Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Trump Removal

So now, the Trump Nazi’s are threatening to hold an alternative reality inauguration, you know, one that gives Trump another four (or maybe 20??) years at the presidency. Seems only fair, after all, since he really won in a landslide.  This alternative reality, I understand, is the newest thing. Whenever you don’t like the way something is turning out, you simply declare another, more pleasing outcome. And then you ask your Nazi Thugs to support you by marching on whatever site you wish, armed if possible. And should some innocents get shot, or otherwise killed, well, you know, shit happens.  You just can’t worry about stuff like that.  Life goes on, as you define it.

So, is Trump actually in charge of his mind when he invents stuff like that?  Maybe, Is Trump ever in charge of his mind, is an even better question.  I realize that Trump is a Narcissist, and that he lies almost every time he opens his mouth. But the question that keeps forming in my mind is, when he invents some big lie, does he understand that he is lying, and maybe he just doesn’t care about such things as lying?  Or does he have such little contact with reality that he simply says whatever pops into his head to satisfy his ego-demands, and he has no actual concept of such things as truth or lies?

I am drawn to the latter explanation.   I think there is no other sensible explanation for his thousands of lies, big and small alike.

Now, does that mean that Trump should not be held accountable for his lies, because he doesn’t even realize that he is lying?? Or that he cannot be held accountable for his exhortations to his thousands of Nazi thug supporters to riot and destroy or even kill people who oppose them? Well, no, he can and must be held accountable.  But more to the point, I think we are dealing with such an aberrant personality that he can be fairly described as out of control, or perhaps, never in control.  His personality goes way beyond what we think of as “quirks”. His mind apparently is never actually in touch with reality. His mind manages only to deal with his deep ego-needs. Whatever his ego demands, his mind conjures. If those “conjurings” happen to damage people or institutions, he neither knows nor cares.

And that really is why he cannot be allowed anywhere near an office in our government—any office, no less the presidency.  He could concoct war scenes, and he still controls nuclear weapons. So, he cannot be allowed to continue. He is simply too far out of the mainstream of intelligent thinking processes.  Remember that little thought he concocted a while back . . . that he could walk out onto Fifth Avenue, pull out a gun and shoot someone, and his supporters would cheer, raising his numbers? Remember that? Well, he actually believes that.  So, imagine he wants his support to increase, so he suggests that maybe we need to drop some nuclear weapons on someone, Iran for example.  He imagines that would give his Thuggish supporters a big boost, and so they would adore him even more.

Is that really what we want/need as our president? I know that republicans have fallen into some trench lately, and that they seem to hold no moral or ethical principles any longer as a party.  But I also hope that there remain some former republicans (think Colin Powell) in our Land who still retain a sense of National Morality—that we really still are a Land of honorable people who seek the best for our world. I am hoping that those people will begin to assert some control over the crazed utterances of their former party leaders.

So, yes, by whatever means, we need to remove Trump from office immediately, and to forge some guarantee that he can never climb into a leadership position again.  He must be removed people. He is a danger to our Nation and to the World.  He cannot be allowed to continue.

Please folks, come to your senses about this. Trump is dangerous.  His Nazi Thugs are equally dangerous. We have entered the World of 1936 Germany people. Do we really wish to re-enter that world of wholesale Murder? We need to begin to move back to a nation of Law and Order, for everyone, not just the White Supreme beings among us.  

Return to a Sane Country. Please. Before we can no longer return.

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