Dr. Danielle Ofri is a practicing physician, as well as a prolific author. She writes often about medicine and the practice thereof. She recently penned a thoughtful (they always are thoughtful) article about the increasing role money plays in medicine and the delivery of health care. She begins below:
"In mid-January a patient called me from her pharmacy,
frantic. Her asthma inhalers came to $168—a sum that she hadn’t been prepared
for. But she can’t live without those inhalers, so she withdrew cash from her
meager savings account and skipped her blood pressure pills for that month.
This is such a familiar story by now that it hardly makes
news. Yet it is tragic, every single time.
Beyond the fact that it is monstrously cost ineffective, there is
something just plain wrong about it.
Money, of course, cannot be ignored in medicine. But just
because money is a realistic consideration in medicine, doesn’t mean that we
have to blindly accept all the consequences..."
Read her full article here:
I often respond to Dr. Ofri, because I find her articles both stimulating and thought-provoking. My response is as follows:
You are correct when you assert that earning money is not in
itself an evil thing. But it is that same old saw, “guns don’t kill people,
people kill people.” And I could add, “Alcohol doesn't kill people, people with
too much alcohol kill people.”
Why do these three things all say the same thing? Because
excess is itself a bad thing. Is big
bad? Well no, but too big is bad. When
an entity, a bank for example, becomes “too big to fail”, then it must be judged
too big to exist and should be broken up.
Money in the medical system is not in and of itself bad, but
in the pursuit of more and more money, the chase begins to crowd out the
central purpose of the system. As money
begins to dominate any system, the other relevant criteria of “goodness” are
moved aside. We understand that corporations exist to earn money, and that
means drug companies, insurance companies, medical device manufacturers,
hospitals, and, even medical practitioners.
They all wish to make money. Yet,
in this vast system, if the health and well-being of people—patients—in the
system becomes lost, a casualty of the financial aspects, then the entire
system becomes meaningless. That is when money becomes the central evil—when it
drives out the main purpose of any system.
In health care, the central purpose of the system is to maintain a full
population at its expected state of health and well-being. When folks are trading off one element of the
system –say drugs to control blood pressure—in order to obtain and use another
element—say asthma medication, then that system is by definition operating
But I should add at this point that all of our systems in
this country have moved in that direction. We are trading off optimal
performance in order to either reduce cost, or increase income/profits. You can
observe this phenomenon in system after system. In the broad range of consumer
products, by shifting to a single criterion—cost—we have opted for a consumer
product system in which we produce garbage in China for sale in America,
regardless of the consequences in terms of performance. Quality in this system
is no longer a relevant criterion. Reliability is nearly irrelevant.
In perhaps the most egregious example of this phenomenon,
Banking, the pursuit of ever greater profit margins and ever greater CEO
salaries and bonuses, we have produced an almost completely useless system that
operates at the “out-of-control” stage almost continually.
In Education, we have begun to dismantle a system that has
worked reasonably well over a very long time period, and we are shifting to
systems that, not only do not work as well, but almost by definition are
seriously flawed systems, because they favor money over performance. In that system, we have begun to rid ourselves
of the task of educating our population. Why? Because it costs money, and, not
coincidentally, it produces a population capable of thinking and potentially
rejecting the politicians who favor money over performance.
And so it goes. Money has become not merely the most
important criterion in our systems, but is closing in on becoming the sole
criterion, with all other criteria being relegated to nominal performance
And the saddest part? This has been happening with
relatively little outrage on the part of the affected population. We are all sitting around, sucking our
collective thumbs, while distracting ourselves with video games, Facebook, Twitter,
and March Madness. Meanwhile, the 0.1%
continue to acquire all the available money in the world, while we sink into a
morass of our own making.
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