Sunday, January 17, 2021

So, What Do They Want?

Thinking a lot about the Trump MAGAHeads and their treasonous mob scene at our Capitol last week.  There seems no question about Trump’s role, and in fact the role of various right wing Congressional perps and some of their religious right wing pastors.  To avoid losing the leadership of America’s government, the anarchists of the Far Right in America decided to overthrow the government. Their ultimate intent is still unclear, but it points to a true intended coup d’etat. To be fair, it was kind of a weird coup attempt, since its nominal leader was the actual current head of the government they were attempting to overthrow.  I guess, this was a virtual coup of a futurist sort? They were overthrowing a government not yet installed. And their titular leader was the guy actually in charge of the current government. So, a little confusing, but perhaps think of them currently as true anarchists, who wanted to destroy the existent government, republican and democrat alike. Maybe, what, kill off all the current house and senate members?  That part was never made clear, although they did bring along guns, ammo, some handcuffs, and I think some teargas.

My guess is that this was a test, really a sort of prototype coup, to test the waters so to speak.  They were perhaps thinking that if they could demonstrate some progress and avoid the worst consequences (everybody dead) maybe they would then have some data to use in designing the real coup, after President Joe and Veep Kamala actually took charge.  And if they lost a few of their thugs during this test, then so be it. Stuff happens, and you can’t win a coup without some losses.

Now, it was most interesting that, after urging his goon squad to march on the Capitol and do some violence, the Thug-in-Charge, you know, Trump, immediately retreated to his bedroom in the White House where he could watch it all on TV, and doubtless have a Big Mac.

In thinking about this mess, I have some difficulty with their ultimate end objective.  Many of Trump’s supporters seem to be borderline anarchists. That is, they are angry with government broadly, and want government out of their lives. All this mask-wearing crap, and these curfews, and “social-distancing” idiocies. Their small businesses closing as a result. Their pubs closing or being restricted.  And all because of some fake pandemic—clearly a deep state fakery invented by the likes of Nancy Pelosi and probably Barack Obama (he’s not even American don’t you know).

But in the final analysis, although I believe these thugs are anarchists at heart, what they are seeking is some kind of absolute control over the undesirables in America.  And by “undesirables” I include folks of color, Hispanics, and Libtards of all kinds, you know those Dem Party Commies.  Whether they hate women is at least questionable, although their nominal Gang Boss, The Donald, is a clear misogynist.  I fail to understand how any woman could support this dude, given his dismal history with women.

So, let’s assume that, at some stage the government comes crashing down around us. What do they intend after all the wreckage is laying all about us, and now everyone is thoroughly pissed? Well, my best guess is that what they envision is an Absolute Monarchy with religious trimmings. That is, they don’t want any more of this endless arguing about what we should be doing, you know, what happens in a Democracy.  Instead, they want a guy at the top who simply says what will happen on any given subject, and then that guy’s henchmen-soldiers, police, sheriffs—step in to oversee his decisions. Anyone who fails to comply with the Headman’s edicts gets ejected from society—either shoved into a jail cell, or simply eliminated.  Their assumption would be that the Headman will begin to issue edicts that reinforce the gang’s thinking—Christian religious compliance on all subjects, people of color begin to work in their “proper” place under White Men, elimination of wages to lazy people (aka welfare) . . . you know, the way God intended.

Now, whether they have advanced in their thinking to consider The Donald as King Donald I, with Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham as Dukes, and maybe idiots like Josh Hawley as a Baron is unclear. I am guessing not, although who knows? When truly stupid people run towards the Sun, who knows what their imaginings include??

I am guessing that they are now examining the results of their first real trial run—call it A Prototype Coup.  With The Donald leaving office nominally on January 20th, they may begin planning for a second run at the Coup Game.  What they may not be thinking about, or at least not thinking about seriously enough, is the role of the Nation’s military, the Governors with their assembled guardsmen and state police, and the federal law enforcement agencies.  I actually still believe that those folks will oppose another coup, of whatever size they intend.  Despite idiots like Michael Flynn who betrayed his military and his country, I think our military leadership prefers a democracy, with actual elected leaders, as opposed to idiot leaders who appoint themselves.  At least that is my fondest hope. I think that we fought World War II to oppose people like the ones currently supporting Donald Trump. We lost several hundred thousand of the Nation’s finest to prevent people like Adolph Hitler and Donald Trump to rule over us all. It is doubtless true that we do not have 100% of our military and our government leaders around the country in support of true democracy. But I believe we have a large enough base that these perps will fail, and that many of Trump’s gang of Nazi Thugs will wind up in Prison or dead.  We may have ugly times ahead, but I still believe that America The Beautiful will prevail.  Let us hope for good times ahead, after the pandemic ends and we can retrieve our lives again. May we look forward to a coming sunrise again. America The Beautiful is going to emerge again.

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