Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

I’m thinking of Thanksgiving. Amidst all the turmoil in the nation created by republicans and their corporate owners, I’m still thinking of Thanksgiving. We have lived a long life, and a full one. Happily, that full life continues. It is the Fall of the year 2010. As always, we will share our Thanksgiving table with family and friends. Some birds, many actually, will fill the groaning boards of America. A few, like the champ below, will be spared. He is a handsome dude, and so he needs to be spared. And so he shall.
I have many thoughts this Thanksgiving. Our daughter was diagnosed last Spring with breast cancer. She was treated and is now doing well—one of the fortunate survivors. She also just emerged from a scare—a misdiagnosed heart attack—they thought she was having one. Happily, she was not having one. She is home in the loving arms of her husband. For that we are thankful.
Our other children, and their families—spouses, grandchildren, even great grandchildren are all wonderfully healthy and happy. They grow, each day and change a little each day. But the family tree continues to sprout happiness . . . and that’s a good thing.
And at home, Carol and I continue to live and love together . . . 55 years and counting. So on Thursday, we will celebrate our good fortune, and our family, both near and far, and our chain link of friends hither and yon, scattered about this great globe.
So, to one and all, whether you celebrate Thanksgiving, and however you celebrate this special day, please give thanks for our collective lives and the happiness brought to each of us, every day.
We love you one and all.
Happy Thanksgiving.

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