I am looking around and find that if God actually produced humankind, she really screwed up. So maybe that means that God did not/could not have weighed in on humankind’s future. What do I see here? Well, let’s take Arizona. The republican state legislature just allowed (insisted?) that the state should once again be guided by an abortion law passed in the 1860s. Think of that. The Civil War was still raging. There were no women in that Arizona voting body; in fact I think women could not yet even vote. So, men decided that women should never have an abortion, regardless of the consequences. Even if a woman had been raped and then became pregnant, she still had to continue the pregnancy.
So a God
invented those men who decided that??? Really?
Oh, and then
we have the Ukraine, where a man, Vlad the Impaler, has decided that he
wants/needs to retain control over the territory we know as the Ukraine. And he will kill as many Ukrainians (and
Russians) as that takes to achieve. See, Vlad doesn’t really care about human
life, so long as he gets what he wants. Some estimates assert that a half
million people have either died or been seriously injured in Vlad’s War. So,
God is in charge??? Hmmm, I think not.
Oh and then
we have that other war, the Israeli-Hamas war, begun last October. Estimates suggest that over 33,000
Palestinians, including over 10,000 children have been killed and over 1,100 Israeli’s
have died. All this to???? Convince Israeli’s to move out of Palestine???
God??? Hmmm, I think not. It is likely that post-WW II Europeans caused this
current mess, you know the one that has been going on there since about 1948.
Yeah. Maybe if the Europeans, instead of allowing German Jews to take over a
part of Palestine, had decided to separate, say 25% of Germany and given that to
German Jews as the New State of Israel, this current mess would not be happening. God, what have you done here??? Hmmm, God???
I think not.
Instead, it’s
the result of humankind acting stupidly, as humankind almost always does. Why such stupidity? Well, I have been alive
since 1934. Since then we have had wars in Europe, called WW I, Europe again in
1939 called WW II, then Korea in 1950 something, then Vietnam in the 1960s,
then remember all that fun in Afghanistan, India, the whole of the Middle East
throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. Even little
places –remember that Irish thing, The Troubles they called it? And then all those white people expanding
their grip on territories owned by people of color in India, America,
Australia, and Africa. In fact, I am
hard pressed to recall any substantial period of time since I came into
existence where we have not had wars going on somewhere. Humans simply like
killing people as their first approach to taking charge of some territory. And God did that?? Hmmm, nope.
So, if God
does not do these terminally stupid acts of killing, is it just the case that
God was wildly reckless and invented a seriously flawed creature we know as
Humans? Is that your theory about God? That she could be that careless in
inventing such an awful creature as humans?
And, in believing that, you still choose to worship that God? Really?
Oh, I know,
God invented butterflies, and bees, and Birds and stuff, just not humans. And so you pray so as to thank her for being
kind enough to give us bees, et al. But
then, why do you always look upwards when someone dies, and then pray to God to
allow that Dude into that place we invented called Heaven (or in say Trump’s
case, Hell)? Well, even though she did
not actually invent humans, God still looks after them after they cease to be
human and pass on into their actual godly life in Heaven. Yeah, that’s nice, huh?
So, I am
almost 90, well past my sell-by date, and now look forward to . . . what
again? Well, if I think there is no
God(dess) and no actual place called Heaven, then whenever my time comes, what?
I just cease to exist? And what does that mean? Nothing you say? Hmm, so my
brain stops working at some point and then, I no longer know anything,
including the fact that I no longer exist? Hmm, that sounds like fun, huh?
Well, at least, I am unlikely to be sent directly to Hell, without passing
That’s nice.
And in the
meantime, Humans, could you just try not killing so many other humans for a
while? Now that would be nice, even if completely counter to Human psychology.
So, be nice
for a change Humans. Stop killing.
Oh, and on
that abortion thingie, the God says to
let a woman decide about her own health and her own body. Men, step aside
please. It ain’t your decision.
Tremendous Richard, you should write a book on it. And on the answers