Managing Effective Organizations
Many people who decry government, really government at all
levels, claim that government is:
Inefficient and therefore a waste of taxpayer
Overly intrusive into the lives of ordinary
citizens; and
Ineffective, i.e., they never achieve their
stated goals.
So, these voter-folks cast their precious ballots to elect
people who espouse similar views, e.g., the Donald Trumps of the world. And the
Donald Trumps of the world promise to reduce the size of government, its cost
burden, and simultaneously, to make government work for all citizens.
Permit me to clarify my own views and how those views were
formed; During my approximately 60 year working career, I worked for:
large for-profit corporations—Firestone Guided
Missile Division and Lockheed Missiles and Space Company as an engineer working
on nuclear missile design and development;
small-medium for-profit companies—management consulting
at Management Systems Corporation and Peat, Marwick, Livingston (now KPMG),
Practical Concepts, Inc., all carrying out program design and evaluation
studies, both on aerospace projects, and later on public health systems;
medium non-profit research at The Urban
Institute, carrying out program evaluation studies;
Large, i.e., Federal, government while
working at the then Department of Health, Education & Welfare under both
Presidents Carter and Reagan, running an evaluation office carrying out
evaluation studies of public programs, mainly health related;
And finally, my own nominally for-profit management
consulting company carrying out studies in strategic planning, and program
One of the many lessons I derived from this long working
experience is that organizational size matters. That is, large, for-profit
corporations resemble large government in many ways. They are equally
bureaucratic, both share the same range of executive competence, both have
dedicated and “casual” employees. So a large corporate entity can be compared
with a federal government agency and you will find many shared characteristics.
There is also, obviously, a relatively large difference
between the for-profit and not-for-profit world of corporate entities. One could say, again obviously, that in one
case the for-profit company seeks to maximize profit as its end game, while the other
seeks to maximize its impact on its mission. That distinction can reveal itself in many
ways, some that we might view as undesirable, as for example when a Donald trump
refuses to pay his contractors and staff,
thereby boosting his bottom line, or when a large banking entity decides to
launder drug monies and establish offshore (i.e., untaxable) accounts for
gangster drug lords.
Now consider the subject of high-level recruitment of
executive staff for these varied organizations. One might assume that rational beings would
always look for the most competent individuals to run organizations of any size,
whether for-profit or other. On average, that assumption proves true, despite
much evidence that we do not always succeed.
Many people believe, for example, that Carly Fiorina was a disaster as
CEO of Hewlett Packard. Some arguably would disagree.
But few will argue openly that we would ever consider hiring
someone who is basically antagonistic to the central mission and purposes of
the entity they would manage. For
example, would you ever hire a global bank CEO who is antagonistic to the
global banking end game? Someone, for example, who believed that global banks
should be broken up because they are simply too large and counterproductive to
world order? I think not.
So, why would we consider hiring people into the highest
levels of government who are antagonistic to the central purposes of the
agencies they will manage?
I am thinking here of Donald Trump’s list of cabinet
appointments. Let’s look at one potential appointee: Betsy Devos to be Cabinet
Secretary of Education. Devos has zero
experience running any large entities and, after inheriting her megamillions,
has served as an advocate for the privatization of the country’s public school
system. Neither she nor her children have ever attended public school and she
advocates for what is called “school choice”, which seems to mean using public
tax monies to finance private schools which are then largely unaccountable to the public. According to Wikipedia:
“DeVos is a
member of the Republican Party known for
her advocacy of school choice, voucher
programs, and ties to the Reformed Christian community. She was Republican National Committeewoman for
Michigan from 1992 to 1997 and served as chairwoman of the Michigan Republican
Party from 1996 to 2000, with reelection to the post in 2003. DeVos has been a
defender of the Detroit charter school system and she is a member of the board
of the Foundation for Excellence in
Education. She has served as chairwoman of the board of Alliance for School Choice and heads the
All Children Matter PAC. DeVos is married to Dick DeVos,
the former CEO of multi-level marketing company Amway, and is the
daughter-in-law of billionaire and Amway co-founder Richard DeVos.
Her brother, Erik Prince, a former U.S. Navy
SEAL officer, is the founder of Blackwater
One can argue
whether charter schools have been successful or not, and there is some
considerable evidence they have been less than compelling, but it still seems
at best odd that we would want Mrs. Devos to run a public education system with
which she fundamentally disagrees. She
is a contradiction in terms as a Department of Education CEO.
Clearly, our
elected representatives need to eliminate Mrs. Devos as a candidate for that
position. Our children need and deserve an advocate for high quality,
publically accountable, public education.