A friend said to me recently, in response to an e-mail from
me, that she was “on a news blackout”. Instead of listening to NPR while
preparing dinner, she was listening to a piece by Liszt. And I thought, hmmm, a
news blackout. Maybe we should all do a news blackout for part of the day every
And we listen to NPR, not Fox News. We get our news from NPR
and from our e-mail sources: the BBC, the A(Australian)BC, the C(Canadian)BC,
The Guardian, the NY Times (until they cut me off each month because we no
longer subscribe), The Conversation, and then a long list of either political
(MoveON) or science (LiveScience) sources.
We no longer watch TV news of any kind, and have never watched, except
as a joke, Fox News, the Faux News network.
Actually, we do technically watch pieces of Fox News, as they appear
regularly on the late night comedy shows. They are surely a joke as a news
service, but the joke may be on us, as they are slowly destroying the comity
that is vital to a civilized, if pluralistic society.
We are not one people under God, or under anyone or
anything. We are collections of folks who live in isolated communities bound
together loosely by what we have come to think of as common rules of civilized
societies. Although we may differ
politically, socially, and in our relative belief in the God thing, we have,
until recently, been bound together by our belief in our Nation State. That belief fell apart during the 1860s when
the South rebelled and attacked that Nation State, in an attempt to become free
of the nation State, so as to better pursue their belief in the superiority of
the White Man, and their need to hold Black people under a system of slavery.
Happily, that effort failed and the Southern rebels were
subdued, leading to the elimination of the formal system of slavery.
But despite that loss, the underlying belief in the
superiority of the White Man, over any/all “Colored” people never disappeared.
Racism, per se, perhaps went into our collective closets. It has remained as the dominant separation
belief. Oddly (at least for me), organized religion has never been successful
at eliminating, or even moderating this corrosive belief system. But racism is not the only divide in our nation.
Surely the God thing more divides than binds our people, and
that divide grows almost daily. The Catholic Church surely didn’t help to unite
us when they knowingly ignored evidence of ghastly priestly behavior towards the
common folk-mainly through raping children.
But many of the other churches strive to divide through their rhetoric—it’s
“My Way or the Highway” as their main message. They hate Gays, Women surely,
and sex (for their opposition to birth control and abortion is simply their way
of exercising their opposition to sex, when it isn’t aimed at child production).
But they don’t really argue to convince. They argue to subdue. So churches everywhere have become engines of
national division.
Oddly, at least to me, we have a serious element of division
related to health care, one which I have trouble fathoming. Why would any group
of Americans oppose universal health care? We are virtually the only
industrialized nation on earth without universal health care. The former head
of the UN—Ban Ki-Moon – recently decided that the US health care system is
immoral –In an interview with the Guardian, Ban called the U.S. government’s failure to provide health
coverage to its citizens “unethical” and “politically wrong, morally wrong.”. I assume
our failure to do so is all about the money. The insurance and drug companies
make more money with the current system than they would under a universal
health care system, regulated by our government. And when money matters, money
talks, very loudly. And when money talks, the republic party listens.
There is another element dividing us, and it relates partly to the
health care issue. Folks in this country are divided by the idea of government
regulation. Well, perhaps it is government itself that divides us, but it is
the ability of government to regulate our behavior that seems to matter. And why are ordinary folks opposed to
government, or to government regulation?
Well, mainly because groups such as Fox News tells them that government
in general and government regulation in particular is bad for us—all of us.
People listen to Fox News decry government and regulations and they believe the
lies that Fox tells on a regular basis. And why does Fox lie? Well, because
that’s what they are paid to do. Fox is
really an arm of the corporate world, or of the monied world. And we know that
money talks and talks seriously. I often
become really angry at the Fox talk people—like Hannity and the blond bimbo set,
et al. But I also need to talk myself
down from that position. Hannity, et al, are simply paid actors, mouthing the
lines written for them by Fox writers, and dictated by Fox owners who are
themselves really just fascists. So, it is the Fox owners and upper level
managers we should decry. Getting angry at the idiots on stage is akin to
watching a movie and getting angry at the bad guys in the film. So, just calm down Richard. The real bad guys
are not on screen. It’s the ones behind the screen who are truly bad. Yeah, I know that Hannity is an idiot, but
then so is our president. We apparently prefer idiots to intelligent beings
directing us. And of course, I should, I suppose, have greater patience with
our idiot president, since he is really just an actor (all due apologies to
actual actors everywhere) who needs someone to write his lines. When he writes
his own, his idiocy shouts at us.
The really interesting issue about the “we hate government” folks—the right
wing MAGA-heads—is that they have been convinced by the Fox News people and by
the republicans in general, that, since government is bad, the best approach is
to elect really stupid people into government. Their theory here is that a
government filled with smart people is bad for them because they would be
effective at their job. And a government
filled with stupid people will simply bumble around harmlessly.
The problem with that theory is that it is 100% wrong. We have actually experimented with that theory---think
Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, and now Donald Trump. Reagan and Bush were not smart. We all knew
that. Reagan did a bunch a stuff demonstrating that he was not smart:
He seemed actually to believe in the so-called “Laffer
Curve”, that economic theory that said, if you keep reducing the tax rates, the
amount of revenue generated will keep rising, because the lower tax rates will
stimulate the economy. In fact, what happened when Reagan tried to demonstrate
that theory is that he created the largest deficit in the history of our
nation. Turns out, as you lower tax
rates, you also reduce the tax revenues. Who knew, right??
2. Reagan did
stimulate somethings—mainly racism. With his talk about “welfare queens”
arriving in their big cars to buy food with their food stamps, he opened the
closet doors where we had been storing our nation’s racists. Reagan made it ok
again to be a racist.
Perhaps his greatest triumph, though, was
selling arms to the new Iranian terrorist regime in order to get them to
release their hostages. He then used the resulting money to fund Nicaraguan Contras,
thereby creating havoc in that country. From
referred to as Irangate, Contragate or the Iran–Contra scandal,
was a political scandal in the United States that occurred
during the second term of the Reagan Administration. Senior administration
officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran, which was the
subject of an arms embargo. They hoped, thereby, to fund the Contras in Nicaragua while
at the same time negotiating the release of several U.S. hostages.
Under the Boland Amendment, further funding of the Contras by the
government had been prohibited by Congress.
investigations ensued, including by the U.S. Congress and the
three-person, Reagan-appointed Tower Commission. Neither found any
evidence that President Reagan himself knew of the extent of the multiple
programs. Ultimately the sale of weapons to Iran was not deemed a criminal
offense but charges were brought against five individuals for their support of
the Contras. Those charges, however, were later dropped because the
administration refused to declassify certain documents. The indicted
conspirators faced various lesser charges instead. In the end, fourteen
administration officials were indicted, including then- Secretary of Defense Caspar
Weinberger. Eleven convictions resulted, some of which were vacated on appeal. The
rest of those indicted or convicted were all pardoned in the final days of
the presidency of George H. W. Bush, who had been Vice President at the
time of the affair. The Iran–Contra affair and
the ensuing deception to protect senior administration officials including
President Reagan has been cast as an example of post-truth politics.”
And George W. Bush (aka Shrub)? I guess 911 defines his presidency, but his
actions and their results go well beyond 911. From The Intelligencer:
“If you
want to look kindly on Bush’s presidency, you can fairly say that, while he
deserves significant blame for ignoring warnings of an Al Qaeda strike and the
housing bubble, the disasters of his tenure were not entirely his fault. But
what did he do? His economic policies exacerbated income inequality without
producing prosperity. His massive increase of the structural budget deficit,
which ballooned to over a trillion dollars before President Obama took office,
left the United States less fiscally equipped to respond to the economic crisis
he also left his predecessor. He initiated a costly war on the basis of both
mistaken and deliberately cooked intelligence, and failed to
plan for the postwar period. His policies not only ignored the crises of
climate change and a costly and cruel health insurance system, but made both
much harder to solve.
The failures of Bush’s governing
method — the staffing of hacks and cronies, the disdain for evidence — was
perfectly reflected in the outcomes. The Bush presidency was a full disaster at
home and abroad, and whatever small accomplishments that can be salvaged barely
rate any mention in comparison with the failures. The general reckoning of Bush
is not too harsh. It is too kind.”
25, 2013 -- “Yes, George W. Bush Was a Terrible President,
and No, He Wasn’t Smart” By Jonathan Chait.
And then, finally, we have President Stupidhead. He seems not to
understand almost anything, mainly, we think, because he can’t or won’t read
anything. His policies are increasingly
defined by opposition to the central purpose of whatever agency is at issue. Education?
He appoints Betsy DeVos who seems to hate public education, and herself has no
experience with it. She prefers private schools, although her favorites,
charter schools, show no performance improvement over their public
counterparts. The environment? He
appoints Scott Pruitt who hates the very idea of government regulation. With
their deregulatory zeal, they promise to return us to the good old days of
smoggy days every day. His tax policies
are designed to produce huge deficits. His warlike approach to global economic
development (tariffs are good by definition) promises to reduce the world to a
confrontational economic system. Cooperation is to be avoided at all costs.
But Trump almost defies one’s ability to describe his inanities.
He redefines all previous standards of stupidity in government. Trump actually
promises to reduce our government to a global joke, but a joke that may well
reduce the world to rubble. The jokester, remember, has nuclear weapons at his
disposal. And he seems desperately to
want to become a wartime president.
So, I at least conclude that appointing (or electing) stupid
people into our government is more likely to produce damage than positive
results. What we need, I conclude, is
that we elect people who understand that government is a necessary element in any
human system. I return to something I
wrote a while ago to President Obama. I call it “Balance is Good”: I end with
that thought.
1. In
economic matters, extremes do not work. Under Bush, we shifted dangerously in
the direction of a fascist state—that is, a state in which private owners of
businesses dictate government policies. The inevitable result is Enron, et al,
as well as the collapsed financial system. We have been drifting in that
direction for quite some time now, even under Clinton. Everyone has been so
concerned with government regulation that they failed to notice that
unregulated business is as dangerous as unchecked government. One gives you
fascism; the other socialism. Private business interests must always be checked
to assure that the public is protected. So too must government
overseers. Balance in everything is the answer.
But balance requires mental agility. The public has little
patience—they want the world to operate on autopilot. They need to be convinced
that a world in which competing interests are balanced is both an efficient
world, and a world that is worthy.
2. We
need to pay for what we need. The Republican Party has been, almost as a matter
of policy, fiscally irresponsible. They practice “charge and spend” politics.
We will now have to pay for their profligacy. The public—the thinking
public—needs to understand that we cannot continue on the course they charted
and followed. Mainly the rest of the world will not allow us to continue on
this course. They will simply stop buying our debt and then it will end, badly.
Taxes are the way we pay for our policies. Taxes are neithergood nor
bad, in the abstract. They represent the price of operating our country, or,
perhaps, the glue of a civilized society.
3. We
must pursue policies that are aimed at preserving the Earth. We need to
conserve. We need to pursue alternative energy policies. We need to use
economic forces to create a demand for energy-efficiency and energy
independence. Under Bush and Cheney, we have pursued policies promoting
wasteful energy consumption, mainly because he and his advisers represent the
extractive industries. We need to tax wasteful energy consumption, so as to
encourage wiser use of Earth’s limited resources.
4. We
must pursue a policy of economic independence for all our citizens. During my
career, I worked for seven organizations over a 45 year career. For 20 of those
years, I worked for several large and small companies that contributed nothing
beyond Social Security for my retirement. Bush and his republican allies have
attempted on numerous occasions to threaten that reserve. If indeed we wish to
get rid of Social Security, we do not need to “privatize” it. We need to pass
legislation that forces every economic entity in the country to pay into a
portable retirement system. TIAA-CREF comes to mind—the system used by most
universities and non-profits. If the private sector would begin to live up to
its responsibilities by a mandatory contribution system, we would not need
Social Security. Take the system used by universities and non-profits and
replicate it throughout the whole of the private sector. Do not allow companies
to wriggle out by use of part-time workers. If they employ part-time workers,
they still pay full retirement benefits. Otherwise, leave Social security
5. Republicans,
continue in their zeal to scuttle public education. We need to begin working
with the states to repair the currently deplorable state of public education.
In our area of North Carolina, they seem comfortable with a dropout rate of
35%. Think of that. We can do better. Indeed, we are losing ground
to the rest of the world, and we are at risk of becoming a country of stupid
people. Charter schools, especially for-profit charter schools, and worse, fake
private schools that are on-line, are not an answer.
6. We
must examine carefully the structure of government. The creation of the
Department of Homeland Security was an absurd idea—a solution in search of a
problem. Think of it. The CIA and the FBI wouldn’t communicate and were
demonstrably inept, so we forced the Coast Guard, FEMA, and the rest to become
one entity. An idea only a truly stupid person could
embrace. Structure is not the answer when the problem is an absence
of thoughtful consideration of available evidence.
There were a few other points
that need not be repeated here. What we continue to need is watchful
citizens—citizens who are willing to question both private commercial interests
and public government interests. We all need to stand up and be counted. And
that means we need to vote, regardless of the efforts by the GOP to prevent
folks from voting. If you don’t vote, you will get the government
you deserve.