Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Climate Changing

With this last storm that battered the NC mountains, especially Asheville, I now think maybe we have passed a point of no return on Cataclysmic Climate Change. So maybe we are all looking at the end of our earthly existence. Humankind could be at its end, mainly because 50+ years ago, we ignored the signs of global climate change. And having ignored those warning signs, as Humans are wont to do, we now may be out of options to fix anything. 

I know, I know, this Administration and others past and present continue to pretend that we can still act so as to preserve the Earth. But I wonder if that moment is past.  I am not sure how close to that precipice we are, or whether we are, in fact, already over the cliff and now sailing towards our last crash. I also have no information on what steps other Nations are taking to work on this issue. This is not, after all, an American problem. It is a Global Earthly problem, and every human on the planet is or will be affected. Therefore, all Humans are involved in any solutions, to the extent any remain.

Perhaps we now need an examination of our Global status, and the probability of any solutions fixing the problem. Are we in fact, beyond solving the problem? If so, what should we be doing to ease the coming increased deaths from Climate Catastrophes?

I think maybe this topic should be Number One in any political discussion, and Number One on any upcoming United Nations summit discussions.  If this world is heading into cataclysm, then this goes well beyond America, Canada and the European advanced nations.  We need all nations participating, because all nations are affected.

And maybe this climate mess in which we find ourselves might lead the Humans of this World to at least stop killing one another in Wars of one kind or another. Thinking back to my earliest memories, when I was maybe 5 or 6, War and humans killing humans for whatever reasons seems to dominate my memories.  Maybe we should stop killing one another in order to gain some territory. Instead, we need to put our guns aside and begin thinking about our Global welfare. How can we best keep one another alive, regardless of what language we speak, or what color is our skin?  We are all Earthlings, under attack from within our own planet, but not by other Humans. We --ALL HUMANS--need to make peace with one another, and begin working seriously on solving, to the extent we can, this Global catastrophe. 

Please folks. Stop shooting one another. We need to get together and begin working in common to resolve this issue, before IT resolves us.

We are almost out of time.