RNC: Hurricane LIAR -- Why? How?
So the RNC has finally ended. But the question remains . . .
who actually had the stomach to watch it, aside from Stephen and Trevor, and
John, and Samantha? But they get paid to watch drivel like that, you know,
important drivel (to be fair, even Stephen admitted he could not watch the
final day of the RNC). A recent Guardian
article characterized the RNC as Hurricane LIAR, such is their view of the
sheer volume of lies by the Trumpies about both Trump and Biden. The cast of characters speaking seemed no
longer bothered worrying about the difference between truths and lies. They
have deteriorated into a parade of Liars, thus Hurricane LIAR.
And yet, people watched, and people applauded. How in
heaven’s name is that possible?
I can sort of understand how the folks making money out of
all this drivel participate. I mean, Trump’s kids are making millions. Pompeio,
Barr, his ever-changing cast of the White House Press spokespeople, the Eric Prince
family (also making millions) are raking it in.
Pence . . . well I don’t know. Pence was a nobody lawyer until he
decided that politics was to his liking. He also got himself a radio
commentator slot in Indiana, so maybe that was what attracted Trump. But, no, it
was more likely that Pence’s conversion from a democrat-leaning Catholic to a
born-again Evangel was the attractant. Pence might help to bring in the amoral
Evangel vote, which Trump might otherwise have difficulty attracting, with his
personal record of total sleaze. Pence in particular had played around with the
anti-abortion crowd with a campaign and an Indiana law that prevented certain
kinds of abortions. His Wiki page indicates that Pence signed bills intended to restrict abortions, including one that
prohibited abortions if the reason for the procedure was the fetus's race,
gender, or disability. After Pence signed the Religious Freedom
Restoration Act (RFRA),
he encountered fierce resistance from moderate members of his party, the
business community, and LGBT advocates. The backlash against the RFRA led
Pence to amend the bill to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation,
gender identity, and other criteria. So, little Pencey was a pretty sure gatherer
of Evangel votes, since they only seem to care about opposing both abortion and
gay rights.
But what about the
people who are not Evangel?
Well, we have the
KKK/Racist vote. These are people who, whether they belong to the KKK or not,
are fundamentally racist. They obviously love Trump, who is also an openly
racist kind of guy. They’re never going
to vote for any democrat, since the Republican Party in general has shifted to
fairly open support of racism. Interesting how that Party of Lincoln idea didn’t
And then we have the
Neo-Nazi’s. Now they aren’t a party per se, but they have many organizational/cult
identities within the United States. Wiki lists the following Neo-Nazi like
People associated
with the Business Plot.
American Front:
an umbrella organisation.
American Nazi Party: Founded by George Lincoln Rockwell in 1959, this group was central to the
foundation of the World Union of
National Socialists.
Aryan Brotherhood:
a prison gang
Aryan Nations:
a Christian Identity organization founded by Richard Girnt Butler
Atomwaffen Division: a neo-Nazi paramilitary terrorist
organization which is infamous for its killing of 8 people most notably the murder of Blaze Bernstein.
Creativity Movement: a White separatist religion
National Alliance: founded in 1974 by William Luther Pierce, the author of The Turner Diaries
National Renaissance
Party: of occultist James H. Madole
National Socialist Movement: formed in 1974
National Socialist
Party of America: founded in 1970
by Frank Collin
National States'
Rights Party: founded in 1958
by J. B. Stoner
New Order: led by Matt Koehl with
the goal of developing a religion based on Nazism
The Order: a revolutionary group established in 1983
by Robert Jay Mathews
Patriot Front:
an alt-right American nationalist movement founded by Thomas Rousseau as
an offshoot of Vanguard America
Stormfront: a white nationalist website
Universal Order:
founded by James Mason and heavily influenced by Charles Manson.
Vanguard America:
founded by Dillion Irizarry, part of the Nationalist Front and the alt-right.
a white power skinhead group led by Randall Krager
White Aryan Resistance: a highly racist organization
led by Tom Metzger.
White Patriot Party: a group founded in 1980
See, I had no
idea there were so many Nazi’s in America. It amazed me because we had fought
so hard and at such a huge cost in military troop losses and money during WW II—globally,
70-85 million people died during World War II. One would imagine that any
organization even vaguely associated with such a dreadful history, including
the murder of millions of innocents, would find not even a toehold in America.
But there you have it. We have our racists and our white supremacists, and
that’s what makes for a Nazi party.
So, Trump had a
large collection of folks already predisposed to his white supremacist
philosophy, if you can call anything Trump espouses a “philosophy”. We have
Evangels, racists, and Neo-Nazi’s providing the core of Trump’s support. But does that give you 62,984,828 people (Trump’s 2016 vote count)?? Wow, I would hope not.
But our population in 2016 was just over 310 million people, so Trump’s vote is
substantial by any measure (even though it was less by 3 million than
Clinton’s). We do not know how many people self-identify as neo-Nazi’s, or as
“racists”, although one survey in 2017 found that 9% of Americans, or
approximately 22 million thought being a Neo-Nazi was ok. Now that would be about 1/3 of the Trump vote
in 2016. Think of that, folks.
And the amazing thing to me
is that anyone in America thinks it’s ok to be a Nazi. Now, to be fair, Reagan
made it ok again to be a racist, and I see no appreciable difference between
being a racist and being a Nazi.
Remember, Trump said he was sure that at least some of them (Neo-Nazi’s)
were very fine people. So, if Reagan made it ok to be a racist, Trump has now
made it ok to be a Nazi. And that’s what the party of Lincoln has deteriorated
And so the Hurricane LIAR
has finally finished. Perhaps we will soon see whether America itself is
finished. Remember, November 3rd determines whether we will continue
as an American democracy. If Trump wins, it’s America RIP. And never forget folks, the election is about
more than Trump, however awful he is. The entire Republican Party (now the
KKKNeoNazicultische) is also running. People like Mitch McConnell are running
and MUST BE DEFEATED. MUST! Because Mitch has promised that no laws proposed by
the Democratic Party will ever see the light of day if Trump is not re-elected.
Mitch is now full-on Nazi. Heil Donald!
So VOTE people, VOTE as
though your lives depended on it . . . because they do.
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