perhaps, it is our opportunity to see what a bright, ethical woman can do. I assume Kamala will win, because . . . how can she not? I mean. She is running against the very worst presidential candidate our Nation has ever seen.  I mean . . . Donald Trump??? Not a serious candidate.  And Yet . . . And Yet . . .

Kamala should be leading by 70% to 30%. But is she? Nope.

So, that fact alone tells you more than you ever wanted to know about America. 

I can only hope the polls are wrong and that the American people will come to their senses and reject this amazingly inadequate pseudohuman being, Donald Trump. He has failed at virtually everything in which he has participated.   He keeps trying, I guess because his ego won’t let him bow out.

This will be an interesting, perhaps even terrifying several months facing us.  My last best hope is that Americans will get out and vote as they have never done in our past.  People who sigh and shrug and walk away, will now perhaps look at the future and say, I cannot allow that creature to succeed. He must fail; at this, as he fails at everything else. Send him back to his BFFs in Russia. Perhaps Vlad the Impaler will allow him to live out his fading days in Moscow.

So, Americans . . . PLEASE VOTE!



Sunday, August 11, 2024

Are We Happy?


So, “Are We Happy Yet?: to quote today’s NY Times. Well, today, the sun is out . . . for the time being. We seem to be moving into an era in which, like some others, perhaps we no longer need our Weathermen. We now seem to have a standard weather forecast:

Partly cloudy, with the possibility of afternoon thundershowers, some could be severe. A tornado is possible. Avoid areas near rivers, since areal flooding is likely.

There, that’s your standard daily forecast. So, does that make you happy? No? Well, how about this?

Donald Trump will be giving a press conference in your neighborhood this afternoon, and he plans to inform you why a vote for his opponent is a vote to destroy America.”

There, now you feel great, right?

Yeah, so between the Climate Change daily forecast and our pseudopolitical climate, life has become Yuck. Or maybe AAARRRGGGHHH! Remember those political battles in the 70s, 80s and 90s? They were tough, huh? It was always tough listening to Nixon, or Shrub, or, for God’s sake, Reagan.  But today, listening to Trump, or the Trump MAGACultists? We are now in a different universe altogether. Having grown up listening to FDR, during and just after WW II, I grew used to having sanity on the air. 

Are you aware that, during the 1950s, the tax rates on high incomes reached over 90%? Yeah, and they complained. But can you imagine Elon Musk paying a 95% tax rate on his top income? He would be exploding.  I mean, Musk is donating $45 million/month to Trump’s campaign, because he knows, if Trump is elected, that his tax rates will go down even more than they are now.  I believe Musk now pays somewhere in the vicinity of 53%, so some 40% less than in days of old.

But even beyond taxes, our political system has, on one side, the Democrats who are trying to pass legislation to help combat the Climate Catastrophe in which we reside, to better regulate our border immigration policies, to help moderate  the Israeli-Hamas mess, to bring greater pressure on Russia to back off in Ukraine, and to induce more growth in industry, so as to create more jobs.

On the other hand, the Trump MAGACult wants to cut taxes on the wealthy, reduce Social Security payments, reduce Medicare/Medicaid expenses, prevent any abortions in the country, regardless of the health of the mother, or in cases of rape or incest, and rein in or perhaps even eliminate regulatory programs such as EPA, or FDA.  Any Federal agencies that regulate the private sector are suspect and could be eliminated under Trump. He also, per the Project 2025 agenda, would get rid of many current Federal civil service employees, and replace them with staff answerable only to the President.

So, America under Trump would move to something closer to a monarchy, or maybe just a dictatorship, as we can observe in today’s Russia under Trump’s BFF, Vlad the Impaler Putin.

Yeah, why do we need this Democracy anywise? With Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, and JD, and Johnson, we would have a perfect combination of skills and attitude.

So, see what we have to look forward to, if we can only elect The Donald? Now, to be fair, The Donald is getting a bit creaky, and his brain seems a little less than perfect.  But he’s never been classed as brainy anyways, right? And, were he younger and brainier, he might not listen to Musk and his rich friends. Right? So, this is probably better for America. You can’t have a Dictatorship and still have a brainy, ethical president, right?

Hey Neil deGrasse Tyson, what do you think? Does all this presidential messiness make you think more about running? No? OK, then I guess we will just have to stick with Kamala and her BFF Tim Walz.

Oh well, maybe my approaching 90 this December is making me a little fussy. Crap weather, and crap Presidential messiness (think MAGACult) is depressing me perhaps more than it should, or would, were I younger. So, the 50s, 60s and 70s really were just more fun? Huh!

Ah well, life goes on .

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Are We Alone?

Are we alone, a seemingly profound question concerning the potential for life elsewhere in the universe. Gives rise to that other question. Where/when/why did life, or our universe begin, and why? And, of course, that almost always gives way to that other question, Who created God?

See, if God exists, someone created her, right? Or did she simply pop into existence, poof! And then, what existed prior to God?  I mean, did something, a God, or the Universe itself simply begin out of nothing? And if so, why, how?  See, telling us that God created the universe doesn’t really solve or even answer anything. Because it produces the inevitable question about who created God.  And even Neil DeGrasse Tyson doesn’t seem to have any answer to the origin question.

See, all of my questions relate to the simplest one of all – Why?

OK, so why was the universe created the way it was? I mean, if there is a God, she could have created a finished product, right? I mean, why would she create this vast entity still in the beginning stages of its development? And, why a universe that held such enormous potential for damage to its creatures? Why not create a universe that satisfied the needs of its inhabitants, whether those inhabitants were emerging stars, or living creatures?  Also, there seems no serious order to the universe. The creativity seems entirely random.  Is that just for fun?

See, saying there is a God really solves nothing. I begin to wonder about the basic intelligence of the current inhabitants of this Earth.  I mean, they created the concept of God. Now, to be fair, there are really two main purposes to there being a God. First, apparently any serious brain will eventually give rise to the question of Why/How did this universe come into being. I mean, you can’t look around the Earth without at some point, asking yourself, Why? Why does this exist, and why does this exist in its current form?  I mean, even a relatively young child might well look at its parents, or maybe at the dude who owns the apartment house the kid lives in and, say, now they could not possibly have created all this. So, Who did? And then, the inevitable God thing pops into the head.

But, then, after the God thing pops into the head, some creature will inevitably begin thinking . . . hmmm, what if I tell folks that I have met God, and I have developed this special relationship. And I am going to tell folks what God wants them to do.  And then, if they do what God wants them to do, then, after they pass on, they will have a wonderful afterlife with God. Oh, you didn’t know about the afterlife thing? Well, let me tell you.  See, The God wants us to behave in reasonable ways—I know, I know, there are many definitions to “reasonable”.  At any rate, she has informed me that, to encourage reasonable behavior, she created two afterlife entities—Heaven and Hell. If you have behaved, then, when you pass on, you will rise into the heavens, and you will again get to mingle with your past BFFs. Yeah, you can chat with them if you wish. Also, you will be able to peer down onto Earth and see what your family is up to. So, when they talk to you, you will know what they are saying, and you can respond, sort of.

But, then, for those folks who chose to behave badly while here on Earth, she created this kind of nasty afterlife place, where you will live on in pain from the fires down there. Yeah, and you will not be able to chat with anyone. Yeah, boring, huh? Well, to be fair, that is the point.  But see, that’s why she began chatting with me. She wants folks to understand that behaving well while here results in a good deal afterwards.  And she has left me with an understanding of what is or is not good behavior.

But now, back to this beginning thingie. She has not yet told me much about the origins, or why she invented things as she did.  Nope, she says, somedays she may chat it up with me and then, I can pass it on. But for the moment, we have to accept the fact that she exists, she created everything, and that’s all we need to know.

See, so that’s good, huh?  We don’t really need to know how or why this Universe thingie was created, or who created it. Well, technically, she says that she created it. But she will not talk about who created her, or even why she invented everything to begin with. Maybe she was bored?

And so, I am awaiting that chat session when her Almightiness begins to chat with me about origins. Now that should be interesting, huh?  I plan to ask her:

1.       1. Is this Universe the only one that exists, or is there another one(s) out there about which we are unaware?

2.          2. Why did she create the universe to begin with? Was she really just bored, or was there some purpose? And if there was a purpose, what was that purpose?

3.          3. Does she have a mum and/or dad? I mean, how/why does she exist? Does she exist in order to have someone to blame for us?  I mean, we’re a pretty bad lot. Were we just her mistake . . . like she was just fooling around, and she created us without meaning to? And now she’s stuck with us?

4.          4. Did she also create something in this universe that will eventually cause us to disappear?  I mean, that would have been the responsible thing to do, right?

5.          5. Is she answerable to another superbeing? That would also seem reasonable huh?

6.      Since I’m the only one with whom she has spoken, could she tell me how to get rid of those creatures who now pretend to know her? I mean, they are really getting out of hand.

7.      And, lastly, when will she tell me what the hell is going on?  I am getting really tired of holding all this stuff inside and may soon explode. Oh, and how long is she going to keep me stuck in this blind wilderness? I mean, I have been here for a really long time. So, what another 100 years or so?

So, OK, I’ll get back to you later, as soon as she decides to have that chat with me. But for now, behave yourselves. That really is better than the alternative. Trust me.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

American Politics

I must confess to being shaken after reading the summary of Project 2025.  While I knew the GOP had fallen really low since Trump took over the reins, I guess I did not really understand just how low. And also, that Project 2025 speaks to maybe something different.  I mean, when we say that the GOP has fallen to a new low under Trump, a) we are blaming it on Trump, and b) we are saying that we are seeing more of the standard Trump crap—illogical, corrupt, amoral, unethical.

But maybe we are looking at something different altogether.  As I was reading an analysis of the SCOTUS Trump v. America decision regarding January 6th, I began thinking that maybe something else was going on.  SCOTUS basically laid the groundwork for an entity formerly known as “kings”, or a President who could basically do no wrong.  Now that would make Donald Trump very happy. But it might also make a lot of his immensely rich supporters even happier.  See, they could keep Trump in power in order to get the kind of “hands-off” Executive Branch they want and claim they need. They want no controls over their activities, ergo, Project 2025. 2025 is basically a design for an absolute monarchy, one controlled by the uber-rich. It might return America to those good-old-days of maybe the 16th century when the uber-rich controlled everything, including your life and mine.

And then, last night, at a Trump rally, someone supposedly took a shot at Trump. Now, we are told that someone wielding a rifle, fired from a rooftop outside his immediate rally area. Trump wound up with some slight bleeding, although from what we do not know. A close bullet?? Some sharp object near him?? We have no solid or reliable answer. They did take Trump away and he was bleeding ever so slightly.

Now, was this a bullet aimed at Trump, just missing his forehead? Maybe  . . . The shooter was shot and killed by Security officials, and one bystander was killed and two others wounded. And now the games begin. Who was this shooter and what was he about?  We are told he was a republican, but also that he had donated to Democrats.  Questions, questions.

Given the extreme nature of the language spewing forth among and between the parties in this bizarre presidential race, perhaps an assassination attempt might not be surprising. I know, I know, everyone on both sides has properly decried this shooting. But, given the escalating rhetoric, maybe such a violent event was predictable.

And now Trump has begun drawing some pity cards. And his stature has enlarged a bit, with a sympathy vote. Now, to be fair, that last debate performance produced a hard knock into Biden’s reputation. Even more than the usual serious “old-people” discussions are being heard.

I assume an assassination attempt would be highly likely to produce serious sympathy for the intended “Victim”, i.e., Trump.

And, then, maybe because I am really wearing out from the force of right-wing rhetoric, and the absurdity of Trump himself, I began wondering . . . could this be a fake assassination, staged by the rich powers behind the GOP (you know, the ones who now seem to own this monarchist political entity)?? I know, I know . . . how absurd, right?? But that is how affected I have become by the absurdity of this whole political entity, that such a fake attempt no longer seems absurd.  Note, please, I have been paying attention to political affairs at least since the days of FDR. I have voted in every election since 1952. I long for the days when republicans were people like Dwight Eisenhower. Now??? Donald Trump??? Surely you jest.

Now to be fair, a fake assassination is pretty far out. But then, I thought, Project 2025. That is so absurd that anything now seems at least plausible.  Now what makes it a bit less plausible is that security officials shot and killed the bad guy. If it was a planned fake assassination, wouldn’t he have planned it with his own escape? Yeah, probably, but does that make it totally implausible?  Well no.

And so I am left to wonder about the state of American politics today. The uber-rich seem to have no ethics at all, and therefore republicans no longer have any ethics. How low have the mighty fallen America? And what does this say about the outcome of the next election? Can you imagine what we might see should the American people decide to vote for the Democrat (Biden??)? The 2025 Gang have already decided on a post-election conflict (Civil War II?) stage. Won’t that be fun?

Oh and you thinking folks . . . you might want to speed up the process of getting your passports and visas ready (Canada??? New Zealand???) Welcome to the brand new, exciting world of uber-rich corruption.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Hello Again

Somehow, my days continue to look like repeats. Yeah, Joe Biden says something to some crowd, and folks wonder about whether he was stumbling and aging as he spoke. Well, No, he was just talking like any mortal being. So, Joe is 81, and folks are demanding that he step back and let ? ? ? take over. Who again? Oh, you mean Kamala??? Well, she’s probably ready. Oh you don’t mean Kamala. And why is that? Oh, Kamala is a Black Woman. I get it. You need a white male between the ages of 35 and 65. Oh, and he needs to be straight. Sorry Pete. Yeah, I know, you might be great, but, well you know . . .

On the Joe Ancient thing, I’m pushing on this December into that 90 thingie.  Yeah, I know, Joe occasionally stumbles. But so far he’s been doing a pretty good job, by all accounts.

But then, also on a daily basis, The Donald does or says something terminally stupid.  And do we report that The Donald seems to be in the middle stage of dementia?  Well no. Why? Because The Donald always says something terminally stupid. It’s just him.  See, he really seems stupid, so when he opens his mouth in some unprogrammed way, what results is gibberish.  So, because he always performs that way, that is his Normal. And because Joe actually is of normal intelligence, when he speaks to/with us, we expect a normal speech patter—you know, words roughly in order as English is spoken, and of seeming normal intellectual content.  Now, should he slip, or stumble, the Press is aghast and the Fox Fake-Newsies begin yelling about Joe turning senile.

Now, to be fair, we have never before had a pair like these two. Joe actually is 81. And The Donald seems 110 . .  or maybe 2? Remember when he told us to drink bleach to avoid getting COVID?  Now is that a result of his dementia, or maybe he’s just stupid.  Would a two-year old tell you to do that?  But think hard. Would a Joe Biden EVER suggest anything that terminally stupid???

Let’s see, oh yeah there’s that SCOTUS thingie. Yeah, they now tell us that Presidents cannot be held accountable for their actions taken while they are carrying out their duties of office.  So, arguably, if they take an action that results in harm to another human, while carrying out their duties as President, they are not legally accountable.  Now, I/they assume that ruling is aimed at something The Donald does or did while President—like stirring the mess that turned into the January 6th Insurrection.  So, folks were killed during that Insurrection? Yep, but President Donald cannot be held to account.  Interesting ruling.

Now how about if Joe Biden takes an action to in some way disable/destroy a threat to our democracy (The Donald??) then he cannot be held accountable?? Be careful what you wish for, huh?

I keep thinking about our upcoming election, taking place in the middle of a truly weird election process.  Why weird? Well, I realize that many America presidential elections are a bit weird. I mean, Ronald Reagan, pseudo-movestar running for President? Now that is weird.  FDR running for President in the middle of WW II. Tell me that isn’t weird.

But somehow, the GOP has allowed itself to be totally corrupted, and largely no longer exists as a viable political entity. Now, the GOP seems a vacuum that sucks in weird, almost Nazi ideas. I mean, Project 2025 seems to go even beyond Nazi thinking. They now seem intent on recreating an American Monarchy. Shades of 1725. If Trump were elected and began following Project 2025, we would have something close to an absolute monarchy.  Is that what you really want MAGAHeads???  Well, I guess the answer to that question might well be, “YES, That Is What We Want”.

I can only suggest once again, especially you young folks. Get registered, and then VOTE your conscience. We –This Nation—really need all of you to get out and VOTE. Hopefully, someday, after enough time has elapsed and the Donald is in prison, America will begin to return to its old stable democracy self. Please America. Behave.

Friday, June 28, 2024

The Debate

OK, so did you watch the Debate last evening?? Hmmm, yeah, but I preceded it by watching The Daily Show and Stephen Colbert, the latter of which was a rerun of an earlier Colbert Late Night show.  So, we were warmed up a bit, perhaps brightened up a bit. We had no Great Expectations for that Debate. I mean, had we been watching Kennedy v. Nixon, or maybe Clinton v. Bush (I suppose we might have entertained the idea that “The Winner” (assuming there was one) might change our mind about whom we might support for President. Even that seems very unlikely, since the wrong winner might have suggested we vote for Nixon, or Ford –pretty unlikely.

Still, even though we were staunch supporters for both Clinton and Kennedy, Nixon and Ford at least seemed like plausible candidates.  But Joe Biden v. Donald Trump??? Seriously, America??? Donald Trump, as the candidate from the same party that ran Ike???

No, a Debate, regardless of the outcome, was never going to move my vote from one to the other. Instead, watching the debate was more like watching Stephen Colbert, perhaps a fond wish for some moments of light comedy. See, we have grown used to the Late Night comedians making fun of Donald Trump. So, we perhaps were hoping for some reality-based comedy.

But, change my vote?? No. I don’t know, maybe were Donald Trump running against Adolph Hitler, I might have been watching from that perspective.  See, in that case, we have someone who would likely try to destroy the world, v. someone who would try to destroy America. So, would a debate affect my decision to vote for the America saver (Hitler) v the America Destroyer (Trump)?

But in this debate, we have a dude who is highly likely to destroy America (Trump) v. a guy who is likely to keep both America and the world together, even if he falls asleep trying to do that.

So, Trump actually looked more awake, and somewhat more “with it” than Joe. But, again, So What? I could not possibly vote for Donald Trump.  So, could I have voted for Adolph Hitler?  Hmmm, NO. In such an election, I honestly do not know what I might have dome—walk away without voting at all??? I Know, I know. Adolph Hitler wound up killing, what, six million Jews, and others?  And Trump??? Well, he might well destroy the entire world, but certainly America, if elected.  Now, to be fair, Hitler was simply flat-out EVIL. Trump is mainly stupid beyond belief, and capable of being led into disastrous situations that might well lead to the killing of millions of people (nuclear war, maybe??). See, I still believe that Trump is now being “shaped” by rich people I do not yet know. He will be directed to do things as President that may well be disastrous to America and to the World. That is what American Republican voters do not seem to want to understand.

But, in any case, I think debates between Biden and Trump are largely irrelevant. If anyone in America is on the edge between voting for Trump, and voting for Biden, they might well have voted for Hitler, had they been given that choice.  The debate is not pushing them in one direction or another. No thinking, ethical, moral human being could possibly even consider voting for Donald Trump, regardless of Debate Performance.

So, Yes, Joe Biden, did not perform well in that debate. But, to me, that does not matter, because the Debate, any Debate, could not possibly change my VOTE.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Far Right Agenda

 Project 2025: The Republican Agenda for America

We have mostly been concerned with challenging and defeating Donald Trump in the 2024 election. Much as the extreme right wing supporters, who call themselves MAGAHeads, are focused on electing him. Given his track record, including almost everything he says publicly, I have had grave difficulty understanding their support.  But then, I came across this thing the Heritage Foundation and other fascist organizations throughout America have just published, called Project 2025. And that thing made me understand that the battle goes way beyond Donald Trump.  Trump is a pawn in the hands of an extreme right wing collection of Americans, who seem not so American any longer.  Here is a brief summary of the agenda they wish to push onto what is remaining of America after the election this year.

Project 2025: A Summary

With a 100-member advisory board composed of a “Who’s Who” of extreme far-right groups including Christian Nationalists and bigoted organizations, and tens of millions of dollars in funding from dark money donors, Project 2025 maps out a clear plan of sweeping reforms that would erode multiracial democracy should a “conservative” win the 2024 presidential election. Spearheaded by the Heritage Foundation, Project 2025 seeks to “rescue the country” from “elite rule and woke cultural warriors,” replacing democracy with Christian-based authoritarianism. The guidelines for the first 180 days of the administration are detailed in a 900+-page document authored by leading far-right voices. This Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise calls for draconian rollbacks of sexual health and reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ equality, racial equity, public education, climate, and environmental protections, all the while preferencing an exclusionary interpretation of Christianity and stripping rights from multiple communities. Among policies called for in the first 180 days of a conservative presidency: • Eliminating LGBQI+ and transgender rights. • Eradicating federal funding for DEI programs. Participation in any critical race theory or DEI initiative will be grounds for termination of government employees. • Ending reproductive freedom and replacing the Department of Health and Human Services with the “Department of Life.” • Ending climate change and environmental policies by shutting down the Office of Domestic Climate Policy, the Department of Energy’s Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations, the Office of Environmental Justice, and External Civil Rights, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, to name a few. Climate science will no longer be used in National Security. • Slashing of the Department of Justice and dismantling the FBI and replacing their traditional independence from political pressure with fealty to the administration. • Purging the government of apolitical civil servants by firing as many as 50,000 and hiring replacements from a database of personnel vetted for conservative values and loyalty, a “Conservative Linked In.” Successful candidates will undergo training at a “Presidential Training Academy” and be furnished “with the insight, background knowledge, and expertise in governance to immediately begin rolling back destructive policy and advancing conservative ideas in the federal government.” • Eliminating the checks and balances built into three branches of government in favor of expanded control by the executive branch. • Replacing the Department of Homeland Security with a 100,000-worker-strong immigration department, militarization of the border and an end to refugee programs. • Fundamentally altering American diplomacy to push anti-abortion and anti-LGBTQ+ agendas, adopt a “human rights” regime distinct from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and abandon international organizations and traditional diplomatic and security alliances. This plan is made easier if a “conservative” president is elected soon, but it’s not dependent upon upcoming elections. This is the plan that will continue to drive far-right thinking into the future as Christian Nationalist groups push for these changes. Elements of the plan are already being put in place on the local and state level.

It is hard to sum up into fewer words. But , voters should become familiar with this extremist agenda, because the “other” party in America (what used to be known as the republican party now seems dead, replaced by this MAGAFascist party), that is not yet an official political party.  I have difficulty with the extremism of their ideas, because they remind me of what must have been bouncing around in 1936 Germany, leading eventually to Adolph Hitler.  And I don’t really think that Donald Trump is their Hitler. He is much too dimwitted, and may even be in the initial stages of senile dementia.  No, someone else is coming along and may well appear during the final election stage. He might well appear in the form of a Trump VP candidate, although that remains an open question.  But he will be an extreme right wing candidate, who is capable of thinking well beyond The Donald, who is now approaching a comic candidate.

So stay tuned for the next Adolph Hitler. He may well appear during the next few months. Oh, and it is unlikely to be either Jared or Ivanka.  No, they likely possess the evil natures required, but I do believe the candidate will be outside his family, but well within the ranks of the ideologues in the American Far-Right political structure.

Oh, and folks???? Please VOTE!