And so we close out
another year in our now weird normality. Yeah, weird is the new normal. I guess
I really do not understand America any longer. I mean, you would think, after
existing here for some 83 years, I would have some reasonable understanding of
this place I call home. I used to imagine that I was pretty much one
of several norms here. Now, I believe I am on the outer fringe of a new planet
called Exo-Amerika.
A crap star of a crappy TV series about no-talents, in which
the crap star gets to fire the no-talents on the show is now President—tell me again why anyone
on this planet watched that show? And he overcame all of the relatively
experienced politicians in our land to become our President? And he daily demonstrates his incapacity for
even the most minor chores of that job. He doesn’t understand even the most trivial
parts of the Presidency, mainly, I assume, because he apparently cannot read.
And because he cannot read, he is abysmally ignorant.
He uses Twitter because it is a techno-vehicle designed for
people who can neither read nor write. It’s almost as though Twitter was designed
expressly for Donald Trump. And that seems to be his sole communications
vehicle. When he gets up in front of an
audience to speak, he just babbles incoherently.
He embarrasses us almost every hour of every day, to the
point where our various news and pseudo-news (Fox & Friends) people no
longer know how/whether to cover him. But because he is a “reality-TV star”, he
demands daily/hourly TV coverage. It’s
all he really wants, so he keeps doing and saying monumentally stupid things to
get their attention.
And he won’t/can’t change, because it is who he is. He could get worse over time, say depressed
when he begins to understand that even his pseudo-News folks think he’s an
idiot. Then he will likely up the ante—say bomb someplace he doesn’t like
(North Korea anyone??). It’s what we have to look forward to folks. How
inspiring, how uplifting.
But on the positive side, we now understand the good
Christian folks out there in EvangeLand.
There is no longer any surprises there. They clearly are telling us that
they have no moral or ethical principles at all. They are in love with The
Donald and he is as completely amoral as anyone on the planet. So their love
affair tells us everything we need to know about them. Nothing here folks; time to move on.
Perhaps as an antidote, I have begun reading an interesting book about the
evolution of the mind. It is called From
Bacteria to Bach and Back by Daniel Dennett.
It is a bit of a challenge in that it is no ordinary text about evolution. The
author takes issue with almost everyone. Part of the challenge of the book is
that he takes issue, or sides with various “others” while in the act of
explaining his theses. So far, I have not yet advanced enough to summarize his
main argument (I think actually he has too many arguments for me to ever summarize).
So far, I am beginning to imagine that humans are simply one of millions of
entities that are slowly adapting and, in some cases disappearing over millennia.
We are rocks, or moss, or fish, or bacteria, or . . . We think we are more
significant than we are, because it is us.
One reviewer concludes his analysis of the book with this:
he reminds us, is a work in progress. It may die, returning the planet to the
bacteria, or, if human sociality can transcend our current problems, it can
thrive. The future is open.”
So, when I think about The Donald and his minions, I am drawn back
to bacteria. Everyone is trying to
survive, even if at the expense of everything else on this planet. Whether we survive as a species may well
depend on our ability to transcend. But before we can transcend, we must comprehend.
And that Sherlock is our current problem.
Happy New Year Everyone.
See you in 2018 . . . hopefully.
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