It’s tough these days reading that day’s news. I opened a NY Times article about their new Mayor, Eric Adams. Formerly the Brooklyn Borough president, Adams seems bent on becoming the Clarence Thomas of Urban Mayors. He has recently appointed people to leading positions who are fundamentally anti-LGBTQ, and one of his close BFFs seems connected with QAnon. Nice, huh?? This from the mayor of New York City for God’s sake.
Oh, and then there’s that Ukraine thing, where Vlad the
Impaler has now launched his long promised invasion of Ukraine, preceded by a
declaration that two of Ukraine’s provinces are actually independent, and maybe
even part of Russia. Makes me wonder when Vlad will declare other states part
of Russia. Poland, Hungary,
Czechoslovakia?? Scandinavia BEWARE.
Vlad apparently yearns for the good old days when the USSR saw the world
as its oyster. He, like Donald Trump,
really wants to be King Vlad.
But then, back at home, we have the Governor of Texas (VladLand), who
recently has created legislation making it illegal for Transkids to compete in
athletics in any capacity other than the gender to which they were born. Yeah,
you go Abbott. Another Vlad in the making. And this is on top of Texas’ law
banning abortion, where he basically puts a price on any activity connected
with providing or supporting abortions. Giving directions to an Uber driver who
is driving a woman in search of an abortion? On your head. Pay up Dude. The sheer stupidity and nastiness of Texas beggar’s
And that makes me wonder, when will we see the end to
America? What might be the signals?
Taxes – the fact that billionaires might pay less tax than
ordinary middle class folks seems a biggie. Republicans are constantly seeking
to increase taxes on the Middle Classes and decrease taxes on the Uberwealthy—what
happens when you are paid serfs of the Rich.
Voting – Republican states are all seeking to make it more
difficult for ordinary folks to vote. They really hate it when ordinary people
vote Democrat. But increasingly, they seem to just not like voting period. They
realize they can’t come out and just say it—“Stop Voting people, we Hate it
when people vote!” So, instead they are making it increasingly difficult for
ordinary folks to vote. Now voting is a
bedrock principle of our democracy. So voting seems a biggie. If we can’t vote,
then how do we operate a democracy? Well, maybe we don’t. Maybe, instead, we just give up and allow the
current crop of pseudo-legislators to stay in office. And maybe we just give them different titles,
you know, like, Hmmm, Barons, or Dukes, or even Princes. Yeah, Princes. That
would be nice. Prince Abbott. And The
Donald would of course be King Donald I.
And Ivanka would become the Queen Consort—Melania would be banished to MaraLago.
She is so last century.
Military – Our Military is among the finest in the world.
They have kept our nation free of POS like Vlad the Impaler (remember Adolph??
Vlad loved Adolph). So, I begin
wondering how the republicans, after they assume control, will move to convert
our Military to a force that now monitors Domestic affairs. Yeah, right after we “Defund the Police” we
will need a replacement. And what better than the 101st Airborne
Division? So, a really good signal that
the end (of America) is near, would be that the republicans take over control
of the entire military, and convert it into a Domestic force.
Freedom of Religion – see, whereas an increasing number of
Americans want this concept to be “Freedom FROM Religion” our right-wing
republicans want to merge Christianity with Government. All Government laws and regulations should
represent good Christian Values –you know, like Banning abortions and all Trans
folks from existing. And each and every
Sunday, all good citizens would have to attend the Christian Church of their
heart’s desire and contribute some mandatory dollar support to that church’s
coffers. And then I guess we would see a
scrambling among the Jerry Falwell’s, and Frankie Graham’s of our world to
determine who gets the big job, you know The RepubliPope of America. Won’t that be nice??
Books and Banning – Maybe instead of these tiresome Book
Banning parades, we might see a Federal law passed that requires all books,
before they are published, to receive a Seal of the Happy PillowGuy’s Approval.
And all existing books would have to show a similar seal before they could be
sold. Wouldn’t that be great??? See, then we would all be free of those tiresome
books suggesting a catastrophic Climate Future, or describing all those fake
news stories about slavery in America, or really any form of racial bigotry.
See, we know such things do not exist in our WonderLand, so why would we allow
books to counter that reality?? Think
how happy our schoolkids would be without all that conflict.
Fake News Banned – so much Fake News, so little time. Where
will it all end? So, maybe a good start would be to introduce new
laws/regulations that prevent any news outlets from broadcasting negative or “Fake”
news. So, perhaps like the Book Czar, we would need to create a Public News
Czar who would oversee all news programs and news staffing to ensure that all
received a Seal of Approval from the Czar, maybe Tucker Carlson, or Laura
Whatshername could be the first Czar/Czarina. Gradually, I imagine we would only need one
such outlet. I mean, who needs competing News sources, right???
So, there is a decent beginning of the end of America. If
you see such things beginning to occur, you can rush to support their
continuation. You likely by then will
not be able to VOTE, but voting was such a hassle anyway, right? I mean, reading those endless ballots, trying
to decide among competing claims as to who would be the biggest idiot in office.
That was just too tiresome, right? So, if
you notice such changes, I guess you should invite your neighbor in for a nice glass
of wine, assuming the neighbor is the “right” kind of person don’t you know.
So, Ta ta for now. And if the Sun is going down near you,
then Night Night, and Don’t let the Bedbugs Bite is my best advice.