Wow, it’s really interesting learning that the North Carolina
GOP is modeling the state’s educational system after that in the great state of
Florida, aka the Florida Free Fire Zone, that region where people shoot one
another, just because they can. Here
they are trying desperately to kill off the public schooling system (you know,
that system that created the American Middle Class) and replace it with, guess
what, private charter schools. And the best part is that in charter schools the
teachers don’t even have to be certified. I guess they all get their pedigrees
from the University of Phoenix.
Yeah, the republicans
are really moving smartly to dismantle the state. Maybe they should just
annex it to South Carolina. And the Gubernator tells us that it’s all for our
own good. He said that he wouldn’t change a woman’s access to abortion and
family planning, and he has now imposed a new architecture for clinics that
carry out abortions, such that most of them will doubtless have to close. But,
hey, he’s just protecting the women. And we know he never lies . . . don’t we?
Oh, and that voting rights thingie—you know, where they
restrict voting hours, require voter IDs and restrict where students can vote.
That has nothing to do with limiting voters who might cast a ballot for the
other side. Nope, it’s protecting us from voter fraud. We have virtually no
such fraud, but hey, you can’t be too careful.
And then there’s their views about national health insurance
and protecting the ability of poor folks to gain access to our health care
system. Well, that apparently just sounds too much like communism for their
liking, and you can’t have that.
Oh and then we have Congressional Neo-Cons who are busily
trying to eliminate SNAP, or the food stamp program. Yeah, can’t have all those
poor folks scarfing up all the Stolle Vodka and Beluga Caviar on the public
dole can we? So, they’re putting a stop to all that “Liberal Largess” as
readers of the Charlotte Observer often put it.
I wonder if they have given any thought to stopping the folks on welfare
from buying their 500 class BMW’s from their overly generous welfare checks.
Must have them check up on that scandal.