And so the year drags on into oblivion. Another big stinker
in the years that Trump ruins.
Being of sound mind, but an aging body, I am inclined to
keep hoping for sanity to return to America. But two things keep getting in the
way: Trump and Fox News. Fox News: since I don’t watch Fox News, except through
the lens of a comedian, one might imagine that Fox has no effect on me. But,
because Fox is watched by millions of Americans, most of whom still support
Donald Trump, that affects me.
Because I am old, I have managed to survive through decades
of traumatic events. Think:
The Great Depression:
It began with that crash of the stock market in 1929, well before I was even a
passing thought in Daisy’s mind. But its effects lingered so long and so wide
that it ruined many in our family, who lost most of their limited money during
the 1930’s.
World War II:
yes, I was alive during all of that awful war, although I was barely aware as a
human. I was 7 when the war began and 11 when it ended, old enough to remember
life and events during that time.
The Cold War:
well the shooting had largely stopped, but not the antagonisms, which continued
to grow during that post-war period. It was almost as though the world powers
could not stand peace, and had to act just this side of another suicidal
war. So, despite “peace”, world tensions
continued to grow, along with the rhetoric of war.
Korea: Well, I
guess we had to start shooting somewhere. This was perhaps the first of so many
proxy wars. And what is a proxy war? Well, instead of shooting and bombing your
enemies directly, you make believe by instead shooting and bombing people in
another land, pretending to be shooting and bombing your enemies directly. It’s
slightly less dangerous, unless you live in one of those “proxy countries”.
Korea was one of the proxy countries. And we shot up the place pretty
vigorously, until we decided to just call it off for a while.
Vietnam: we had
relatively minor skirmishes until about 1968. We had been fooling around a lot
in places like Eastern Europe . . . remember that Berlin Wall thing in 1949??
But largely, the guns remained silent, until . . . until what? Well, that Cold War might have remained
relatively quiet on the guns blazing thing, but the competition to gobble up
space and allies never even remotely ceased. The “West” (us) and the “East”
(Russia and China) spread their respective wings by forging “allies” (countries
who thought like them, or countries that could be purchased through gun
diplomacy). Throughout Asia, the
competition was especially intense, with China routinely flexing its muscles,
supported vaguely by Russia. And, so first Korea, and then Southeast Asia,
specifically Vietnam, Cambodia, et, al. And so, after JFK had been shot and killed by
an idiot armed and stupid, LBJ had to take over the reins. And then that
incident. Was one of our warships stationed in the Gulf of Tonkin attacked, or
did we just fake that attack? Who knows? It seemed not to matter, because it
was the designated trigger. Now, to be fair, we had
been supporting South Vietnam since at least 1954, with Eisenhower’s full
support in his zeal to fight the good fight in that Cold War. But we hadn’t done much in the way of actual
shooting. Then the Gulf event, and lo and behold, the guns came out blazing. I
assume that LBJ thought, or was persuaded by his generals that the shooting
would cease as soon we demonstrated how big and powerful we were. Wow, were they wrong. So, the shooting began,
big time, and did not quit, despite massive bombing of the north, and even
bombing into neighboring countries, until we decided to just quit in disgust.
Johnson had decided not to run in 1972, and Tricky Dick Nixon swept into power,
along with his republican BFFs. And Tricky Dick also thought he could win by muscle flexing. Alas, he was as wrong as Johnson, and so,
Nixon just quit and walked away—March 29, 1973 I believe. Many now classify that even as the first time
the US was actually defeated in a war.
We called it an “armistice”, like the ending of WW I. But we simply
failed to gain victory, and our guns were pulled out of the conflict.
The Middle East Mess:
When did that mess begin? Well, some might say it has always been a mess. For
hundreds of years, the mess was contained by one or more dictatorial regimes,
mostly kings. Afghanistan is a great example. That country has always been
controlled by kings, or “warlords”. The Brits, after “invading” India sometime
in the 1600’s, first under the guise of the East India Trading Company and then
via proper military rule during the 1700s and 1800s, decided to “subdue” the
surrounding countrysides—Burma, Afghanistan. They periodically sent forth armed
missions. They worked at it for a while but then gave up in the mid-1840s. Then, the Russians decided they would like to
own Afghanistan, if for no other reason than to sit atop part of the olde
British Empire. So, during the late
1970s, they invaded Afghanistan. The
Brits and the Americans began resisting, even to arming and creating the Taliban, but mainly the locals resisted and a
full scale armed resistance began fighting the Russians (Soviets actually),
creating the Russian Vietnam War, with similar results. Finally, after almost
ten years, and chaos throughout the Soviet Union, the Russians quit, as we had done
in Vietnam, leaving an even bigger mess in Afghanistan than before they began. Now, 1979 also revealed the mess in Iran, with
the overthrow of the Shah (our BFF) by the religious tyrant, the Ayatollah
Khomeini. Poor Jimmy Carter, tried to overcome, but Saint Ronald of Reagan
began working his magic backstage in Iran, and arranged a trade of hostages for
super arms. Ronnie never minded doing bidness with tyrants. Turns out it’s a republican
thing—see Donald Trump. So, the mess continued throughout the Middle East, with
tyrannical regimes taking hold, lots of fighting, and just an ongoing, very
bloody mess.
And then 9/11—with
the bombing of American cities by Saudi’s residing in Afghanistan. And that
really set off the shooting throughout the Middle East, from Afghanistan all
the way into the proper Middle East. The Saudi’s, of course, kept on their
white gloves throughout—turns out we liked their oil too much, so we tolerated
the gross hypocrisy of the Saudi kings. And then we elected one of our dumber
presidents, Bush junior, aka Shrub. Since Daddy had failed in his quest to take
over Iraq (actually he succeeded by kicking Sadaam in the ass, but junior didn’t
understand that). So, junior decided to
go Daddy one step beyond, and actually invaded Iraq, thereby setting off the
entire Middle East mess, that continues to this day. The Taliban grew, ISIS
began, and the Middle East simply fell apart into a killing field that
continues to this day. And President Stupidhead’s decision to retreat in Iraq,
by removing all troops is just another in a long line of presidential stupidities
about the Middle East.
But even given all these traumatic messes, for the most part
we have had presidential leadership that was at least sane. Yes, I disagreed
with many of our presidents, specifically, Nixon, Reagan, and Bush junior. But
not all the time, about everything. I
even worked for a time under Reagan, and found him exhausting. But again, not
all the time every day, every minute.
With Trump, he exhausts me daily. Every time I read about him, or listen
to him, I am exhausted with the sheer stupidity of his utterances. He cannot write, I understand that. So, his
moronic tweets are his only method of pseudo-written communication. In his
tweets, he reveals daily that he does not think and cannot write. I shudder in anticipation every time he
approaches any subject of domestic or, god forbid, global significance. He is utterly exhausting, and he kills any
sense that sanity might some day return to the United States.
Fox News, by acting as his amplifier, simply exacerbates the
basic problem of a President who is perpetually out of control and who cannot
think beyond his penis, or perhaps his empty stomach. But I am growing to understand that the daily
insanity is his world. It surrounds him and has for his entire life. Why/how anyone
could tolerate him at work or in his private family life is beyond me. It is
clear why he is on wife #3, and why he has destroyed that third relationship.
It is clear why he has destroyed multiple businesses, and that he engages
routinely in scams—see Trump University. But really, almost everything he
touches turns into a scam of some kind.
But, even given Fox’s role in perpetuating his crooked
image, and forcing him onto the world of otherwise sane people, I confess to
not understanding most of his supporters. When he said, way back when, that he
could walk out onto 5th Avenue, pull out a gun and shoot someone,
and his support numbers would go up, I now believe him, but without any understanding
of why that should be. That is what troubles me. Why would his numbers go up?
And how does he manage to remain at 38% approval? What in heavens name does he
give his supporters? He’s a scam, way
worse than Bernie Madoff. His tariffs are destroying any sanity in the world of
economics, and he continues to walk away from our global responsibilities. His border wall thing is the stuff of
childhood tantrums, bearing no relationship to anything real. Even if you are a
racist, you surely could not believe in the Wall.
That’s what drives me nuts. People, grown Americans, still
support him. That seems nuts to me. I understand that most of his supporters
are racist, but surely even they could not be getting enough of his daily
stupidities to still support him.
And finally, I am drawn to the awful prospect that his
supporters love him because they are like him—racist, unthinking, uncaring,
bitter people who just want to blow things up. They don’t want our country to
return to sanity and a civil course of national actions. They like hating “the
other”. And they especially hate the “elites” (anyone not like them). So, they will continue forever following him
until he actually manages to destroy everything. And then they will laugh, just before they
And that thought depresses me, as I enter my 46th
39th year of existence. How could this be? I don’t know Richard, but
it is. And so, I have to continue to hope that the rest, the young, the
restless, the thoughtful, may re-enter public life. And that sanity might
someday to return and the Trumpies will go back into our collective national closets,
from whence they came. And how will this
happen? Well, voting in massive numbers comes to mind. Voting in such large
numbers that even threats of voter fraud from the republicans cannot quiet the
vote. And even idiots in our courts like Kavanaugh, cannot withstand the logic
and the fervor of America, as it seeks to return to an honest, caring civil
society. So, that is my hope for America, for 2019 and beyond. Even if I don’t
make it out there, that we will continue as a Nation of mostly honest people, and we
will return to the world from whence we ran away. So, be kind 2019. We must prepare
ourselves to reclaim our destiny.