Tuesday, December 13, 2022


I find myself wondering/worrying almost daily now on what has happened to America. I know, I know, I am now old by any definition. Still, what I observe simply isn’t normal by, again, any definition.

And what do I mean?  Well, for example, the idiots who shot up that power system, thereby removing all power being used by ordinary folks to heat their homes, provide lighting, refrigeration, etc.  Now what the hell is that supposed to signify? That they are opposed to elected governments? And how does taking away heating in the wintertime demonstrate that you don’t like governments? Oh, it’s that you don’t like Liberal Democratic governments. I see. Of course, Benito Mussolini, or Adolph Hitler would certainly have punished the ordinary people. Except, they didn’t. Yeah, those dudes were out to punish/eliminate specific people—Jews mainly. They would not have even considered destroying the power systems of otherwise ordinary folks.

So, all I see coming from the right wing are threats against ordinary humans who simply disagree with them. And all I can conclude is that the Right Wing is now all intent on returning us all to maybe the 5th century, when there was no law, no governments, and even no jobs, no proper homes, no schools, no libraries.  Yeah, it would seem that our right wing wants to return us all to cave-dwelling and hunting rabbits for our dinner.

Now how the hell did that happen? Remember, the right wing used to be led by folks like Dwight Eisenhower.  Now the right wing is led by people who make Adolph Hitler look like a Liberal.

They don’t want you to be able to vote. They think it’s better to just leave that stuff to them. They will appoint your leaders.  And who do they have in mind? Why, Donald Trump, and Kari Lake, and Herschel Walker, and Marjorie Taylor Green, and the list of brainless, ethics-free pseudo-humans goes on.  Now mind you, the ones who are still in power, like Marjorie Taylor Green, were actually elected by American citizens to their roles.  Donald Trump, et al was not so elected, but he is still regarded as the leader by a very large group of Americans.  And we know this group seems to be ok with Nazi’s, so the citizens who support them must also be ok with Nazi’s.  And I now have to assume that same group of citizens is also ok with destroying the American electric power system throughout the country. Yeah, why would they want power systems? They’re so . . . 20th century.

Now it turns out that a lot of our so-called civilized lifestyle is fragile. Yeah, idiots armed with guns can actually destroy it. And it’s not merely our power systems. With guns and lack of restraint, they could destroy public schools—yeah, they really hate educated people.  Oh and libraries. Awful things right? They actually will loan you books at no cost. You might actually be able to enlighten yourself. Well, we wouldn’t want people to become enlightened, would we?

But what is wrong here? Why does this group of citizens to our political right want ethics-free cretins to lead us?  They actually prefer an Adolph Hitler to, say Joe Biden?  See that’s where my brain gets all muddled. I simply do not understand what these folks want. And it is becoming increasingly clear that what they want might be some form of “anarchy”.  And what exactly is “anarchy”? Well, as defined in Wikipedia, Anarchy is a society without a government. It may also refer to a society or group of people that entirely rejects a set hierarchyAnarchy was first used in English in 1539, meaning "an absence of government." Pierre-Joseph Proudhon adopted anarchy and anarchist in his 1840 treatise What Is Property? to refer to anarchism, a new political philosophy and social movement that advocates stateless societies based on free and voluntary associations. Anarchists seek a system based on the abolition of all coercive hierarchy, in particular the state, and many advocate for the creation of a system of direct democracyworker cooperatives or privatization.

In practical terms, anarchy can refer to the curtailment or abolition of traditional forms of government and institutions. It can also designate a nation or any inhabited place that has no system of government or central rule. Anarchy is primarily advocated by individual anarchists who propose replacing government with voluntary institutions.”

So, no government at all. No one to tell them what to do, or not to do. So, if they want to harm someone with whom they disagree, that’s ok. No one can tell them otherwise.

Now perhaps that is too harsh, since anarchies tend to be pretty brutal. Still, if the brutality does not affect you personally, maybe that’s ok with the Trumpies. I think though, that the group supporting Trump and MTG just really want to get rid of those Libs. If there were no Libs left in Government, apparently that might then be ok.

But that gross oversimplification of what the Trumpies want may yet miss the boat.  I would love it were the Trumpies to get on stage and tell us all the things they want to see and do in the form of government. Stop telling us about the people you no longer want to see in charge. Stop inventing stories about Hunter Biden, or his dad. Stop trying to send Dr. Fauci to prison. Instead, get up on a stage and begin telling the world the things you actually want to see happen after you succeed in electing your chosen leaders. What would your world look like? We desperately need you to tell us about your vision, so that we no longer need to invent fairy tales about you. Tell us your Home Truths Right Wing. Please. Now.

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