It is May 25, 1961, President John
F. Kennedy addresses the Nation:
“. . . I believe that this nation should
commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a
man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth.”
Much cheering, especially
among those of us who are in the aerospace business. Me, an engineer with the
Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, was especially cheering. Sounds great to
But then reality sets in. The
first thing Senator Everett Dirksen does is to convene a meeting of the Senate
Republican leadership to decide how to most effectively counter President
Kennedy’s call for a National program of space exploration, beginning with
putting a man on the moon and safely returning him to earth. In the meeting,
Senator Dirksen gets approval to use all means at their disposal to oppose this
initiative, deny its funding, and to oppose by any and all means all such
programs. Dirksen is quoted as saying, “If Kennedy succeeds, the Democrats will have
another major accomplishment to crow about, like Social Security and Medicare.
We must not allow this to happen.” And that meeting sets into motion the major
GOP initiative to derail all Kennedy initiatives. The fight is on. And ten
years later, Russia succeeds in placing the first man on the moon, replacing
the US as the leader in world space exploration.
Oops. You mean that didn’t
happen? Nope, I just made it up. What
happened instead? Well, the Nation coalesced around the President and his
initiative, and, despite his murder several years later, that space initiative
continued on to become a keystone of American science achievements. We placed a
man on the moon and returned him safely back to Earth. And no, the GOP did not
work hard to stifle that initiative.
I wonder too, what might have
happened to the Nation’s interstate highway system had the Dems decided to kill
the Eisenhower initiative to build that highway system. The nation might still be connected, but by
little two-lane byways instead of high speed interstate highways.
What marks the key difference
between then and now? Mainly a more responsible GOP and Democratic leadership
who, despite all the political infighting, was still capable of acting in the
best interests of the Nation. When push came to shove, they all shoved
So, what the hell is going on
now? Ever since the 2008 election, Republicans have been driven to prevent our
duly elected President from accomplishing anything. All the birther crap and the formation of the
Tea Party is, at its core, simple racism raising its ugly head in a way not
seen since the Civil War. Added to that
issue, we have another—power-seeking. The current Republican leadership has viewed
the Affordable Care Act as equivalent to Medicare and even Social Security. Those programs they hate because of their success.
The worst nightmare for Republicans is
that the ACA might succeed. So, to prevent such an eventuality, they have
committed themselves to its destruction. Think of that. We have 40-50 million
people without adequate access to health care. We are the only Nation in the
industrialized world that does not have universal coverage of its people, and
we have an opposition party committed to preventing such an achievement. They argue that the Government has no business
in health care. That the private sector is more capable of providing such care
and that the government will screw it up. In fact, the private sector has
already dcemonstrated that it is not just incapable, but more to the point,
unwilling to provide a system of universal access to health care. A major part of the problem is that our
current system is employment-based, and our employers have decided to find
ways around the requirement that they support a full employee benefits program.
Some, actually many companies are simply too small to provide such benefits. But then
you have companies such as Wal-Mart who find legal ways around it, like hiring
mostly part-time workers. And then we
have the private insurance companies who keep rigging the system with its
pricing system and its exclusionary clauses, such that people either cannot
gain coverage, or simply cannot afford such coverage. Coverage is so expensive that many young folks
decide to pass on obtaining health insurance. They reason that they are young
and healthy and can afford to risk going naked.
But those folks are: 1) ignorant of the actual costs of a health care
emergency --$25,000 to $50,000 for a single event is not uncommon; and 2) they
are assuming that, if they get desperately ill, requiring hospitalization, they
can go to the Emergency Room and they will be admitted and someone else will
pay the bill. Partly that’s true, but
partly it is also a fairy tale.
So, what needs to happen?
Well, first, the American
people need to awaken to the rampant racism now alive and virulent within our
Nation. Racism is a poisonous condition—it is alive and well in the Middle East
and responds often in mass deaths. Such an outcome seems unlikely here, but it
is possible. The Civil War, and many decades of lynchings and KKK violence are
our experience base. So, the public must
awaken itself to the very real risks within our Nation, risks that may well
exceed the risks from outside terrorists.
One way to counter those risks is by voting, something current
Republicans seem intent on inhibiting, through their attempts at limiting the
rights of democrats to vote. So,
democratic voters need to move past those road blocks and vote. Remember, it’s
important. Annoy a Republican—VOTE.
But this all leads me back to
one of my earlier blogs—one on the need to maintain balance. What kind of
balance? Well, two kinds. First, we need political balance between republicans
and democrats. Single party control
always eventually leads to tyranny. Second, we need serious balance between
government and commerce. We need a healthy commercial sector because that
produces economic health. But we need a healthy government because that
government can protect us from our own worst instincts.
What I said then was in the
form of an open letter to our incoming President Obama. It read:
“President Obama, we must stand for balance in everything we do.
In economic matters, extremes do not work. Under Bush, we
shifted dangerously in the direction of a fascist state—that is, a state in
which private owners of businesses dictate government policies. The inevitable
result is Enron, et al, as well as the collapsed financial system. We have been
drifting in that direction for quite some time now, even under Clinton.
Everyone has been so concerned with government regulation, that they failed to
notice that unregulated business is as dangerous as unchecked government. One
gives you fascism; the other socialism. Private business interests must always
be checked to assure that the public is protected. So too must government
overseers. Balance in everything is the answer. But balance requires mental agility.
The public has little patience—they want the world to operate on autopilot.
They need to be convinced that a world in which competing interests are
balanced is both an efficient world, and a world that is worthy.
We need to pay for what we need. The Republican Party has been,
almost as a matter of policy, fiscally irresponsible. They practice “charge and
spend” politics. We will now have to pay for their profligacy. The public—the
thinking public—needs to understand that we cannot continue on the course they
charted and followed. Mainly the rest of the world will not allow us to
continue on this course. They will simply stop buying our debt and then it will
end, badly. Taxes are the way we pay for our policies. Taxes are neither good nor bad, in the
abstract. They represent the price of operating our country, or, perhaps, the
glue of a civilized society.
Organized religion has become dysfunctional. For reasons I
cannot comprehend, religious leaders have lost their way on matters of
intellectual thought. Science is now being posed as some alternative to
faith—as though people of faith ought to be opposed to rational thought. There
is no conflict and there never was. The public must be convinced that leaders
who find conflict are charlatans interested only in enhancing their personal
power. If God gave us this magnificent universe, God also gave us brains to
ponder its majesty. Those who wish to stop science are trying to return us to
the dark ages, where they ruled through fear. We dare not return there, but
Bush and his coterie of 12th century leaders, opened the door to
religious extremism, with all its fearful consequences.
Terrorism continues to grow, and we currently have no effective
way to check its growth. It is now clear that policies under Bush have been the
growth medium. We are breeding terrorists, and every time we kill innocents,
ten terrorists take their place against us. George Bush was presented with a
golden opportunity, briefly, to resolve the Middle East mess. But he is an
imbecile, and chose this idiotic course of war in Iraq. The Nation has finally
kicked the Neo-Cons out of office, but we now need to reverse their disastrous
We must pursue policies that are aimed at preserving the Earth.
We need to conserve. We need to pursue alternative energy policies. We need to
use economic forces to create a demand for energy-efficiency and energy
independence. Under Bush and Cheney, we have pursued policies promoting
wasteful energy consumption, mainly because he and his advisers represent the
extractive industries. We need to tax wasteful energy consumption, so as to
encourage wiser use of Earth’s limited resources.
We must pursue a policy of economic independence for all our
citizens. During my career, I worked for seven organizations over a 45 year
career. For 20 of those years, I worked for several large and small companies
that contributed nothing beyond Social Security for my retirement. Bush and his
republican allies have attempted on numerous occasions to threaten that
reserve. If indeed we wish to get rid of Social Security, we do not need to
“privatize” it. We need to pass legislation that forces every economic entity
in the country to pay into a portable retirement system. TIAA-CREF comes to
mind—the system used by most universities and non-profits. If the private
sector would begin to live up to its responsibilities by a mandatory
contribution system, we would not need Social Security. Take the system used by
universities and non-profits and replicate it throughout the whole of the
private sector. Do not allow companies to wriggle out by use of part-time
workers. If they employ part-time workers, they still pay full retirement
Similarly, we must pass a system of health care reform. Clinton
had the best opportunity in 50 years and he allowed the Republicans to take it
away. When Republicans used demagoguery
(what health care crisis, they argued disingenuously) we should have used data
to demonstrate that, while republicans do not appear to believe that all
Americans should have access to health care, democrats do. We need a single
payer system. We need to stand up for
what is right here – 40 to 50 million people who have no health care is not
Republicans, with their “no-Child-Left Behind” Act, were
attempting to scuttle public education. We need to begin working with the
states to work on the currently deplorable state of public education. In our
area of North Carolina, they seem comfortable with a drop out rate of 35%. Think of that. We can do better. Indeed, we
are losing ground to the rest of the world, and we are at risk of becoming a
country of stupid people.
We must examine carefully the structure of government. The
creation of the Department of Homeland Security was an absurd idea—a solution
in search of a problem. Think of it. The CIA and the FBI wouldn’t communicate
and were demonstrably inept, so we forced the Coast Guard, FEMA, and the rest
to become one entity. An idea only a truly stupid person could embrace. Structure is not the answer when the problem
is an absence of thoughtful consideration of available evidence. It is possible
that Mr. Bush could have, indeed should have anticipated 911. He still needs to
answer for that failure on his watch. New structures might be required, but
Homeland Security and the Patriot Act are not answers to any problem we
currently have.
President Obama, you
have an opportunity to articulate a new vision of America, one that includes
openness, an embrace of democracy through peaceful means, and an impassioned
defense of rational policies that seek to better this once-proud nation and
indeed the entire world. It is well to remember that societies will be judged
ultimately by their treatment of those less fortunates who cannot care for
themselves. We stand for that principle
against the forces of darkness unleashed by the neo-cons and the Bush
Our continued existence
as a free society may now be in your hands. Do not waste this opportunity.
There may not be another.”