My good friend George commented on my Zen of Nothingness posting, to wit:
Your mistakes are too numerous to discuss individually; we will need several
hours to do that!
But your basic mistake is straightforward: You're looking
at only one side of a two-sided state-of-being. Try thinking about what existed
before the Big Bang. How did our "something" come into existence out of
"nothing"? When you get a handle on that question you'll have a better
understanding of what happens next."
So, I thought it might be useful to share with our readers a few of the lines of thinking about what existed before the Big Bang. There are many, but here are three I recently came across.
Just trying to be helpful here.
Birth of Time: Quantum Loops Describe the Evolution of the Universe
(Dec. 17, 2010) — What was the Big Bang and what happened before it? Scientists
from the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw have attempted to answer the
question. Within the framework of loop quantum gravity they have put forward a
new theoretical model, which might prove useful for validating hypotheses about
events prior to the Big Bang. This achievement is one of the few models
describing the full Einstein's theory and not merely its greatly simplified
Physicists from the
Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw have put forward -- on the pages of Physical
Review D -- a new theoretical model of quantum gravity describing the
emergence of space-time from the structures of quantum theory. It is not only
one of the few models describing the full general theory of relativity advanced
by Einstein, but it is also completely mathematically consistent. "The
solutions applied allow to trace the evolution of the Universe in a more
physically acceptable manner than in the case of previous cosmological
models," explains Prof. Jerzy Lewandowski from the Faculty of Physics,
University of Warsaw (FUW).
While the general theory
of relativity is applied to describe the Universe on a cosmological scale,
quantum mechanics is applied to describe reality on an atomic scale. Both
theories were developed in the early 20th century. Their validity has since
been confirmed by highly sophisticated experiments and observations. The
problem lies in the fact that the theories are mutually exclusive.
According to the general
theory of relativity, reality is always uniquely determined (as in classical
mechanics). However, time and space play an active role in the events and are
themselves subject to Einstein's equations. According to quantum physics, on
the other hand, one may only gain a rough understanding of nature. A prediction
can only be made with a probability; its precision being limited by inherent
properties. But the laws of the prevailing quantum theories do not apply to
time and space. Such contradictions are irrelevant under standard conditions --
galaxies are not subject to quantum phenomena and quantum gravity plays a minor
role in the world of atoms and particles. Nonetheless, gravity and quantum
effects need to merge under conditions close to the Big Bang.
Traditional cosmological
models describe the evolution of the Universe within the framework of the
general theory of relativity itself. The equations at the core of the theory
suggest that the Universe is a dynamic, constantly expanding creation. When
theorists attempt to discover what the Universe was like in times gone by, they
reach the stage where density and temperature in the model become infinite --
in other words, they lose their physical sense. Thus, the infinities may only
be indicative of the weaknesses of the former theory and the moment of the Big
Bang does not have to signify the birth of the Universe.
In order to gain at least
some knowledge of quantum gravity, scientists construct simplified quantum
models, known as quantum cosmological models, in which space-time and matter
are expressed in a single value or a few values alone. For example, the model
developed by Ashtekar, Bojowald, Lewandowski, Pawłowski and Singh predicts that
quantum gravity prevents the increase of matter energy density from exceeding a
certain critical value (of the order of the Planck density). Consequently,
there must have been a contracting universe prior to the Big Bang. When matter
density had reached the critical value, there followed a rapid expansion -- the
Big Bang, known as the Big Bounce. However, the model is a highly simplified
toy model.
The real answer to the
mystery of the Big Bang lies in a unified quantum theory of matter and gravity.
One attempt at developing such a theory is loop quantum gravity (LQG). The
theory holds that space is weaved from one-dimensional threads. "It is just
like in the case of a fabric -- although it is seemingly smooth from a
distance, it becomes evident at close quarters that it consists of a network of
fibres," describes Wojciech Kamiński, MSc from FUW. Such space would
constitute a fine fabric -- an area of a square centimetre would consists of 1066
Physicists Marcin
Domagała, Wojciech Kamiński and Jerzy Lewandowski, together with Kristina
Giesel from the Louisiana State University (guest), developed their model
within the framework of loop quantum gravity. The starting points for the model
are two fields, one of which is a gravitational field. "Thanks to the
general theory of relativity we know that gravity is the very geometry of
space-time. We may, therefore, say that our point of departure is three-dimensional
space," explains Marcin Domagała, PhD (FUW).
The second starting point
is a scalar field -- a mathematical object in which a particular value is
attributed to every point in space. In the proposed model, scalar fields are
interpreted as the simplest form of matter. Scalar fields have been known in
physics for years, they are applied, among others, to describe temperature and
pressure distribution in space. "We have opted for a scalar field as it is
the typical feature of contemporary cosmological models and our aim is to
develop a model that would constitute another step forward in quantum gravity
research," observes Prof. Lewandowski.
In the model developed by
physicists from Warsaw, time emerges as the relation between the gravitational
field (space) and the scalar field -- a moment in time is given by the value of
the scalar field. "We pose the question about the shape of space at a
given value of the scalar field and Einstein's quantum equations provide the
answer," explains Prof. Lewandowski. Thus, the phenomenon of the passage
of time emerges as the property of the state of the gravitational and scalar
fields and the appearance of such a state corresponds to the birth of the
well-known space-time. "It is worthy of note that time is nonexistent at
the beginning of the model. Nothing happens. Action and dynamics appear as the
interrelation between the fields when we begin to pose questions about how one
object relates to another," explains Prof. Lewandowski.
Physicist from FUW have
made it possible to provide a more accurate description of the evolution of the
Universe. Whereas models based on the general theory of relativity are
simplified and assume the gravitational field at every point of the Universe to
be identical or subject to minor changes, the gravitational field in the
proposed model may differ at different points in space.
The proposed theoretical
construction is the first such highly advanced model characterized by internal
mathematical consistency. It comes as the natural continuation of research into
quantization of gravity, where each new theory is derived from classical
theories. To that end, physicists apply certain algorithms, known as
quantizations. "Unfortunately for physicists, the algorithms are far from
precise. For example, it may follow from an algorithm that a Hilbert space
needs to be constructed, but no details are provided," explains Marcin
Domagała, MSc. "We have succeeded in performing a full quantization and
obtained one of the possible models."
There is still a long way
to go, according to Prof. Lewandowski: "We have developed a certain
theoretical machinery. We may begin to ply it with questions and it will
provide the answers." Theorists from FUW intend, among others, to inquire
whether the Big Bounce actually occurs in their model. "In the future, we
will try to include in the model further fields of the Standard Model of
elementary particles. We are curious ourselves to find out what will
happen," says Prof. Lewandowski.
And for those of you not already hopelessly lost in the mists of time and QuantumTalk, here is yet another discussion of this same basic question.
What happened before the Big Bang?
spend a lot of time thinking about futurism, but the past is pretty
interesting, too. In this week's "Ask a Physicist" we get extra
speculative and think about what things may have been like before the beginning
of time. What was there before the Big Bang? Did anything exist before our
current universe? Here's what we know.
the most part, I try to keep these columns as by-the-numbers as possible. I
generally want to focus on the consensus view of physics, and only like to veer
off into the realm of crackpot
science and speculation every so often.
sometimes people have burning questions
that they need answered that physics doesn't have an authoritative answer to.
Discussion section, here's your lucky day! Step into your time cube and consider a question put to me
by Dave Ranautta and several
others. They ask:
What was there before the big bang? I appreciate that there are no
facts concerning what existed prior (if anything) but are there popular
Standard Answer: Nothing. So please don't ask.
talked a
lot about the expanding
universe in this column. The standard picture comes from general
relativity, which describes a sort of stretching of space-time. The normal
analogy is to think of us as ants on a balloon. In the past, the universe (aka
"the balloon") was smaller than it is now, and, taken far enough
back, the universe, presumably, was a single point. That was the moment of the
big bang.
the normal general relativity picture of things, the moment of creation
produced not only space, but time; the two are incredibly intermixed, after
all. To Einstein, talking about what happened before the Big Bang is
just as nonsensical as asking what happens if you travel north
of the North Pole. There just isn't just a place, or consequently such a time.
is likely to make people squeamish. After all, if there was no time before
the Big Bang (or no space, for that matter) where did we come from?
Shouldn't there be something resembling causality in the universe?
What are our options?
have some wiggle room, however. As I've discussed
previously (and far less speculatively) not only don't we know what
happened before the Big Bang, we don't even know what happened in the instant
immediately following the Big Bang.
knowledge of physics in the first 10^-44 seconds after the beginning (which,
admittedly, is a pretty damn short time) is virtually non-existent. This
instant is known as the Planck Time, and since we don't know what happened
before the Planck time with anything even remotely resembling certainty, we
absolutely don't know what happened before the Big Bang. Regardless, logic
dictates that we're left with one of two possibilities:
§ The
universe had some sort of beginning, in which case we're left with the very
unsettling problem of what caused the universe in the first place.
§ The
universe has been around forever, in which case there's literally an infinite
amount of history, both before and after us.
Neither of these is satisfying. Take the Old Testament view, for instance.
We're to understand that God created the world. In that case our universe has a
definite beginning. However, God himself is supposed to be eternal. What was he
doing before he created our universe? It's no more satisfying to assert that
the universe has been here all along. Is there literally an infinite amount of
history? That doesn't make sense.
a particularly clever cheat (or theory, if you prefer), in 1982 Alex
Vilenkin of Tufts University showed how what we've learned from quantum
mechanics might shed light on the how the universe popped into being.
Model #1: The Universe out of Nothing
noted that if we were to somehow start with a small bubble of a universe, two
things could happen. If it were large enough, it would undergo exponential
growth — just like our universe did in the first instants. If it were small, it
would collapse.
where things get weird. Quantum mechanics predicts all sorts of strange
things, including half-dead/half-alive cats, or the possibility of
teleportation. It also predicts the possibility that apparently impossible
things are really just improbable. Image by CottonIJoe/Flickr.
instance, it's possible (but brain-bendingly unlikely) that you could
spontaneously find yourself teleported to Alpha Centauri (readers: please
insert obligatory Hitchiker's
reference here). More commonly radioactive decay can be thought of as a small
piece of an atomic nucleus that shouldn't really be able to escape from the
rest somehow randomly tunneling away. The universe is just like that sometimes.
the same way, a small universe can randomly tunnel into a larger one. The
amazing thing about Vilenkin's model is that even if you make the
"little" universe as small as you like, this tunneling still can
occur. It even works if the little universe has no size at all. You know what
we call something with no size?
to the Big Bang, the state of the universe was something that possessed (no
fooling) zero size and for which time was essentially undefined. The universe
then tunneled out of nothing into the expanding universe we know and love.
problem is that the "nothing" that the universe popped out of wasn't
really nothing. It had to know about quantum mechanics somehow, and we've
always been taught to think that the physics is a property of the universe.
It's troubling to think that the physics existed before the universe did, or,
for that matter, before time did.
course, this is the basic problem with any definite origin for the universe.
Somehow all of the complexity had to be created from nothing, and it's
difficult to reconcile that.
other possibility seems equally troubling. The universe might literally be
eternal — or at least have an infinite history. While it's not clear what the
theological implications of an infinite universe, we can at least try to figure
out how an infinite universe might work.
Model #2: The Universe gave birth to itself
1998, J. Richard Gott and Li Xin Li, both then at Princeton, proposed a model in which the
universe arose from what can only be described as a time
machine. Gott and Li showed that it was possible to solve Einstein's
equations of general relativity in such a way that a universe started off going
around and around in a continuous loop, and that that loop could serve as the
"trunk" of a tree that sprouted, giving rise to our own universe.
Since a picture says a thousand words, let's illustrate with their own figure.Credit
J.R. Gott and L.-X. Li
way to read this image is that for the most part, time travels from bottom to
top, and that everything begins with the little loop at the bottom. That is the
origin of the universe. This means that the universe has no beginning, since
the loop goes around and around infinitely.
can talk about the "time after the Big Bang" as the time after the
loop sprouted off into the future and a universe was born. You'll also notice
that there isn't just a single horn coming out of the initial time loop, but
many. This is totally consistent with the concept of a multiverse,
just to add another level of speculative awesomeness to the discussion.
Model #3: This Is Not the First Universe
a long time, cosmologists played around with the idea that the universe might
ultimately collapse on itself. Then, in 1998, two teams discovered that the universe
was accelerating, essentially demonstrating that we were way
off base. You may also recall that these folks won the Nobel
prize this year for their discovery.
though on the surface it doesn't look as though our universe will ultimately
collapse under its own weight, there is still a great deal of allure to this
picture. If the universe were somehow to end in a big crunch, then maybe what's
really happening is that we'll eternally undergo a series of expansions and
contractions, on and on for infinity. Our universe, in this case, is just one
in an infinite series.
problem with this (besides the fact that there is too little stuff in our
universe to make it collapse again) is one of disorder. As we've discussed
previously, the universe loves disorder. If you've ever stacked soda cans,
there's only one way to stack them, and that's straight up. But if you knock
them over, they go everywhere. There are more ways to destroy a soda can tower
then there are to build one, and as time goes on, the universe finds ways of
destroying all other forms of order, too.
our universe was the result of a series of expansions and collapses, then our
Big Bang occurred billions or trillions of years after some beginning (and what
caused that?), so it would have had a very long time to get disordered. But it
isn't. Looking back, our universe was very smooth, and in a very high state of
order. This wouldn't solve the problem at all.
in recent years, there have been a number of new cyclic models that allow an
eternal universe to exist. In 2002, Paul Steinhardt, of Princeton University,
and Neil Turok, of Cambridge, devised a model that
exploits the extra dimensions found in string theory. String theory supposes
that our universe might not be three-dimensional at all, but might have as many
as ten spatial dimensions. Our own universe might simply live on a
three-dimensional membrane (or "brane" for short) that is floating
through the universe, barely interacting with the other universes.
the different branes (universes) could interact gravitationally. In this model,
the dark energy that accelerates the universe isn't a real thing at all, but
just a remnant of the gravitational attraction between branes, and the dark
matter is just ordinary matter on the other, nearby brane. Occasionally the
branes collide with one another, which would set off "Big Bangs"
within the different branes and then everything would proceed as we've already
models are extremely elegant and deal with the whole "increase of
disorder" problem in a really novel way. In cycle after cycle, the branes
get more and more stretchy, which means that the disorder gets spread out over
a larger and larger volume. The local patch that we call our universe, however,
is just a small patch of the brane, so we seem to start nearly from scratch at
each go-round. It sounds great, but a big problem is that these models require string
theory to be correct, and on that the jury is definitely still out.
there are even more models, some including extra dimensions, some include
concepts like "loop
quantum gravity," some infinite in time, and some with a definite
duration. At the end of the day, the Big Bang theory has the same basic problem
as evolutionary theory. Both do a nearly perfect job in explaining how the
universe (or life) changed when it first came about, but neither can explain
how things really got started in the first place.
This column was adapted from
parts of Chapter 7 of A User's Guide to the Universe.
Dave Goldberg is the author,
with Jeff Blomquist, of "A
User's Guide to the Universe." (follow us on twitter, facebook,
twitter or our blog.) He is an Associate
Professor of Physics at Drexel University and is currently working on "The
Universe in the Rearview Mirror," a new book all about symmetry that will
be published by Dutton in 2013. Please send email to with any
questions about the universe.
Now, for those of you who like to obtain "all the news that's fit to print" from our very own NY Times, here is their interpretation of the question.
Happened Before the Big Bang?
Published: November 11, 2003
Like baseball, in which three strikes make an
out, three outs on a side make an inning, nine innings make a regular game, the
universe makes its own time. There is no outside timekeeper. Space and time are
part of the universe, not the other way around, thinkers since Augustine have
said, and that is one of the central and haunting lessons of Einstein's general
theory of relativity.
In explaining gravity as the ''bending'' of
space-time geometry, Einstein's theory predicted the expansion of the universe,
the primal fact of 20th-century astronomy. By imagining the expansion going
backward, like a film in reverse, cosmologists have traced the history of the
universe credibly back to a millionth of a second after the Big Bang that began
it all.
But to ask what happened before the Big Bang
is a little bit like asking who was on base before the first pitch was thrown
out in a game, say between the Yankees and the Red Sox. There was no ''then''
Still, this has not stopped some theorists
with infinity in their eyes from trying to imagine how the universe made its
''quantum leap from eternity into time,'' as the physicist Dr. Sidney Coleman
of Harvard once put it.
Some physicists speculate that on the other
side of the looking glass of Time Zero is another universe going backward in
time. Others suggest that creation as we know it is punctuated by an eternal
dance of clashing island universes.
In their so-called quantum cosmology, Dr.
Stephen Hawking, the Cambridge University physicist and author, and his
collaborators envision the universe as a kind of self-contained entity, a
crystalline melt of all possibilities existing in ''imaginary time.''
All these will remain just fancy ideas until
physicists have married Einstein's gravity to the paradoxical quantum laws that
describe behavior of subatomic particles. Such a theory of quantum gravity,
scientists agree, is needed to describe the universe when it was so small and
dense that even space and time become fuzzy and discontinuous. ''Our clocks and
our rulers break,'' as Dr. Andrei Linde, a Stanford cosmologist likes to put
At the moment there are two pretenders to the throne of that ultimate
theory. One is string theory, the putative ''theory of everything,'' which
posits that the ultimate constituents of nature are tiny vibrating strings
rather than points. String theorists have scored some striking successes in the
study of black holes, in which matter has been compressed to catastrophic
densities similar to the Big Bang, but they have made little progress with the
Big Bang itself.
String's lesser-known rival, called loop quantum gravity, is the result of
applying quantum strictures directly to Einstein's equations. This theory makes
no pretensions to explaining anything but gravity and space-time. But recently
Dr. Martin Bojowald of the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics in
Golm, Germany, found that using the theory he could follow the evolution of the
universe back past the alleged beginning point. Instead of having a ''zero
moment'' of infinite density -- a so-called singularity -- the universe instead
behaved as if it were contracting from an earlier phase, according to the
theory, he said. As if the Big Bang were a big bounce.
Oh, there's one minor problem I have noted in all of the material I have read on Quantum Physics. None of it seems to shed any light on what happens to us after our filament burns out and we go dark. Maybe we need to consult one of our Quantum Physicists about that minor omission in their papers. Dr. Hawking . . .??? Dr. Einstein . . .Hello??? Anyone there???