Thursday, August 13, 2020

Waiting for . . . Whatever

 A friend read my posting on Endings the other day.  He liked it, but then . . . he awaited the next posting. Nineteen days later, he was still awaiting that posting. Then he asked me, “So, you’re not finished writing are you? The Endings piece was nice, but hopefully it does not mean an end to your writings?”

And, oddly perhaps, I had not thought of that piece as a conclusive end to my writing.  I suppose COVID, or even just Old Age will finally draw that writing thing to a close.  Just not right now, I hope.

But I must confess that writing anything about our world right now, is difficult.  What do we have going on?

COVIDIOCY – The COVID thing seems to hang in every room of my little mind. Every time I think I want to do something, I have to prepare myself, either to not do it at all, or to don a mask and gloves, and then to remain as far away from other humans as possible.  But, see, if a major part of the point of “doing something” is to see people, then what am I doing, disguising myself with masks and gloves so no one can actually see me, no less hear me. We go to a weekly farmers market. It used to be a source of joy, chatting with our farm friends who supply us with amazing, fresh food. They keep us alive through their hard work, and chatting with them, so as to thank them is the least we can do. Well, we try, but staying 6-8 feet away, and speaking through a mask does not a proper conversation make. We try to laugh, but how would anyone know? And then our family wants to get together, to share a meal and just chat. But everyone, including our family must be treated as a risk assembly. And that is hard, for us and for them. And if all this COVIDIOCY was going to just stop soon, I guess we could all just grin and bear it. But it isn’t, it actually may never end. When we have a vaccine, I guess we will be safe . . . won’t we??  Or maybe not. Who knows? The Shadow doesn’t even pretend to know.

Donald Trump – It has become very difficult to write anything halfway intelligent regarding our nation under Donald Trump. His stupidities know no end. He just goes on and on, seeming ever more terminally stupid than the last time he opened his mouth.  Lately, he seems to think that the flu epidemic of 1918 (he thinks it was in 1917) ended World War II, because all the soldiers got sick.  Now think of that. He actually said that. And he wasn’t joking. He simply seems to know nothing. He just reacts. A pseudo-thought pops into his head and he either says it, if he has an audience, or he tweets it (ahh, Twitter, the communications system for people who can’t communicate).  And he just keeps not leading, not preparing our nation. Instead, he keeps insulting our intelligence by saying stupid things, most of which are simply lies. And everyone knows when he is lying, but no one ever says anything any longer. I don’t know, have we now stopped counting his lies?? He has redefined “normal”, because he is abnormal . . . all the time. Yeah, that’s right. He is simply not “normal” by any reasonable definition of that term. And what is most distressing, is apparently his abnormal behavior is what keeps his supporters in line.  Yeah, they apparently hate “normal”. They love someone who hates almost everyone and everything, cuz that’s who they are also. His supporters love to hate.  They hate normality and normal people.  It’s why his rallies are filled with an excess of hateful rhetoric.  And so, when Trump speaks, or Tweets, they all stand up and applaud.  If he says something hateful or threatening, they laugh and cheer. And so, he has redefined America and Americans.  And I really do not like that redefinition.  Were I a 20 something, I would almost definitely be looking to move somewhere far away from America.  And, why?? Well, because he has so redefined America and Americans that he might well succeed in winning the next election, even if by stealth and corruption.  We know he will try to prevent opposing forces from voting by any means possible. Republicans now do so hate voting and people who vote.  His latest apparently is to try to kill the US Postal Service, first by removing its funding base, and secondly by appointing someone to head the Service whose sole mission seems to be to kill the Service. Yeah, so there’s that.

Aging in Place --  So, I am now heading towards 86, or my 47th 39th year of existence. I have already chatted about one our favorite TV British “comedies”, Waiting for God.  It’s all about old, cranky people who live in an elder home and sit around waiting for that final notice—you know, where you wake up and it turns out that you actually failed to awaken, mainly because you failed to continue breathing. And so your mind went blank. And then they come to cart off your now useless body, but you don’t know it, because you no longer know anything.  You know, that Waiting for God.  Yeah, that Aging in Place thing. And partly the COVIDIOCY helps to make this final life stage less than ideal, because you can’t really do anything. As noted, it’s hard even to see anyone, because everyone is wearing a mask and you can’t touch anyone.  And a side effect of the Pandemic is that it has closed off activities that could serve to amuse or enlighten you, as you “Age in Place”.  For example, Carol continues her beautiful quilting, but the Pandemic has placed certain cautions on everything, such that the local Children’s hospital can’t accept donated quilts for their sick kids.  So, now she has to be even more innovative in finding places to donate her beautiful creations.  And I used to at least pretend to create artsy things, you know pictures that I could print and then display at events called Art Walks. And those events would provide me with some positive feedback, even to the odd sale of a piece or two. But those events have ceased, mainly because large gatherings are now a No-No. One must not gather is the latest theme of America . . . well the world really.  Apparently stupid people are exempted from that dictum. They continue to gather, as stupid people will—see the motorcycle gathering in Sturgis, South Dakota.  And I imagine these folks will all arise on the morning of November 3rd, and go to their polling places and vote for Donald Trump, cuz he’s their man. They love hating and they love stupid.

And so each day blends into the next, and life continues, until I assume it stops.  But, I was thinking the other day about all that. You know, how, when someone “passes into the next life”, there is always someone who will say, “well they are now looking down on us and smiling”. And I think, “Well no, they aren’t sitting up on a cloud looking down. They actually aren’t thinking or watching, because they no longer exist in any form.”  And then I think:

Every person on earth should consider the wonder, and the magnificent beauty that is LIFE. Each time you awaken, and your eyes open, and you see something, anything . . . the bedroom, the wall, a window, perhaps a pet cat who is sitting staring at you, hoping you will awaken . . .  you should think of the beauty of that moment. You are alive. You can see the wonder that is our world.  Just that . . . seeing our world once again, is cause for saying “thank you” to whatever natural forces cause you to exist still.  And try to spend your day such that at least several times each day, you just look, and think, “wow, how wonderful is life”. Yes, it will cease some day, but for today, it continues, and Life is a beautiful gift. Please do not squander that gift by hating other people.  Love is All.  Practice the Art of Love.  Every day, in every way, practice Loving.

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