Thursday, August 31, 2023

Life Goes On

 Ahhh, the weather just shifted to humane. Suddenly, it’s ok to open the windows, instead of sitting inside in fear that the heavy rain will flood the basement.  It has not done so in quite a while, But worry I will. Maybe it’s my age. I am getting on there—approaching 89 in December.

But more than the weather, was recent news of two friends and colleagues who just passed on, both a bit younger than me.  And both passed peacefully, but suddenly.  George Stiles was a colleague who became a friend, then practically a member of our family. I met George during the 1970s in the course of my work.  Then he was more than helpful to our daughter’s quest to gain entry into the world of UNC-Chapel Hill. And then George became a friend of long-standing. We saw him with some frequency as he rotated from his family home in Yarmouth, Maine to Philadelphia and South Carolina where his kids lived. George became part of our family.

And then, without warning, he died, peacefully we are told. But it is a shock nonetheless.

And then, my old boss and colleague Joe Wholey died. I was in a bit of a mess career-wise in the early 1970s, having left a secure job at Peat, Marwick, Livingston for a small firm that then collapsed. Through Joe, I managed to get a secure position at The Urban Institute, where I worked in the field of evaluation of health care programs. After five years, Joe left to join the Carter Administration, running an evaluation office in the Department of Health Education and Welfare. Joe asked me to join him, which I did. But then, Ronald Reagan took the presidency and we all had to cope with his administration. I managed for five years, but then grew fearful that I might become brain-dead working under Reagan. So, I left, as did Joe Wholey before me.

And now Joe has left this world.

And I remain behind to continue thinking about these truly good humans.

But it all brings to mind aging, and watching people drop all around me. Not just people with whom I am friends, but people of whom I am aware. We watch a lot of British TV, and especially one program that brings us to laughter even now. It is a show called “Are You Being Served?” It was on From 1972 to 1985.  I discovered recently that all of the acting cast had now died and they varied in age during that show.  So, now we find ourselves watching and loving a TV comedy series in which none of the acting cast remains alive.  I know, I know, it’s a TV show. Time passes, people age and then they die. And meanwhile I sit here, aging in place.

But then, look, our President is 81. And that idiot-malenfant Donald Trump is in his 70s, and poised to die. So, everyone is “aging in place.” But hey, they’re running our country. Well, technically, Joe Biden is running our country while Donald Trump is trying desperately to destroy our country. Two sides of the same coin I guess.

Well, I guess I will just have to suck it up and keep on truck’n. It ain’t my time yet, even if it is Mitch’s.

Meanwhile, my wonderful wife of 68 years tolerates me and loves and feeds me daily. And my kids, grandkids and Great grandkids continue to embrace life and to being me joy.  So, there you have it. Keep out of trouble and get on with this thing called LIFE.

It’s really all we have, isn’t it?