Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Stay Sober

I am rapidly passing into some magical land of make believe, in which Donald Trump appears wonderful, and accomplished, and perhaps the best president we have ever had. In one article, David Lynch is quoted as saying that Trump could go down in history as one of the greatest presidents we have ever had. Now, to be fair, Lynch did not really say he was in love with our pseudo-human president. He seemed to have favored Bernie Sanders, but he thinks Trump is the great disrupter. According to Lynch, the current system is simply corrupt and inept, and Trump, by blowing it up, could be making way for an actual fixer president, someone who could get things done in a positive way by being thoughtful and by getting the corrupt system to respond favorably to productive policies (he didn’t allude to what such policies might be).

Nonetheless, the system is so hungry for positive words that the entire Republican machine quoted Lynch favorably, including President Stupidhead via his twitter-feed.  But I do keep reading comments from folks who also maintain that Trump is a grand president, some would say the best we have ever had. Mike, The Veep from the local swamp, is touting 500 days, promises made, promises kept.  I guess Mike is a big fan of incarcerating innocent kids in concentration camps, til they either die, or are fostered out to families who need the money. But Mike seems to be a racist like his Big Daddy Donald, so no surprise there.

And Facebook is full of swamp-dwellers who are always alert to Trump critics, whom they rush to call Libtards, and defame them for being less than generous to our Great Leader. And I keep wondering on what planet we now reside.  Trump now is promoting the idea that he should be able to dispose of the families and the children without being fussed by the Courts, or by lawyers and all that legal mumbo-jumbo. He wants no interference from stuff like our Constitution and our system of laws. Heaven forfend the Law should get in his way.

So, how anyone can continue to imagine that he is praiseworthy is beyond my ken.  But perhaps the David Lynch approach to praise is what is now operating within our general public. That is, the system we had/have is essentially broken, whether through corruption or ineptitude matter little. It is broken. So anyone who comes into our universe as a system disrupter is by definition a good person. I gather that Lynch has no idea whether anyone is sitting in the wings ready to assume the mantle of guardian angel.  That Trump could continue beyond his disrupter phase into a power consolidation phase is apparently beyond Lynch’s current caring envelope. He neither knows, nor presumably cares who/what comes next. So, should Trump remain in power because the Reds refuse to move off stage (because the blue folks don’t vote in sufficient numbers), and, heaven forfend, accept a second term as our president, the worst could be at hand, whatever David Lynch thinks.  Lynch apparently doesn’t think too hard or extend his thinking too far, because it is not really a grand leap to imagine the dismantling of our democratic system of government, and its reformation as a Grand Junta such as we see in that North Korea place, or even that Soviet place.  Democratic systems of government are in a state of siege all over the world, including that wonderful European Union.  Right wing authoritarians are in a state of near euphoria at the prospects of taking over in a number of currently democratic states—Germany comes to mind.

So, I find myself thinking maybe I should emulate Steven Colbert’s words (even if he is only joking) that maybe it is time to begin drinking heavily every evening, just so as to stop thinking about the mess we have created.  But no, that would have been my dear Father’s favorite approach, so surely that cannot be the way forward. I know. How about voting? Well, that’s coming up soon, unless the republicans succeed in placing enough barriers to voting that only republicans are allowed to vote.  That’s their plan by the way. Republicans apparently don’t believe in democracy any more than their Glorious Leader.

So, keep your eyes open folks and your brain active. Republicans and The Donald do not want you to vote at all, unless you agree to vote for him and them.  That’s the plan. So, remain alert, whether you want to or not. Try to stay sober at least part of the day.  And then vote if you are still allowed to. That’s our plan.

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