Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Welcome to 2022

Tis the season, Ho Ho Ho.  So, says Mr. Manchin, who thinks we cannot afford to give low-income parents some more money, because they would just spend it on drugs. Well, you know how those low-income folks are. Give’m a few bucks and they are off on yet another MaryJane binge.  And, although we can seemingly afford ¾ of a Trillion dollars to give our Military more hardware, we surely cannot afford to repair our broken infrastructure. Wouldn’t Ike (he who built the Interstate highway system) be pleased with Joe?  Bet old Manchin would like to reduce the tax rates on himself and his super rich buds.

Now how, pray tell, did the likes of Joe Manchin ever attract the votes of working-class folks in his home state of West Virginia?  Yeah, all those coal miners must really love Joe.  I assume they are the same middle to lower class folks who insist on supporting Donald Trump.

And therein lies the dilemma of 21st century America, that formerly strong, even powerful, nation that is currently breaking apart.  If we continue on our present course, The United States of America may well disintegrate into a dozen or more pretend states, states that owe no allegiance to Washington.  But to whom do those pretend states owe any allegiance? Well, all I can figure is that the folks who reside within these separatist states, like anyone who pretends to hate the “centralists” in Washington.  In particular, they seem to really get off on anyone who lies to them, promising them a wondrous future.

I imagine that people like Joe Manchin, Marjorie Taylor Greene (of Jewish Space Laser fame), Mitch McConnell . . . you know that crowd beloved by Fox News, seem to the folks who now vote in these separatist states as the saviors of their country (you know, West Virginia). Their money will no longer flow to fund abortions, or those awful public schools, or to people on welfare, or especially to the awful immigrants invading our country from the South.  Instead their money will go to expand the mines, create bigger prisons for the illegals, maybe even fund some private religious schools.

And the folks now governing, like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris? Well, those people are now defined as “The Problem”. I mean, Joe once agreed to actually work for a Black Man, that Obama creature who we all know was born in Kenya and ruled illegally, followed by Joe who stole the election away from Trump.  And who did Joe pick for the Number Two position—a WOMAN for God’s sake. And SHE only listens to creatures like that AOC, after which she poisons Joe’s mind with drivel from the Far Left.

And so, the only thing left to do is to oppose everything Joe and his criminal gang want to do. If Joe Biden is proposing something, it must be opposed by the forces of Fox News.  And on and on it goes.  I imagine, should Manchin actually lose an election in his separatist state, Fox News has already agreed to hire him. Maybe he can replace that Christ Wallace traitor.

And so, day by day, America continues to fracture, with armed insurrectionists working each day to separate white lower and middle class voters from the rest of the Nation. Whether we reach another 1860 is still a real possibility, given the heavily armed nature of the ultra-right wing in our poor benighted country.  Maybe in retrospect, 2021 will begin to look like the last days of a still rational America.

Welcome to 2022.

I will have to see how the coming year shapes up, before I determine whether I will be able to continue writing my drivel that poses for a blog.  We have an election of sorts arriving near the end of 2022. And although it is not a biggie presidential thingie, it may well be even more important, by defining who controls life at the state and local levels. It is at those levels that voting rights are currently being corrupted by republicans. If the state and local votes swing in their favor, then it may really be all over for America.

So, People of America, regardless of your pretend political affiliation, it is all up to you now. If you really do like the Joe Manchin’s and Mitch McConnell’s of this world, and you want to continue hearing from Taylor-Green, Boebert, et al, then vote away.  If you think those idiot-malenfants supported by Fox News, will actually destroy America, then you better attend the elections, and vote for the other folks. It’s really all up to you. So, welcome to 2022 Americans. This may be your last chance to call yourselves Americans. 

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