Hmmm, is it just me, or is life without Trump chaos getting boring? I mean, yeah, whenever he opens his mouth something terminally stupid comes out, but I’m now beginning to wonder whether he is afflicted with dementia. It is hard to conjure another explanation for someone seemingly as stupid. And that might seem sad rather than hysterically stupid. Makes me wonder whether there was ever such a let-down period in Italy under Mussolini. Likely not in Germany under Hitler. I mean, he was so busy rounding up Jews for his killing machines.
And speaking
of Jews and killing machines, what are we to make of Bibi and his killing
machines? I really do understand how the
Stupids at HAMAS must trigger his killer instinct, but it really does seem as
though Bibi keeps going over the mark of any reasonable human instinct. He
seems to be beyond even his Israeli public. And now he could even mess up
domestic politics here in the USA. I mean Biden does not need to give folks
here any reasons to walk away from his election. We need all reasonable folks
to show up at the polls and vote for Biden come this November. Because we really, really do not need another
Trump Presidency. Course, the Supremes could still act rationally and keep him (Trump) away from such a course. But they seem a
pretty unreliable course director for America.
But as I
approach my 90th this December, I am finding life in this here
America more and more difficult to understand, no less tolerate. I mean, I
worked in the US government under Ronald Reagan for heaven’s sake. And even
that was at least tolerable. To be fair, I joined government when Carter was
still president, but then St. Ronald intervened and somehow swayed the American
public. Imagine that, Jimmy Carter, the sole of reason and morality kicked out
of his presidency by the American people in favor of Ronald Reagan. Still, to be fair, working under Reagan, as
difficult as it was, must have been the definition of reason when compared with
what life must have been like for workers under Donald Trump. Now, to be fair, I finally quit after four
more years because I was in fear of becoming braindead. He brought in as my political boss, the
stupidest man I had ever worked with or for. Still, Reagan now seems the definition of
reason when compared with Trump. I still cannot understand how any thinking
human can even consider casting their vote for Donald Trump. Well, maybe his ongoing run-ins with our
Justice system coping with his dozens of criminal offenses will actually,
eventually cause Americans to return to sanity. You think folks?
Oh well,
maybe I can stop thinking about Donald Trump for a while and think about . . .
what, Global Climate Change? I refer to events such as that recent sortie of
tornados that did much damage and killed some folks in our Midwest recently.
That really scares me, almost as much as a Trump presidency. And we seem to
have about as little control over either of them. I keep thinking, “God, I am almost 90. What
an awful way to have to live out my limited remaining life period,” But then, I
think, “hell, Richard, think about your grands and your Great Grands. They have
their whole lives ahead of them. What are they thinking?”
America, and perhaps even the world at large will finally come to its senses
and begin to deal with Climate Change before it becomes irreversible. And then,
maybe they will throw out the Trumps of this world (and there are many), and engage
sane behaviors instead of killing everything in front of them. Yeah, a sane
world, maybe even a peaceful world, where Love could re-enter and Hate would beat
a hasty retreat. We (my generation) failed at that, but maybe the generations
of youngsters will finally enter and begin acting rationally. Now that would be
nice, even if I am not here to see it happen. So, c’mon kids, it’s your turn at
the wheel of Life.