Saturday, October 20, 2018

Harder and Harder

It is getting harder and harder to conjure up words to convey how I feel about the Trump. I know how difficult it must be for the bank of comedians who strive to capture each day’s inanities. I realize that the comedians can at least just play back stuff he has said, or really any words his administration has uttered. I mean when one listens to Sarah Huckleberry lecture the Press, it’s like listening to “Can You Top This?”

And then there is the bank of Fake News correspondents—you know the CBS, NBC, ABC, NPR/PBS, CNN, BBC, ABC, CBC, The Guardian, NY Times, et al, who have to write for a living and who have a responsibility to those of us who read/listen to these particular Fake News outlets. But I should stop joking here.  We all understand that Fox is the main Fake News Outlet in the world, and all the other outlets continue to at least attempt to bring real news, facts, truth, etc. to the world each day.

But what is becoming even more difficult than listening to the idiot Trump or his idiotic underlings, is listening/reading to the MAGGOT-Heads out there who continue to say, “Trump is the best president we have ever had”. Really . . . they actually say that.  And I keep wondering . . . what ever do they mean? They actually cheer when President Stupidhead says that he admires Congressman Gianforte’s body slamming of a Guardian reporter.  They cheered! Now, how is that possible?

I have thought for some time now that Trump has simply opened the closet doors throughout the land wherein we had stored our crazy, racist uncles.  I mean, St. Ronald of Reagan made it possible again to be a racist in America via his comments on Welfare Queens.  But he at least maintained some coding. Trump cheers them on with his running commentary.  He thinks there are surely some good folks among the Neo-Nazi and KKK crowds out there.  And I keep- wanting to shout . . . “No, you dumb shit, there are no “good folks” within the crowds of Neo-Nazi’s and KKK supporters. They are all domestic terrorists.” They need to be shut down, or locked up, whichever comes first.  We fought actual wars to defeat such nasty little people. Men and women of America died to keep them out of power.  You are not allowed now to cheer them on you little cretin.

But he goes on and on. Each day he commits some new idiocy. Now he is apologizing for his BFF the Crown Prince of that failed autocracy Saudi Arabia.  Or he is telling us that he is “in love” with Kim over there in North Korea—did Kim promise to let him build a new hotel in North Korea I wonder?

On the Saudi debacle, we know that the Saudi’s invited 15 thugs to enter their consulate, just after the reporter arrived. They came equipped with a bone saw, although how we know that is beyond my ken. We appear to believe that they killed the reporter by sawing up his body while he was still alive. Think of that. And then understand that this is an official Saudi Arabia act of terror. They lied about it, and now have invented a fake story about Khashoggi getting into a fight with the 15 thugs, leading to his death.  And apparently the 15 thugs have left town, and have been “arrested” within Saudi Arabia (likely they are being held in a Trump hotel and served smuggled Scotch and some new wines as punishment).

And Trump buys into their explanation—well MBS is his new BFF after all.  I wonder whether Trump will now visit Riyadh and be roomed with some of the prince’s lady friends, where he can pee on some Saudi linens, before getting blowjobs. Or maybe just a new Trump Hotel in Riyadh, or maybe even Mecca.

But, I suspect that in a few days, the murder of Khashoggi will be forgotten because Trump will have created some new bizarre event. I keep waiting actually, for Trump to actually get himself a gun, visit Manhattan, walk to Fifth Avenue and just shoot someone . . . just to test his theory that his poll numbers would increase among his MAGGOT-Head supporters.

See, it is becoming a world of total absurdities. Can You Top This will be the name History applies to his Presidency.  Can we actually survive the Trumps, who seem to represent existential threats to the survival of this once great nation, and perhaps to the globe itself? Short of Trump succumbing to a heart attack, stroke or some other natural threat, to which he is err, perhaps our best hope is for Trump to himself decide that he does not wish to pursue a second term, since he did not really want or expect a first term.  It does seem clear that he does not wish to govern, or perhaps he simply does not understand the governance thing, i.e., what he should be doing to actually serve in the post of US Presidency.  He seems to spend his time playing golf, or campaigning for someone, mostly himself, but secondarily some other MAGGOT-Head.  Mainly, he seems to love this campaigning thing. So, perhaps the best course for this nation is for him to step back from the presidency, and allow the system to select someone else, hopefully some thinking human adult who prefers governance and rational discussions among thoughtful people to warring and insulting other people.

Short of that course, I assume we will be treated to Trump going to war with Iran, or some other unfortunate, hopefully not with Vlad the Impaler, or with the Chinese folks, either of whom could easily annihilate the entire world.

Now, if The People decide to get out and actually vote the current fools out of office (and you know who the fools are, don’t you), that might facilitate the Trump withdrawal thingie.  He might decide he no longer wishes to play if the other side actually possesses some power. So, folks, it’s up to you. Become educated about the political process, learn something about the actual issues and candidates and then go out to vote. It’s the only course for a safe and sane world.  And please, do not go the course of,

Oh, I don’t vote. My vote would not matter, plus I have no idea who I should vote for . . . I mean, you wouldn’t want me to just randomly select candidates, would you, like a dart board?  That was actually told to me by a young woman working at a local restaurant. And I walked away thinking, woman how can you be so lazy, so uneducated, so uncaring? Are you simply that lazy, because your folks did everything for you and now you are simply a useless piece of protoplasm? That is how Donald Trump became our 45th President, you idiot.

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