So what is going on? I have been having serious trouble
thinking of what to write about what I observe today in America. I am baffled,
really totally baffled at how any thinking American can continue to support
him. And his Republican Party
colleagues. What is going on with them? Would they actually support Satan?
Would they just fob off Hitler’s actions? Who, aside from Democrats, would they
condemn? Have they now shed even the semblance of humanity in order to support
Donald Trump?
The impeachment hearings, perhaps less than perfect, but
still fairly conclusive, reveal a President so lacking in any characteristics
we want in a President, that perhaps he should be impeached for his lack of
character. But, I know, I know, that’s not impeachable. And I know that, while the
Mueller investigation would not formally indict him, the record still strongly concluded that Trump was in collusion with Russian agents to move the election in his
favor. And it now seems clear that Putin
actively worked to corrupt our 2016 election, and favored Trump.
But the Ukraine thing is actually conclusive. Trump used his
office and American resources to pressure our Ukraine ally to pursue an investigation
of a political competitor, Joe Biden, if they desired our continued military
assistance. The evidence seems
compelling on that score.
And yet, and yet, our republican congressmen will not yield.
And they continue to act like Fox News cheerleaders to defend Trump. How can
that be?
I am forced to conclude that power is the only rule in this
game. Republicans, Evangels, racists and other folks who continue supporting him do so
for purposes of power—either to retain actual power, or to somehow reduce the
power base of another. Evangels want to eliminate family planning, and in the
process, abortion. They want to disembowel all folks who identify as Gay (or
LGBTQ). And they seem to want to reduce the power, real or imagined, of any
folks out there of color, including those poor benighted souls trying to cross
over our border down South.
Trump’s supporters are not going away, because they want to
retain, or increase their power base. And that is what America now comes down
to . . . a scramble for power at any cost. And I find all that very sad.
The great difficulty here is that, unlike all past governments
and all past presidencies, I see no ending to this pre-Civil War battle. In all
past political clashes (and remember, I have been observing presidencies since
Roosevelt’s) there always seemed a residue of goodwill towards America and
Americans broadly. Now that residue
seems gone. Trump consistently operates so as to trash his opponents in the
most savage, demeaning manner possible. He wants his supporters to be vicious
in their opposition to his foes. I
imagine him finding words of support were his supporters to turn violent
towards his Democrat opposition. He would/will find excuses for an actual Civil
War. And his supporters will continue to cheer him on. There seems no good will left in America. And
for that I blame Donald Trump. I think the negative views of Evangels, American
racists, and others in Trump’s Basket of Deplorables, have always been there.
But he has encouraged and amplified those views, akin to letting Crazy Uncle Charlie
out of the closet.
And I don’t now see how we will recover from all this. Even
if Trump loses (fond hope springs eternal), these vicious negative mindsets
will remain, and could grow larger. Normally, a new president, after the
election, tries to gather everyone, supporters and opponents together into a
coherent American crowd, and to begin anew to build on the American Dream. I
don’t see how that will happen within our current National mindset. Maybe it
will take a woman to achieve such a desirable but unlikely goal. Yes, perhaps only a woman
might achieve that result. We can only hope.
But we really need to avoid that Civil War if that is to
happen. We need actually to avoid shooting at one another. We need to begin seeing each other as humans,
as Americans, as desirable, caring, feeling human beings. We need to bring some
reality to the message of Christ perhaps. We need to stop thinking about what
to buy next at Amazon, and think instead of how to bring back the joy that
is/was being an American.
Think perhaps of
how we all must have felt at the ending of World War II. It was over, and we
were bringing back all the men and women who had fought evil and triumphed.
America really was great. Now we need to smile at each other more, even if we
disagree politically. Donald Trump is not worth destroying America folks. Let’s start thinking positively.
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