I fear we may be entering a new, more dangerous stage of
Trump’s manic presidency. Likely, he is
getting close to the exploding stage of his presidency, where he fears greatly
that he may be rejected by the people, even the ones who elected him in 2016.
My angst is climbing daily, almost hourly, with each new Trump tweet. I keep
wondering, would all this shit go away if Twitter simply banned him from its
site? Of course, that might well drive him over the cliff and he could enter
the full crazy mode of his mindless behavior.
The protests and riotous behavior of the people of this
country in full-on protests at the killing of Mr. George by the Minneapolis
policemen reveals the explosive temper of our times. Trump has pushed the citizenry to the edge of
despair and anger by his outrageous behavior on almost every subject. And then
the pandemic came upon us, like some noxious cloud threatening to cause us all
to stop breathing. And with his cry, “I can’t breathe”, followed by the
insistent police knee pressure on his neck, until he finally stopped breathing
altogether, not only did he die, but the American people moved beyond the “thoughts
and prayers” stage, to an “Act or Die” stage. People are protesting as I have not seen since
maybe 1968. Then they were protesting the killing of Martin Luther King, Jr. in
April 1968. But, much like today, the people were aroused by that killing, and, even more, by the senseless warring in Vietnam, warring that began as it often does,
by lies about the enemy’s behavior towards America.
Today, the explosive outrage at
police killings was triggered by a population suffering from despair at a
president who foments hatreds with each utterance. And then the pandemic created even more fear
and more hatreds. Lies, ignorance, unbelievable incompetence at the topmost
level of our nation led to thousands of unnecessary deaths—35-40,000 by some
counts. And then, instead of a president moving to calm the outrage over racist
violence by police forces. The president began stoking the rage, threatening
even more violence. His quote of “when the looting starts, the
shooting starts," is a quote by Walter Headley, of the Miami police
force. Headley was head of the police force for 20 years and referred to his "get tough" policy on crime during
a 1967 news conference as a war on "young
hoodlums, from 15 to 21, who have taken advantage of the civil rights campaign.
. . . We don't mind being accused of police brutality."
It has been clear for
some time that Trump desperately wants to be a wartime president, despite his
bonespur history of draft dodging as a young man. I imagine he thinks of
wartime presidents as being seen as tough people, leading the nation at a time
of great risk—maybe Roosevelt, perhaps even Johnson spring into his weak
mind. One great fear of mine has been
that Trump would provoke a war with some relatively weak enemy, and begin
bombing them. I assumed he would even unleash nuclear horror on some poor
country, just to demonstrate how tough he was.
And with every criticism, he becomes even more crazed.
So, here, with our
citizens close to total panic mode, Trump begins shouting his rage and
threatening utterances about more heavily armed troops. He wants shooting in the streets. He wants
people dead on our sidewalks. More proof that he is THE MAN in charge, and
nobody dare mess with him.
There is some
speculation that right wing fringe groups are the ones who have actually sparked
the real violence, in an attempt to bring blame on the left wing, mostly
peaceful demonstrators, especially the fires and the looting. Which brings me to a main point.
One of the many
things we have learned from Trump and his right wing friends is that, whenever
Trump begins blaming the Left for something awful, we can reasonably assume it
is something either he or his right wing friends are planning, or already
doing. For example, on the looting and
violent protests. We think (but do not yet know for certain) that right wing
Neo-Nazi groups are purposefully promoting violence in an effort to discredit
the left’s otherwise peaceful protests.
But perhaps of even
greater import, Trump has been decrying the whole issue of voting by mail. He has been listing actions that threaten the
vote-by-mail process. He says that
children are recruited to steal ballots. That people are going to houses to
collect ballots and then throwing them away.
He declares that voting by mail is filled with corruption, potentially destroying
the whole process. But he also declares that, if we allow voting by mail, the
republicans will never win another election. And therein lies his objection. If
more people vote, republicans will lose. And he is desperate to avoid that. He will in
fact do anything in his power as president to avoid a result in which he loses.
And I mean ANYTHING—war, shooting of civilians by HIS military, and surely
corruption of the voting process.
So, whatever he is
forecasting in a voting by mail process, is something he and his friends are
definitely planning. We should expect and begin planning now for a voting
process that will be threatened by President Trump’s friends.
Which means, we the
people in every state, must begin planning now for a very large vote by mail
system. By November, we may well be in a full-on Stage Two of the pandemic. A
resurgence is expected by the Fall, and that is when we will be voting. States cannot wait until October to begin
planning for the vote by mail system.
That system is likely not designed for the millions who may be using it
this fall. The ballots themselves, the
machines needed to read the ballots must be brought into being as soon as
possible. The ballots we know will need to await the final decisions by the
electorate as to who will be on the ballots. But any machines needed and any
volunteer staffing will need to be lined up now. And my best guess is that most
states have not even begun the process of planning, no less buying the equipment
So, if we want an
election in which our citizens can vote safely (without the risk of dying from
COVID19), we need to prepare every state for such an election. We need a President. The country can no
longer afford operating without one. And
we desperately need to get the current maniac in the White House to leave by all
means peaceful, even if that means being escorted out by the Secret Service. And Melania, you will then be free to discard
this human scum currently masquerading as your husband. Think of that Melania. How nice, to be free
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