Monday, July 29, 2019

We Are Idiots

So, more than half of the republican folks who responded to a survey agreed with the idea of postponing the 2020 election? Really? Why? Well, President Stupidhead continues to lie on and on that the 2016 election was damaged by voter fraud and that he actually won the popular vote.  Mind you, he has no data, plausible or otherwise to substantiate his claim, but he never does and lies are just fine with him.

But how can it be even remotely possible that more than half of people who identify as republican actually agree? Something really bad has happened to America. I keep thinking of his absurd claim that he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone, and his poll numbers would go up.  We all laughed when he said that. It was so absurd, we didn’t even think of it as a lie. It was just a joke and everyone laughed.

But now? Everything he says practically is a lie, but his lies aren’t funny any longer. And he isn’t joking.  He’s the President of the United States, with all the power of that exalted Office, and he is talking like some crap, thuggish dictator. And it is obvious to anyone with a functioning brain that he is talking trash, but now folks nod their heads and agree with him.

Now, in any halfway serious country, at least the thinking members of our society would be up in arms. And even his own party would be yelling at the rafters to stop him.  Because he is making them look like members of a thuggish political party from some fourth world dictatorship.  Yes, Mitch and his BFFs all look like idiots, racist, thoughtless, and entirely beholden to this idiot.

But, I keep asking, how can this be?  How did this buffoon so completely capture the republican party that there exists no one left in the party to challenge his absurd pronouncements?  I read Andy Borowitz routinely, and he used to be funny. Now, I have to check to make sure he isn’t just reporting the facts of the day.  Comedians find it increasingly difficult to make jokes about him. He just isn’t funny any longer.  And now, he has made it seem that America is the actual joke, and the rest of the world is laughing at us. Not “with us” but at us. We are now the butt of all jokes around the globe. All of Trump’s “shithole” countries that he has been decrying, are now laughing at us, because look who’s the shithole now?

We are now at the bottom of the barrel. I’ll bet even Vlad the Impaler sits around drinking vodka and laughing at us. Because Vlad won the day. Against all odds, he installed a total idiot in the White House, and now the American people are standing around clapping.

Aren’t we proud?

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