I’ve been thinking a lot about this great debate going on in
our nation about Capitalism vs. Socialism, and about the ostensibly greater
efficiencies achieved in having the private sector do stuff vs. the government
doing that same stuff. I should first
note that the TeaBaggers and others of that ilk, who keep yelling that Obama is
a Socialist really need to get a grip. I assume they keep yelling stuff like
that because, well they’re just not very smart.
Most of them don’t really know what Socialism is in any meaningful
sense. Socialism basically means that
the “means of production” are centrally owned, i.e., by a central
government. In only a very few countries
has socialism been tried in a pure sense, e.g. the Soviet State and a few
others of that ilk. Generally, they have not been notably successful. A lot of
the problems seem to stem from that old Russian adage, “we pretend to work, and
they pretend to pay us.”
In India, a mixed economic system operated. That is, India
employed a “public sector” in which the government owned the plants—generally this
sector had the heavy industrials within it. They had a private sector, in which
the companies were privately owned, and they also had a mixed sector, in which
both types of ownership existed. A number of European nations use a modified
socialist model in which many types of services are government owned and
operated, but the majority of commercial products and services remain private.
In the United States, we clearly use this mixed model, since
much of our infrastructure, e.g., our
highways, have been built by the government, some of our health care is
financed by the government, much of our education is financed by the
government, and many other services are government financed, or run. But the vast majority of economic activity in
this country is privately owned and operated. Given that Obama has not made any
effort to dismantle that system, it is at best inane to label him a socialist.
In economic systems, we often employ two concepts to assess
how well we are doing. One is “efficiency” and the other is “effectiveness”. Efficiency refers to the input-output ratio,
or unit cost. We measure how much labor and material cost we employ to produce
a unit of output, and then we can use that measure to compare like economic
entities on their relative efficiency.
We need always to be careful when employing such comparative measures to
be comparing like output products. That is, we should not compare the unit cost
of production of, say a Mercedes Benz sedan, with a Chrysler PT Cruiser. One is
clearly a luxury vehicle, the other an annoying little knockoff of a 1939 auto
design. We could of course compare two Mercedes plants, or even two plants
producing PT Cruisers and measure their relative efficiency. The Republican advocates of capitalism argue
that the private sector is invariably more efficient than the public sector at
doing really anything. Yet, in a number of cases, for example, health
insurance, the public sector in the form of Medicare can be seen to operate at
a lower cost, i.e., at a greater level of efficiency. Mainly the difference
here seems to be in the form of relatively lower overhead in Medicare, because
the upper levels of private insurance providers pay exorbitant salaries and bonuses
to their executives relative to the government.
We can also see cost disadvantages in other forms of “privatization”
of formerly government services, e.g., the military. When Shrub and his gang “privatized”
parts of our military by giving very large contracts to firms such as
Blackwater and Halliburton, the overall cost of providing the services
increased dramatically over what they would have been if run by the government
itself. Again, the relative salary
structures explain the differences. So,
although it remains arguably true that the private sector may well be more
efficient at producing many types of goods and services than the government, it
is not axiomatic.
The second type of measure is effectiveness. By “effectiveness”
is meant the relative achievement of the main purpose of an activity. For example, an immunization program might be
measured on the extent to which it limits or eliminates the incidence and
prevalence of specific diseases, e.g. measles. Measures of effectiveness are not always so
relatively straightforward, because the presumed cause and effect relationships
are not always so clear. In education,
for example, the “No Child Left behind” program
has been translated into an increasingly simplistic model in which
teachers are viewed as the sole determinant of our children’s education
achievement as measured by standardized achievement tests. The entire program is aimed at test gains, and
so the educational system itself is slowly being redesigned into a model in
which we teach kids how to take the standardized tests. There are many obvious things wrong with such
an enterprise. First, “education” should be as much about critical thinking
skills as test-taking skills, but our current approach largely ignores this
issue. Second, our teachers are but one
element in the learning process. Kids’ status on entering school, their home
environment, their parental interest and oversight, are all equal factors in determining
how well and how much kids actually learn. Teacher skills are but one factor.
On effectiveness measurement, because we have become intellectually
lazy, we mostly choose not to do the hard work of forging usable and theoretically
defensible measures. We tend toward the lowest possible denominator, often
electing to measure that which is easily measurable rather than that which is important.
In many private enterprises, we used to compete on two
bases, efficiency and effectiveness. Efficiency is relatively straightforward—unit cost.
Effectiveness would be more complex and
used to include the functional performance of the item, as well as its
reliability over time, i.e., its “quality”. For example, my McIntosh stereo
system (made in New York and not related to Apple-crap) that I purchased in
1968 still produces superb music and has
experienced no “hiccups” over its 40+ years of performance. Compare that system with most of today’s electronics
which are dead within three years.
It would be interesting to compare relative effectiveness of
services produced both by the private sector and the public sector. For
example, we could compare the provision of services by Blackwater as against
similar services by the US military. Many would argue that, not only is
Blackwater (now Xe) more expensive, i.e., less efficient, but that they are
less effective at what they do—ergo, it would be better overall were the US
military (the Government) to provide these services directly.
Over time, I would argue that the private sector has changed
the nature of its game dramatically in terms of efficiency and effectiveness.
Beginning in the early part of the 20th century, one could see the
private sector, in pursuit of efficiency gains, trying to reduce its unit cost
of production so as to become more efficient and, therefore, more competitive.
Thus we saw a shift in production from the North to the South because of the
low labor cost in the South. That shift
never really stopped as our business executives, always in pursuit of higher
profits kept moving the locus of production in the direction of lower labor
costs, eventually moving their enterprise production plants to other countries.
Over time, less and less of our
commercial production of goods and services is carried out within the United
States—which explains in part our unemployment dilemma. If we do not produce anything here, why would
we need a labor force? When, for
example, housing collapsed, that was the last bastion of employment, leading to
the continued high unemployment rates, despite the theoretic end of the
recession. There are no jobs because our
productive capacity has been moved out of the country in order to gain low unit
costs of production.
I would also argue that over the last 20-30 years, not only
has our executive workforce been focused on efficiency, it has largely
eliminated the other measure—effectiveness. In pursuit of greater profits,
efficiency has replaced all other measures. Seemingly, we no longer compete on
Now, if that be true, I am wondering whether we still have
one more shift needed in pursuit of greater efficiency. Why not begin “offshoring” our executive
class? Since they represent the last really large pool of cost to reduce, we
should think about ridding our companies of that executive staffing and moving
those functions to India, China, et al. Think of the savings we could achieve
and think of how happy that would make our stockholders. We could shift all boards of directors, all
senior executives—say the top three tiers of every US Company. Wouldn’t that be
Another great example of “Be Careful What You Wish For,
Just thinking . . .