So, now, the infamous Republican Tax Bill has passed and
will become law. We know President Stupidhead will sign it, because it benefits
him and his family, and because he cares not one whiffle about anyone else. He
does not care, nor has he ever cared.
But when Senator Chuck Grassley from Iowa writes this view, we know no
one in that party of kleptocrats cares:
“I think not having the estate tax recognizes
the people that are investing… as opposed to those that are just spending every
darn penny they have, whether it’s on booze or women or movies.”
Many people are speculating what
this disastrous tax bill will do for the future of the Republican Party. It is said that the rich owners of the party
would not allow their politicians to escape without gifting this bit of
largesse to the owners, and that they would withdraw support, should the party
leaders fail to obey their orders.
But what of ordinary folks? How will
they respond once they see what is actually in this pile of horseshit? Well, it
is said that the supporters of our disaster called a President will continue
supporting anything this creature proposes. There is something of a religion
about this relationship between Trump and his supporters. They ignore any and
all facts.
- He is a compleat narcissist. We
don’t care.
- He is a sexual predator. We don’t
- He is a businessman. Yes, we love
him for that.
- But he is almost completely
unsuccessful as a businessman. We don’t care.
- He knows nothing. We don’t care.
- He has failed at his marriages. We
don’t care.
And the list goes on and on. The
Evangelicals love him, warts and all. They are revealed to have no ethical or
moral standards at all.
How did this happen, though? Have
his supporters always lacked moral or ethical standards? Or is this like the
Catholic Church scandals, where we all knew, but no one was allowed to speak of
it? Bad form, don’t you know. It’s called compartmentalization.
It is said that the issue of ethics
or morality is not really the point. That his supporters really just hate (take
your pick):
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Poor people
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Young people
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Old people
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Blacks (or more
to the point, anyone not “white”)
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Anyone not
within their church (community, neighborhood, state, whatever)
In particular, his supporters appear to think that
Government really is the enemy of their particular group, and that Government
gives their hard-earned tax dollars to those wastrel peasants, who are sitting
at home drinking booze instead of working hard at their jobs, like they are (or
like they want to be).
There is a class consciousness at work in this country,
promoted, I think, by the wealthy right-wing, asserting that they, the very
wealthy, are the ones who built (or sustain, or create) the Nation and that
there are millions who simply sit on their asses and collect Government
largesse, and that it is now time that should end. They declare that welfare should end,
government supported health care should end. Abortions should be illegal.
Immigration should be stopped, except for the folks who come from (name your
Government should get out of their lives, except for:
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Garbage Men
- Well, maybe the firemen too. Wouldn’t want my estate house
to burn down, would we?
So, what does that have to do with Trump and his supporters?
Well, Trump basically said that Government sucks and that he would get that
awful creature off their backs. He never
said how he would do that, mainly because he hasn’t a clue how to do
anything. He simply mouths crap that he
thinks will draw applause. Then he goes
on to the next applause line. He has never
actually had to do anything, well aside from having sex with his various female
partners, so as to produce his offspring.
Aside from those acts, someone else has always had to “DO” things for
him. I still imagine someone else attending class for him, in his name. Maybe
that didn’t actually happen, but it seems right to me . . . maybe the only way
I can imagine him actually obtaining a college degree—well, even a high school
See, he doesn’t ever actually mean anything he says. He just
says things, as I say, to draw applause.
So, when he says he wants to “make America great again”, he
doesn’t know what that means. I wonder what he would say were he to be asked, “when
was America last GREAT, Donald?”
But his followers seem not to notice that he doesn’t
actually know how to do anything. Perhaps
they don’t care. So long as he stops whoever they see as “The Government” from
operating (screwing them). And if were to be pointed out that the folks doing
the screwing are actually The Donald, his banker friends, and his other monied
buddies, they would yell and scream NO.
They “compartmentalize”.
Exactly how and why folks became able to so compartmentalize
their thinking remains a bit of a mystery to me. Sherlock, where are you, we
need you now desperately. Perhaps it is simply the thinking process of lazy
people. They want simple answers, even when there are no simple answers. I wrote a while ago about the need to achieve
balance in the world. I said:
I. In economic
matters, extremes do not work. Under Bush, we shifted dangerously in the
direction of a fascist state—that is, a state in which private owners of
businesses dictate government policies. The inevitable result is Enron, et al,
as well as the collapsed financial system. We have been drifting in that
direction for quite some time now, even under Clinton. Everyone has been so
concerned with government regulation that they failed to notice that
unregulated business is as dangerous as unchecked government. One gives you
fascism; the other socialism. Private business interests must always be checked
to assure that the public is protected. So too must government overseers.
Balance in everything is the answer. But balance requires mental agility. The
public has little patience—they want the world to operate on autopilot. They
need to be convinced that a world in which competing interests are balanced is
both an efficient world, and a world that is worthy.
2. We need to pay for what we need. The
Republican Party has been, almost as a matter of policy, fiscally
irresponsible. They practice “charge and spend” politics. We will now have to
pay for their profligacy. The public—the thinking public—needs to understand
that we cannot continue on the course they charted and followed. Mainly the
rest of the world will not allow us to continue on this course. They will
simply stop buying our debt and then it will end, badly. Taxes are the way we
pay for our policies. Taxes are neither good nor bad, in the
abstract. They represent the price of operating our country, or, perhaps, the
glue of a civilized society.
3. We must pursue policies that are aimed at
preserving the Earth. We need to conserve. We need to pursue alternative energy
policies. We need to use economic forces to create a demand for
energy-efficiency and energy independence. Under Bush and Cheney, we have pursued
policies promoting wasteful energy consumption, mainly because he and his
advisers represent the extractive industries. We need to tax wasteful energy
consumption, so as to encourage wiser use of Earth’s limited resources.
4. We must pursue a policy of economic
independence for all our citizens. During my career, I worked for seven
organizations over a 45 year career. For 20 of those years, I worked for
several large and small companies that contributed nothing beyond Social
Security for my retirement. Bush and his republican allies have attempted on
numerous occasions to threaten that reserve. If indeed we wish to get rid of
Social Security, we do not need to “privatize” it. We need to pass legislation
that forces every economic entity in the country to pay into a portable
retirement system. TIAA-CREF comes to mind—the system used by most universities
and non-profits. If the private sector would begin to live up to its
responsibilities by a mandatory contribution system, we would not need Social Security.
Take the system used by universities and non-profits and replicate it
throughout the whole of the private sector. Do not allow companies to wriggle
out by use of part-time workers. If they employ part-time workers, they still
pay full retirement benefits. Otherwise, leave Social security alone.
5. Republicans, continue in their zeal to scuttle
public education. We need to begin working with the states to repair the
currently deplorable state of public education. In our area of North Carolina,
they seem comfortable with a dropout rate of 35%. Think of that. We
can do better. Indeed, we are losing ground to the rest of the world, and we
are at risk of becoming a country of stupid people. Charter schools, especially
for-profit charter schools, and worse, fake private schools that are on-line,
are not an answer.
6. We must examine carefully the structure of
government. The creation of the Department of Homeland Security was an absurd
idea—a solution in search of a problem. Think of it. The CIA and the FBI
wouldn’t communicate and were demonstrably inept, so we forced the Coast Guard,
FEMA, and the rest to become one entity. An idea only a truly stupid person
could embrace. Structure is not the answer when the problem is an
absence of thoughtful consideration of available evidence.
were a few other points that need not be repeated here. What we continue to
need is watchful citizens—citizens who are willing to question both private
commercial interests and public government interests. Corruption is a problem
that will always be with us, so long as we have serious economic imbalances and
so long as we have citizens who are basically dishonest—remember both the
corrupters and the corruptees are dishonest. Both need to be exposed
and punished. It is why, by the way, that we continue to need
whistle-blowers. Transparency is key here, and we definitely do not
have transparent systems in either the public or private realms (thanks again
We all need to stand up and
be counted. And that means we need to vote, regardless of the efforts by the
GOP to prevent folks from voting. If you don’t vote, you will get
the government you deserve.