It’s really amazing. Vladimir Putin must be some smart
bastard to have conceived of placing Donald Trump in our presidency. He’s destroying the country without firing a
single shot. Who would have thought that
was even possible? Every time I turn
around, it seems he has totally destroyed yet another of our government
agencies. What a record—EPA, Education,
FCC, Treasury . . . and the list goes on and on. Sometimes, he destroys them by
placing in charge someone who fundamentally disagrees with the basic mission—like
Betsy DeVos, or Mnuchin, or
Pompeo/Bolton, or Scott Pruitt. But almost as often he has these amazingly dumb
people who are within his stable, folks like Ben Carson (who belies his brain
surgeon background). I figure Ben got his brain surgeon degree at WalMart.
And now, he is acting out the role of a fascist dictator.
Almost everything he has been doing over the past six months is straight out of
the fascist dictator playbook:
· Denigrating the news media, to a point that he
seems to want to destroy them;
Insulting his opponents, and then threatening to
jail them;
Defying Congress, to the point that he seems to
make believe they actually do not even exist;
Placing his relatives in high positions.
And the list goes on and on. He would make Hitler proud. Oh, and although he has not yet placed any of
his hated immigrants in a gas chamber, his policies continue to see folks,
often little folks, die in his custody.
And his supporters just continue to back him to the
hilt. They are almost as amazing as
Vlad’s move to place him in the job. I guess the MAGAHeads also approve of
selling the country to the Russians. They never say anything to that end of
course, but I assume they are fine with the whole idea. It does make me wonder what they get out of the
deal, though. Maybe Vlad intends to provide them all with free vacations to
Siberia. I understand it is great this time of year.
But then I look at Britain, and the demise of Therese May
and the consequent rise of those idiots Boris Johnson, and Nigel Farage. And
India—they re-elected Modi, despite his complete lack of success in bringing
anything of real value to the country. I guess the Congress party is off
vacationing in Scotland. Australia seem
to have swung over to the extreme right, although, happily, New Zealand seems
to be resisting. Italy is flirting with its fascists, and even Germany has a
rising core of fascists.
What the hell is going on?
I think the common thread seems to be immigration. Lots and lots of migrants are fighting free
of their national boundaries and are heading to what they perceive as more
civil, or just less murderous grounds.
In the Middle East, the warring continues. It has never really stopped
since the so-called Arab Spring. I assume that Shrub, who launched his war in
Iraq armed with fake facts, contributed substantially to the ongoing warfare,
but they really do seem to get off on killing one another. Organized religion is so consistent regarding
the killing thing. The religion thing
is, of course, just an umbrella that covers all the bloodshed—Religion: it’s a
In our neck of the woods, the migration seems to be caused
by either organized crime, big throughout Latin America, or by just murderous
regimes, like Venezuela. Latin America
apparently has no interest in this democracy thing—it’s bad for business I
guess. I’m not sure I understand the
mess in India with Modi and his right wing thugs. Maybe it is nothing more than
70+ years of tolerating Pakistan, which is not materially different from the
Middle East. India and Pakistan seem to get off on killing one another over
either territory, or each other’s religions.
In the meantime, Russia and China seem to be figuring out
new ways to mess with the world. And
having someone as terminally stupid as Trump at the head of our increasingly
useless government does not help to inspire anyone but his bankers. The bankers never seem to lose, do they?
But all this ongoing mess makes me wonder why nobody ever
wants to deal with the basic underlying problems. If the single dominant
problem that leads to migration is fear of being murdered, why cannot the
theoretically civilized world help to ameliorate the murder?
In the Middle East, the murderous ISIS-Taliban cohorts seem
to be being defeated, but the region is not even close to resolving anything
that might lead to stability. In Latin
America, the organized crime gangs continue unchecked, and the regimes continue
to pour gasoline on the fires of rebellion and murder. It all makes me wonder about the potential
for the United Nations to begin to weigh in. Why did we create that creature—the United
Nations? Let’s look at its purposes.
1. To maintain international peace and security,
and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and
removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression
or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in
conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or
settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach
of the peace;
2. To develop friendly relations among nations
based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of
peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace;
3. To achieve international co-operation in
solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or
humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human
rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race,
sex, language, or religion; and
4. To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of
nations in the attainment of these common ends.
So, if that is why the UN was created, why do we now abandon
it when it is needed perhaps more than at any time since WW II (remember WW
II??)? It would seem that the “civilized world” has forgotten why they created
the UN. We were all just emerging from
four years of mass murder. Surely then, if not now, the world was getting
really tired of bloodshed. Relatively civilized leaders decided that some other
form of dispute resolution might be preferable to machine guns and bombs. I think even then it was never believe
seriously that one could talk one’s way out of any problem. They understood
that force was often going to be necessary, but if the civilized world could
act in concert, then emerging murderous regimes might be contained.
Now the problem with this UN approach is that currently the
murderous regimes seem to outnumber the “civilized world nations”. Somehow, “democratic” approaches to
governance, however preferable in the long run, seem not to appeal to folks
like Donald Trump, Vlad the Impaler, and the thugs of ISIS/Taliban/Qaida.
Organized crime, by definition, prefers other than democracy. In the short run, the civilized world seem to
be falling apart, as people like Trump, Boris Johnson/Nigel Farage, and Modi
have taken control. These folks seem not to believe in democracy either.
Now, Modi aside, I have to believe that sooner rather than
later, the peoples of the civilized world nations will begin to awaken and
begin again to take voting seriously.
Our thugs won’t like it of course, but voting is our literal last
chance. If voting here and in other
places like Britain fails, then the world really will all sink into bedlam and
murder—can actual wars be far behind with them in charge?
So, I am hoping that we can hang on until real people get to
vote, assuming that voting is still legal.
Remember folks, VOTE. Your lives literally depend on it.
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