Friday, May 31, 2024

Trump Guilty

 So, convicted on all 34 counts. Seems good, right?

But then, I remember Trump saying, “I could get a gun, go out on Fifth Avenue, shoot somebody, and my support would increase.” Remember that? Yeah, and guess what, his support seems to be going up. Now, to be fair, it ain’t over til it’s over, but still . . . I could imagine it. Trump gets a gun, goes out on Fifth Avenue, shoots someone, is filmed doing it by a bystander, and then the pictures appear on TV. His supporters? “That’s fake. They Photoshopped it.”

And, so the games begin. And I am astonished that a convicted felon can still run for President. Think on that. My first presidential election, Dwight Eisenhower was running against Adlai Stevenson. How about that? Dwight Eisenhower as a republican, and now Donald Trump in that same position. Donald Trump . . . a republican candidate for US President. How the mighty have fallen. And I can imagine, Ike spinning over and over in his grave.  Actually, thinking back on all the elections I have witnessed, I cannot conjure up a single republican even remotely like Donald Trump.   I mean, Nixon seemed a baddie, and I was not too fond of The Ronald.  And then there’s Shrub. But, by comparison, don’t they all seem wise and reasonable as Presidents?  Trump??? As US President???? Surely you are not serious America.

And Mike Johnson just made himself a laughing stock with his statements about how unfair was this trial. Really, Mike??? Were you not paying attention, at all?  Oh, no, it turns out you are as much a joke as Speaker as Donald Trump would be as President. Apparently, no republican has any ethical sense at all any longer. Republicans are now all swamp dwellers.

And I can almost see Mr. Alito, sitting at his bench awaiting the arrival of an appeal from his favorite dude, Mr. Trump. We do know now that the SCOTUS is corrupt (sorry for the judges who are actually honest). So when Trump’s case arrives inevitably at SCOTUS, Trump will waltz off Fifth Avenue laughing, assuming he doesn’t get run over first.

And so, America continues to sink into the abyss of formerly great nation-states. I think even Reagan would be appalled. Bye Bye America.

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