The Art of War, Sun Tzu is often quoted: “Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand
battles, a thousand victories.
this past year, we have been able to observe both sides of the debate regarding
the Confederate flag, flown frequently throughout the South. Mostly, we observe
that flag on license plates and bumper stickers. The raging arguments that
occurred publically mostly concerned flying the flag on public, often
statehouse grounds. Following the racist shootings by Dylann Roof at an Emanuel
African Methodist Church in Charleston, the flag arguments became open and
vocal, with protests mounted to take down the flags.
The standard southern response to the outrage surrounding
the flag has always been . . . oh the flag has nothing to do with racism; it
simply is a symbol of southern heritage. But that line of argument has little
basis in fact. The Confederate battle flag represented the southern rebellious
armies. And what were those armies attempting to achieve? They were after the
secession of southern states from the Union that would allow a new federation
to be constituted. And in what way would that southern federation differ from
its northern cousin? Why slavery, of course, because slavery was at the heart
of the Civil War.
So, if the flag symbolizing a protest movement to retain
slavery, it then follows that the symbol of the armies so engaged—the Confederate
flag—is in fact a symbol concerning racism, the underlying core of slavery.
Having said all that—it has all been said before I
realize—I come back to my original thought—“know thy enemy”. Setting aside the issue of flying such racist
symbols over public properties, I have now concluded that folks who display
that symbol on their property are in fact announcing to the rest of us that
they are openly racists. It is equivalent to someone flying the Swastika over
their home, signaling that Nazi’s reside therein. Recently, I came around a corner in downtown
Concord, and saw this image.
At first, I thought, oh you little . . . .. But then I
thought, well, this display provides the rest of our community with valuable
information—the family living therein is telling all of us that racists reside
there and we should act toward them accordingly. It is all in the best tradition of Sun Tzu’s
“know thy enemy”.
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