Sunday, September 22, 2024

Living in America


I am approaching 90 this December. So I may be approaching my last national election. I continue to struggle with this notion of becoming 90. Part of my problem is simply aging. But part is this truly weird election, in which we have somehow normalized Donald Trump and JD Vance, two of the slipperiest characters in America.  Trump is a convicted felon, a multi-business failure, a liar who seems not even to understand the concept of Facts or truth or honesty. He simply talks and leaves it to you to determine which part of his talking is Bullshit and which is factual.  Trump also seems not to understand normal human relationships, which explains his multiple marital failures, including his present one which seems to have failed, although no one will discuss that.

In short, we have a man running for President who seems not to understand fact and fiction, or perhaps, Truth and Lying.

Then we have his partner, JD Vance. Vance lies, but he knows he is lying. He lies simply to advance his point of view. When he chatted with us about Haitians eating peoples’ pets in Ohio, he knew he was lying, but it did not matter. He was trying to degrade some other group of people, to advance his own position.

And then, we watched Stephen Colbert last night and he had on Rachel Maddow. They talked about the recent rash of election deniers, who now work in some capacity in or around the local election stations around America. They are talking about how they plan to refuse to certify the election should Trump lose (an increasingly likely Outcome). Yeah, here is a group of American republicans who somehow know in advance that their man will lose, so they are preparing America for both inaction and potential violence after that happens.

So, what does any of that have to do with me turning 90? Well, somehow, I feel less capable of doing anything about all this mess? In days of old, when I was younger, I might have joined one of the many political entities and set about trying to ensure he loses. But now, I have begun wondering whether it matters if he loses. He has already suggested that he or his crazed friends will begin to act after the election to refuse to certify any outcome in which he is the loser.  And Me? Well, I no longer am physically fit enough to go out into our community and challenge his actions. He seems to be outright asserting that violence will occur should he lose.

And I can’t even Up and Move to New Zealand. See, now, that’s a joke, but only because I am almost 90.  I never had thoughts before about moving to New Zealand.  And, to be fair, I don’t now, but only because I am almost 90. Were I 40, or maybe even 50, I think I might well be initiating action to begin a Citizenship run to New Zealand. Now, even though I cannot run off to Aukland, I can still encourage other youngsters to do so.  Because I am now of a mindset that America might well be OVER. So, were I talking to a friend who was say 40, my advice might well be to begin initiating steps to move, should America decide that our Nation is OVER.  See that’s the key. If, in this next election, Kamala and Walz succeed, and America says, collectively, “OK, so we have a new President. Let’s celebrate and then move on”, then we will be OK. But should Kamala win, and our Nation explodes (think January 6th ) then my advice to that youngster would be to begin taking action to migrate out of America. I keep mentioning New Zealand, but Canada is a lovely nation with smart, civilized citizens. But, seriously, should that awful even begin unfolding, then AI think it is time to leave. Because, for some reason, America seems not to want to continue to exist as a civilized Nation.

BUT, we still do not know that. I am simply baffled quite fully about why anything more than 10-20% of Americans could possibly be seriously thinking of voting or supporting this IDIOT-MALENFANT.  How this race is even slightly close is what troubles me.  See, it’s not really Trump that is the core of my troubled thinking about America. It is the American people who support him that troubles me so greatly. I feel as though I went to sleep and then awakened in Nazi Germany 1936.  And were that accurate, I would definitely be attempting to move permanently.

So pay attention America. You may be approaching the END. Now, to help forestall that, everyone eligible needs to go out and VOTE on Election Day or earlier if you can. None of this crap about how you will skip this election. He needs to be destroyed by the power of this VOTE.

So, VOTE folks. Please VOTE!!!

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