What to make of The Donald and his quest for power and
admiration? Perhaps the most amusing of the many theories about the Donald’s
quest is that he is part of a Hillary-inspired campaign to wrest the powers of
government away from the Republicans after eight long years of Democratic
rule. At first blush, it has some
plausibility. Donald persuaded to join Hillary in a mock Presidential quest, in
which he would pretend to be crazier than he actually is in order to allow
Hillary an easier win. The main problem with that is that he actually is as
crazy as he seems. Sarah Palin seems a
model of sanity and intellectual brilliance when compared with The Donald. When people
say, “oh, I love that he says what he thinks, without regard to political
correctness”, they are howling at the moon. He really doesn’t “think” at all it
would seem. He’s like an ADHD baby just learning to talk. He cuts loose with
whatever crosses his mind at that moment, whether it makes any sense or not. He
imagines that he is always making sense, whereas in reality, he is just
babbling stray words.
It has begun to alarm me when I listen to people,
commentators generally, trying to compare what he says with what Hillary
says. Hillary seems to me a normal politician.
She has some good ideas and some not so good ideas. She sometimes bends the
truth to make herself seem better. And her hubby created for her a world of
crap. Mostly, it would seem, people hate her because Fox News says she is to be
hated. Then, when The Donald called her Crooked Hillary, or Lying Hillary, his
idiotic supporters, all of whom seem to love to hate, adopted that theme. I listened in disbelief when the idiot
Christie put on that performance, calling her “GUILTY”, and then saying that he
was a prosecutor. I wanted to vomit all over him. Christie, for God’s sake.
That Christie, the one who abused his office by inventing the Bridge trauma,
and then lying about it. Yeah, that Christie . . . perhaps the worst governor
in the history of New Jersey.
Still, people look at and listen to The Donald and imagine
that he is somehow on the same planet as Hillary, and that they can be compared.
There really are not two sides here. Trump is not a responsible candidate who
just differs from Hillary in his policy positions. Donald Trump is a dangerous
man, a narcissistic-sociopath, who periodically crosses the line of
psychopathic behavior by suggesting to his crazed followers that violence is ok
with him, even to calling out to his gunners (that Second Amendment crowd)
suggesting that “action” could be taken by them should Hillary get elected.
Trump is in a class by himself. It occurs to me that his
wife and children must be viewing his behavior with some considerable alarm.
They must surely have observed his craziness in the past. They above all other
viewers must understand that he is now a danger to the world, should the
unlikely occur. It is, it seems to me, time for his family to call it all off,
and to corner him in a room in his big house, and just lock him in until they
can get the friendly neighborhood shrink to come over and administer some
serious antipsychotic medication. He
needs to be: a) institutionalized, and b) on very serious medication. This would be for his own good, for the good of
his family, but mainly, for the safety of the only world we have. He needs to
be removed from his current playground.
And then, someone needs to reinvent the Republican Party. Declare the current entity bankrupt, and begin
anew to conceive of a party that supports free enterprise, but with limits, and
a party that has a brand new moral compass that declares all of its citizens as
worthy of protection from the forces of evil that have been let loose by Trump,
and his ally Fox News.
We need to begin anew.
The time is NOW.