Ok, here we go again. Remember those good old days, when we
were told that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction, thereby justifying Bush’s
decision to invade Iraq? When actually, he was just trying to look more manly
than Daddy had in the Middle East. So, now we are given some explanation about
how this Iranian General was planning on carrying out a large strike against
the US and Trumpie got to him just in time.
Now, once more, how do you know Trump is lying?? Well, when his mouth
opens and words come tumbling out, he is lying.
See if it weren’t for the 30,000+ lies he has uttered since entering the
White House, we might at least give him a shot. But with Trumpie, we can be
sure he is lying. He tells lies when he wishes to deflect attention, or when he
wants attention, or when he wants to cut some competitor. Which is this one?
Well, take your pick . . .
He wishes to deflect attention from
his Impeachment;
He wants people to think he is
He was not getting enough attention
from his adoring public, or maybe;
He has begun to carry out his most
cherished idea, i.e., becoming a wartime president. See he thinks FDR, and Ike, and even Shrub
looked really manly when they ran a war, and, since everyone thinks he’s a
coward because of the bonespurs thing, he wants to claim a new image.
Also, see, the rightwingnut clerics have been declaring him
God’s choice to oversee the “End Times”.
Now the End Times thing is beginning to look
prescient. I mean, Oz is actually burning down. Bolsanaro is overseeing the
destruction by fire of the Amazon Rain Forest, The glaciers everywhere are
melting. Boris Johnson is poised to orchestrate
the complete destruction of that tight little island--our former owners--known technically as England, or in the past, Great Britain. And Donald Trump is President. Actually the last is probably all you need to
know to stroke your beard and declare, “Yep, it’s over. The world is closing
And were I in the middle of Oz, with fires burning on all
sides, and the prime minister deciding to go to Hawaii on vacation, or were I in the middle of the Amazon, observing the rain forest burning to the ground, I
might declare it over. But I’m not in
either of those places.
And it is drizzling here in North Carolina, milder than
it should be for January, but I can chalk that up to simply weather, rather
than Global Climate Change. But we do
have to look/listen to our idiot-in-Chief Trump declare one falsehood after
another, while his crowd of adoring supporters cheer him on. If we ever decide
to re-elect him, then I would doubtless feel like the folks in Oz, and say, “Ok,
it’s now really over”.
But then I see something by Greta, that little 16 year old
girl, who has been making the world’s leaders all look like dwarf idiot
malenfants. And I think, well, maybe when we all die off, the Greta’s of this
world will move into power, and kick all the financial and industrial wizards
in the balls, and begin to regain some authority over this global climate
thing. So, maybe there is hope yet,
perhaps not in 2020, but, then there is that election thing coming up. Maybe
that will be a sign.
So, I will begin looking for signs. A changing political
current. Some recognition on the part of the body politic that climate change
is happening. Perhaps a republican or two declaring that Donald Trump really is
an idiot, and we dare not follow his lead—I know, silly, right??
But we will have to watch carefully. Count your blessings in
this New Year folks. Because our global leaders may just bring them all to an
end, unless we begin acting like adults.
So, let’s say it all together.
We Are Thinking Adults.
And We Are Damned Mad, and
We Are not Going to Take It Any Longer.
You Idiots are All Done Destroying
Our World.
Now, Once More,
With Feeling . . .
We Are Thinking Adults.
And We Are Damned Mad,
We Are not Going to
Take It Any Longer.
You Idiots are All Done
Destroying Our World.
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