I must confess to being shaken after reading the summary of Project 2025. While I knew the GOP had fallen really low since Trump took over the reins, I guess I did not really understand just how low. And also, that Project 2025 speaks to maybe something different. I mean, when we say that the GOP has fallen to a new low under Trump, a) we are blaming it on Trump, and b) we are saying that we are seeing more of the standard Trump crap—illogical, corrupt, amoral, unethical.
But maybe we are looking at something different
altogether. As I was reading an analysis
of the SCOTUS Trump v. America decision regarding January 6th, I
began thinking that maybe something else was going on. SCOTUS basically laid the groundwork for an
entity formerly known as “kings”, or a President who could basically do no
wrong. Now that would make Donald Trump
very happy. But it might also make a lot of his immensely rich supporters even
happier. See, they could keep Trump in
power in order to get the kind of “hands-off” Executive Branch they want and
claim they need. They want no controls over their activities, ergo, Project
2025. 2025 is basically a design for an absolute monarchy, one controlled by
the uber-rich. It might return America to those good-old-days of maybe the 16th
century when the uber-rich controlled everything, including your life and mine.
And then, last night, at a Trump rally, someone supposedly
took a shot at Trump. Now, we are told that someone wielding a rifle, fired
from a rooftop outside his immediate rally area. Trump wound up with some
slight bleeding, although from what we do not know. A close bullet?? Some sharp
object near him?? We have no solid or reliable answer. They did take Trump away
and he was bleeding ever so slightly.
Now, was this a bullet aimed at Trump, just missing his
forehead? Maybe . . . The shooter was
shot and killed by Security officials, and one bystander was killed and two
others wounded. And now the games begin. Who was this shooter and what was he
about? We are told he was a republican,
but also that he had donated to Democrats.
Questions, questions.
Given the extreme nature of the language spewing forth among
and between the parties in this bizarre presidential race, perhaps an
assassination attempt might not be surprising. I know, I know, everyone on both
sides has properly decried this shooting. But, given the escalating rhetoric,
maybe such a violent event was predictable.
And now Trump has begun drawing some pity cards. And his
stature has enlarged a bit, with a sympathy vote. Now, to be fair, that last
debate performance produced a hard knock into Biden’s reputation. Even more
than the usual serious “old-people” discussions are being heard.
I assume an assassination attempt would be highly likely to
produce serious sympathy for the intended “Victim”, i.e., Trump.
And, then, maybe because I am really wearing out from the
force of right-wing rhetoric, and the absurdity of Trump himself, I began
wondering . . . could this be a fake assassination, staged by the rich powers
behind the GOP (you know, the ones who now seem to own this monarchist
political entity)?? I know, I know . . . how absurd, right?? But that is how
affected I have become by the absurdity of this whole political entity, that
such a fake attempt no longer seems absurd.
Note, please, I have been paying attention to political affairs at least
since the days of FDR. I have voted in every election since 1952. I long for
the days when republicans were people like Dwight Eisenhower. Now??? Donald
Trump??? Surely you jest.
Now to be fair, a fake assassination is pretty far out. But
then, I thought, Project 2025. That is so absurd that anything now seems at least
plausible. Now what makes it a bit less
plausible is that security officials shot and killed the bad guy. If it was a
planned fake assassination, wouldn’t he have planned it with his own escape?
Yeah, probably, but does that make it totally implausible? Well no.
And so I am left to wonder about the state of American
politics today. The uber-rich seem to have no ethics at all, and therefore
republicans no longer have any ethics. How low have the mighty fallen America?
And what does this say about the outcome of the next election? Can you imagine
what we might see should the American people decide to vote for the Democrat
(Biden??)? The 2025 Gang have already decided on a post-election conflict
(Civil War II?) stage. Won’t that be fun?
Oh and you thinking folks . . . you might want to speed up
the process of getting your passports and visas ready (Canada??? New
Zealand???) Welcome to the brand new, exciting world of uber-rich corruption.
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