Friday, June 28, 2024

The Debate

OK, so did you watch the Debate last evening?? Hmmm, yeah, but I preceded it by watching The Daily Show and Stephen Colbert, the latter of which was a rerun of an earlier Colbert Late Night show.  So, we were warmed up a bit, perhaps brightened up a bit. We had no Great Expectations for that Debate. I mean, had we been watching Kennedy v. Nixon, or maybe Clinton v. Bush (I suppose we might have entertained the idea that “The Winner” (assuming there was one) might change our mind about whom we might support for President. Even that seems very unlikely, since the wrong winner might have suggested we vote for Nixon, or Ford –pretty unlikely.

Still, even though we were staunch supporters for both Clinton and Kennedy, Nixon and Ford at least seemed like plausible candidates.  But Joe Biden v. Donald Trump??? Seriously, America??? Donald Trump, as the candidate from the same party that ran Ike???

No, a Debate, regardless of the outcome, was never going to move my vote from one to the other. Instead, watching the debate was more like watching Stephen Colbert, perhaps a fond wish for some moments of light comedy. See, we have grown used to the Late Night comedians making fun of Donald Trump. So, we perhaps were hoping for some reality-based comedy.

But, change my vote?? No. I don’t know, maybe were Donald Trump running against Adolph Hitler, I might have been watching from that perspective.  See, in that case, we have someone who would likely try to destroy the world, v. someone who would try to destroy America. So, would a debate affect my decision to vote for the America saver (Hitler) v the America Destroyer (Trump)?

But in this debate, we have a dude who is highly likely to destroy America (Trump) v. a guy who is likely to keep both America and the world together, even if he falls asleep trying to do that.

So, Trump actually looked more awake, and somewhat more “with it” than Joe. But, again, So What? I could not possibly vote for Donald Trump.  So, could I have voted for Adolph Hitler?  Hmmm, NO. In such an election, I honestly do not know what I might have dome—walk away without voting at all??? I Know, I know. Adolph Hitler wound up killing, what, six million Jews, and others?  And Trump??? Well, he might well destroy the entire world, but certainly America, if elected.  Now, to be fair, Hitler was simply flat-out EVIL. Trump is mainly stupid beyond belief, and capable of being led into disastrous situations that might well lead to the killing of millions of people (nuclear war, maybe??). See, I still believe that Trump is now being “shaped” by rich people I do not yet know. He will be directed to do things as President that may well be disastrous to America and to the World. That is what American Republican voters do not seem to want to understand.

But, in any case, I think debates between Biden and Trump are largely irrelevant. If anyone in America is on the edge between voting for Trump, and voting for Biden, they might well have voted for Hitler, had they been given that choice.  The debate is not pushing them in one direction or another. No thinking, ethical, moral human being could possibly even consider voting for Donald Trump, regardless of Debate Performance.

So, Yes, Joe Biden, did not perform well in that debate. But, to me, that does not matter, because the Debate, any Debate, could not possibly change my VOTE.

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