Thursday, December 29, 2022

2022 Ends

And so that year, 2022, now draws to a close. Huh! And who may we blame for bringing that one into existence?  Was that a Trump joke on all of us?

And what did we learn?

Oh that Trump is a total fraud and will always be a crook. Maybe he learned that from his daddy.  I mean, ending the year by selling dumbass cards with his picture on them for hundreds of dollars each seems worse even than selling fake currency tokens. And folks are actually sending out real money to purchase these fake things. Isn’t that a definition of terminally STUPID?

And we know now that Trump will never actually be brought to justice by anyone. I mean, he seems to have some varnish finish on him that prevents any law enforcement agent from actually touching him.  They do keep trying but it’s like some game he plays with other humans, when he isn’t conning them out of their money that is.

And then there is his BFF, Vlad the Impaler, who seems to be similar. I mean, he actually caused the invasion of a sovereign nation, The Ukraine, with no ostensible reason, and has continued bombing them and killing their citizens and nobody is willing to stop them. Just cuz stopping him would mean nuclear annihilation I guess. Silly huh?  And so the world now understands that any really big country can invade any other, neighboring country for any reason, and nobody will step in to say NO.  I wonder whether Xi Jinping is paying proper attention.  I know, I know, we keep threatening them that, should they attack Taiwan, we will step in. But what would we actually do? Bomb China??? Seems unlikely. So, Vlad has set a standard for the behavior of tyrants everywhere. Oh 2022, you have been so awful.

And back to here, we have had the final destruction of the Republican Party. Gads, remember republicans under Dwight Eisenhower, or even that idiot Ronald Reagan? I mean, they weren’t great then, but they weren’t Nazi’s either. Now they seem to have moved into Nazi’s of the 1936 Germany kind. Yeah, and the only real question is who will they choose to be their Adolph?  Trump sort of fills the bill, but then we also have Ronnie DeSantis, and a whole host of other minor, would-be Adolph’s. So, what ever happened to the old Republican Party, the one that at least pretended to have some ethical dimension?

And the American people no longer seem to care, and therein lies the real problem. We should be screaming at the rooftops, but I hear no serious screaming.  People of the Right persuasion seem to have totally surrendered to the charade of Republican language about Left-Wing ideology. All Democrats are apparently Soviets Commies of the old school according to the Repubs. And the American people, well almost half of them anyway, seem to have bought into that crap.  So, how can we run a civilized nation, when almost half the people no longer believe in civilization, or ethics, or morality any longer? Isn’t that how Nazi Germany came into existence?  All we need is a group they can label as “The Enemy”, like Adolph did to the Jews during the 1930s.

I keep awaiting the New Enlightenment to arrive. You know, that day, when Americans of all stripes say, OK, this is all bullshit and we ain’t gonna take it any longer. We want decent, civilized people as our Leaders in Government. You know, people who seem to actually know right from wrong.

Hmmm, maybe we should bring back Jon Stewart, only this time as US President. And let’s see, hey how about Samantha Bee as VEEP? Yeah, two comedians to run America.  First, comedians seem smarter than your average Joe (or Josephine). Second, most of them seem to hold an actual ethical dimension. Yeah, they actually seem to know right and wrong.  And then, who could we get as Secretary of State . . . oh I know, Trevor Noah. And then maybe John Oliver as Secretary of Defence?? And Larry Wilmore as Secretary of Education. Oh such fun.  So take it from there folks. Get your thinking gear operational and begin to reconceive the American Government. That will make such fun in, oh, how about 2023???

Yeah, take it away 2023!!!

Friday, December 23, 2022


I was reading about a lawsuit the other day—a lawsuit in which our energy companies, the oil giants who produce much of our usable energy were being sued because they are massively contributing to Climate Change, AND because they have begun acting together in a sort of collective aimed at destroying the opposition. By denying that Climate Change is occurring and, certainly, that it has anything to do with them, they are contributing heavily to its worst effects.  Places like Puerto Rico are reaping the results of their actions:

(see recent Guardian article --

It seems obvious that Climate Change is real and that the extraordinary weather we can observe almost daily is its result. And that such an ending could be the result of MONEY?? Yep, big companies care only about their money. If seeking money leads to an end to the world we have always known, that’s Life. You know, in the best tradition of: “Life’s a bitch, but then you die”.

Now that makes me want to find some method of ending these big companies.

And then I read a quizzical article called: The End of Us, by Adam Kirsch, in The Atlantic: January-February 2023. Mainly, the article talks about what they see as the Future in which The Reign of Human Beings on Earth is At An End. Now, to be fair, they don’t talk about The Ending in any specifics. That is, they are not referring to an Apocalypse, of the kind we might have envisioned during the Cold War, when the US and the Soviet Union kept waving nuclear Armageddon at each other—Behave or Else!

No, as best I can understand, they are speaking about perhaps some combination of Climate Change and a gradual diminishment of Humankind on our planet.  And, curiously, they speak of the term almost fondly.  They adopt a term, TransHumanism to describe a coming world in which Humanity gradually disappears. Oddly perhaps, both Anti and Trans Humanists see a world without humans as a matter of time. It will happen. It is only when and the manner.

Now, to be fair, I read through this article, coming away without any serious understanding of how “The Ending” might occur. It is either induced by humankind itself—through Climate Change, or some other human-induced catastrophe, or it will happen slowly (in dozens-hundreds of years rather than thousands).

So, our planet, eventually, without humans, that is, without human intelligence—just in case you’re thinking, “well, bears, and lions and mice have intelligence, so it would not be a Planet without intelligence”.  True, but I still come away from this prediction with a “Why”, or maybe a “so what”?  A planet without humans worrying about it all, seems a singularly empty gesture.  Each day, I observe the sun rising, or setting, maybe even taking its picture, and I wonder, suppose I were not here. What then? Well, then someone else will be observing and marveling at the glories of nature. Smile Richard. It’s OK.

But I continue to wonder, even as I may be smiling at something that exists in our glorious world, what after all is the point? Suppose, no one (human) was here to observe, and the “observers” were reduced to lady bugs. What then? What would be the point?  And if there is no real point, then how did this all happen? I mean, is it, are we, simply accidents of an evolutionary path? But then why is there an “evolutionary path”?  If there really was a “Big Bang”, to what end? And if there is no “End” then what are we all about? Is there a God? And, if so, why would she invent such a silly system of gestures and paradoxes?  If some idiot armed with a big gun, walks into a school and begins shooting kids and teachers, did she tell him to do that? And if not, then what the hell?  Is shooting kids in a school room the same as me taking a picture of a ladybug, i.e., equally insignificant?

See, questions, but unfortunately I am not smart enough to follow through with intelligent answers. Maybe cuz there are no actual answers that would matter.  So, God, what do you have to say about all that? “ Well I choose to say nothing, because that is the best and most honest answer”. Oh, OK God. Gotcha.

And so the game continues. And when the sun rises tomorrow, go outside and observe. Because there is no other point to our existence. Be aware. Oh, and try to Be Kind, just cuz someone else may notice and smile. And that is also the point.

Happy Holidays folks. Be safe. Stay warm, Smile, and have a glass of wine

 Coming up soon – 2023!.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022


I find myself wondering/worrying almost daily now on what has happened to America. I know, I know, I am now old by any definition. Still, what I observe simply isn’t normal by, again, any definition.

And what do I mean?  Well, for example, the idiots who shot up that power system, thereby removing all power being used by ordinary folks to heat their homes, provide lighting, refrigeration, etc.  Now what the hell is that supposed to signify? That they are opposed to elected governments? And how does taking away heating in the wintertime demonstrate that you don’t like governments? Oh, it’s that you don’t like Liberal Democratic governments. I see. Of course, Benito Mussolini, or Adolph Hitler would certainly have punished the ordinary people. Except, they didn’t. Yeah, those dudes were out to punish/eliminate specific people—Jews mainly. They would not have even considered destroying the power systems of otherwise ordinary folks.

So, all I see coming from the right wing are threats against ordinary humans who simply disagree with them. And all I can conclude is that the Right Wing is now all intent on returning us all to maybe the 5th century, when there was no law, no governments, and even no jobs, no proper homes, no schools, no libraries.  Yeah, it would seem that our right wing wants to return us all to cave-dwelling and hunting rabbits for our dinner.

Now how the hell did that happen? Remember, the right wing used to be led by folks like Dwight Eisenhower.  Now the right wing is led by people who make Adolph Hitler look like a Liberal.

They don’t want you to be able to vote. They think it’s better to just leave that stuff to them. They will appoint your leaders.  And who do they have in mind? Why, Donald Trump, and Kari Lake, and Herschel Walker, and Marjorie Taylor Green, and the list of brainless, ethics-free pseudo-humans goes on.  Now mind you, the ones who are still in power, like Marjorie Taylor Green, were actually elected by American citizens to their roles.  Donald Trump, et al was not so elected, but he is still regarded as the leader by a very large group of Americans.  And we know this group seems to be ok with Nazi’s, so the citizens who support them must also be ok with Nazi’s.  And I now have to assume that same group of citizens is also ok with destroying the American electric power system throughout the country. Yeah, why would they want power systems? They’re so . . . 20th century.

Now it turns out that a lot of our so-called civilized lifestyle is fragile. Yeah, idiots armed with guns can actually destroy it. And it’s not merely our power systems. With guns and lack of restraint, they could destroy public schools—yeah, they really hate educated people.  Oh and libraries. Awful things right? They actually will loan you books at no cost. You might actually be able to enlighten yourself. Well, we wouldn’t want people to become enlightened, would we?

But what is wrong here? Why does this group of citizens to our political right want ethics-free cretins to lead us?  They actually prefer an Adolph Hitler to, say Joe Biden?  See that’s where my brain gets all muddled. I simply do not understand what these folks want. And it is becoming increasingly clear that what they want might be some form of “anarchy”.  And what exactly is “anarchy”? Well, as defined in Wikipedia, Anarchy is a society without a government. It may also refer to a society or group of people that entirely rejects a set hierarchyAnarchy was first used in English in 1539, meaning "an absence of government." Pierre-Joseph Proudhon adopted anarchy and anarchist in his 1840 treatise What Is Property? to refer to anarchism, a new political philosophy and social movement that advocates stateless societies based on free and voluntary associations. Anarchists seek a system based on the abolition of all coercive hierarchy, in particular the state, and many advocate for the creation of a system of direct democracyworker cooperatives or privatization.

In practical terms, anarchy can refer to the curtailment or abolition of traditional forms of government and institutions. It can also designate a nation or any inhabited place that has no system of government or central rule. Anarchy is primarily advocated by individual anarchists who propose replacing government with voluntary institutions.”

So, no government at all. No one to tell them what to do, or not to do. So, if they want to harm someone with whom they disagree, that’s ok. No one can tell them otherwise.

Now perhaps that is too harsh, since anarchies tend to be pretty brutal. Still, if the brutality does not affect you personally, maybe that’s ok with the Trumpies. I think though, that the group supporting Trump and MTG just really want to get rid of those Libs. If there were no Libs left in Government, apparently that might then be ok.

But that gross oversimplification of what the Trumpies want may yet miss the boat.  I would love it were the Trumpies to get on stage and tell us all the things they want to see and do in the form of government. Stop telling us about the people you no longer want to see in charge. Stop inventing stories about Hunter Biden, or his dad. Stop trying to send Dr. Fauci to prison. Instead, get up on a stage and begin telling the world the things you actually want to see happen after you succeed in electing your chosen leaders. What would your world look like? We desperately need you to tell us about your vision, so that we no longer need to invent fairy tales about you. Tell us your Home Truths Right Wing. Please. Now.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

The Beginning of the End

Or is this the End of the Beginning? And if the latter, which “Beginning”—the Defunct Republican or the moribund Democrats? There is a current case before the Supremes now that may decide whether we all need into go into our closets and hibernate. It is a case involving States’ Rights to decide Federal election laws and standards. More specifically, it concerns the right of state legislatures to decide voting boundaries. It is my understanding that the case concerns a state gerrymandered districting plan that essentially guts the voting rights of democrats. SCOTUS will decide whether it’s ok for states alone to determine voting districts and how electors are chosen, and the Federal government or the Court system would not be allowed to intervene. Should SCOTUS agree, and there is a good chance they will, given the Trump justices, then American democracy may be at an end, along with America itself.

I am not sure how we got here. “Here” being a nation in which one of the most ignorant, corrupt humans on the planet seemingly rules over that political party that used to be controlled by thinking conservatives and ethically minded humans like Dwight Eisenhower.  Can you imagine Eisenhower belonging to this Republican Party? Hoover maybe, but Eisenhower?? Never.

And what ever happened to conservatives in America? You support people like Trump? Really? Or Herschel Walker . . . or Marjorie Taylor Green??? How pathetic you have become.  But this is where we find ourselves today. And we will know soon enough whether SCOTUS will validate this pathetic creature still known as Republicans.  If they do and uphold the right of republican state legislators to determines how the votes are cast and counted, then America will be at its end, in a way very similar to Germany in 1936.

Remember Adolph Hitler??? Yeah, that Hitler. Well, Donald Trump now leans in that direction. He actually befriended a true Neo-Nazi and invited that Nazi to dinner at MaraLago. I wonder whether Melania was there, or is she now permanently in hiding from her Neo-Nazi husband. Of course, we don’t know which way Melania leans politically, but she hasn’t divorced him . . .  yet.

Actually, I still keep waiting for some sign of awakening intelligence within republicans. But I see no signs yet. I guess, because I’m really old –87 and counting—I have great difficulty understanding how far our Nation has fallen.  I mean I don’t really remember Herbert Hoover. I was not yet onboard in 1932 while Herbert Hoover was managing the Great Crash and the seemingly endless massive Great Depression.  That Depression was so bad it continued well into Roosevelt’s first term.  And by 1936, I was only two, so no political understanding had arrived in my brain.  But by 1940, I was six and was actually beginning to understand that our world was heavily influenced by politicians, not to mention bankers.

Somehow, as awful as was that period, with the Second World War seemingly being the necessary ingredient that finally ended the Depression, America came together as a people. Partly the coming together was in response to the Depression, and partly it was a response to Nazism. See, during the 1940s, we actually rejected the Nazi’s and fought with arms to end their regime in the World.  Whereas in today’s world, we have an ex-President inviting them to dinner.  How far have the mighty fallen (with “Mighty” meaning republicans).  See, I cannot even imagine the likes of Herbert Hoover inviting a Nazi—any Nazi—to dinner at his home.

And Americans still support this Nazi-loving ex-President?? You betcha.  Oh, and they seem to like Vlad the Impaler and his war against Ukraine. Maybe that explains the recent shoot-em-up in Moore County, NC, in which Amurricans shot up a power system, emulating the Russians in Ukraine, thereby depriving American citizens of all power to their homes in the middle of the Winter.  Yep, and I’ll bet the shooters were good republicans. That’s how far the republican party has fallen. That without any data, we can imagine the perps were good republican supporters of Donald Trump.

Oh my, the Mighty really have fallen.

Wonder what’s next republicans?