We have been feeling both increasingly distressed, and then
increasingly blessed over the past couple of weeks, as the pandemic moves into
high gear, shutting down us, and much of the country. The distress is obvious,
as COVID has begun dominating almost every aspect of life in America. But the blessed part relates to the notion of
people helping one another.
Personally, we live close to our daughter and her family.
They have prevailed upon us to self-isolate. We are not ill, but we are of a
seriously advanced age, 84 and 85. That makes us a special target of this nasty
virus. So we wear protective gloves a lot, have largely stopped shopping,
except when we can buy online and then have a drive-by pickup. But that method
doesn’t begin to complete our shopping. So, our daughter has stepped in to buy as much of our weekly produce as possible. And then neighbors also stepped in to
buy a number of items we forgot about with our daughter’s & grandkids’
shopping expeditions.
And what this all brings me to is the thought that the only
way our world—humankind writ broadly—will be able to survive this pandemic is
to begin changing our attitude towards one another. If all nations began acting
like our neighbors and our family, we might be able to get through this mess
and come out the other end as truly civilized human beings.
I think, for example, of our President and his PR team (Fox
Fake News) labeling the Corona virus the “China virus”. He says he is just
being “accurate”, since that is where the virus first made itself known to the
world. Then we have Iran wherein some
idiots have decided that the US created this virus, so I guess they will be
calling it the America virus. Russia is
hiding its version of the pandemic, but Putin is probably blaming it on
Hillary, or Hunter Biden.
And my point here is that we need to stop this foolishness. We all know technically and factually that
China, or Russia or the CIA here DID NOT CREATE THE CORONA VIRUS! We know
that. The only reason we publically
assign blame to someone or some nation is because we are all trying to maintain
a position of power. Here, Trump is catering to his faithful supporters. He
desperately wants to avoid blame for mishandling the crisis, because that would
get in the way of his re-election. In
China, in Iran, in Russia or wherever, the same phenomenon adheres. If blame is
being laid onto someone else, then that act is all about retaining power. Trump, unfortunately, is someone who
practices the blame-game routinely. Nothing is ever his fault. Everything
positive is always because of his acts, his brilliant mind. As
long as Trump remains in power, this blame-game method of functioning will
continue. It is who he is, and how he has always functioned.
The world may be entering a new stage of global functioning,
one we humans have never before seen. Perhaps the dinosaurs observed something
similar after that asteroid struck and began the annihilation of all dinosaurs.
But we assume they did not understand what they were witnessing. Hopefully we
have a better understanding of catastrophic events. Perhaps as never before, we
may need an entirely new way of global government interactions.
After World War II, some of the world governments recognized
that nations working together stood a better chance of avoiding the worst
effects of human political stupidity (think Holocaust, think nuclear Armageddon)
if the world’s nations worked together in
kind of a United Nations approach. I know, I know, that didn’t last all that
long. How long was it between the ending of WW II and Korea . . . and then
Vietnam??? Not nearly long enough.
But, for some reason, we thought we could compartmentalize
such wars. Yes, we invited some of our global friends to participate, but
still, we never got to an all-out global war.
Now, this pandemic cannot be compartmentalized. It has already struck
nearly every place on the globe. For countries not yet infected, the operative
word is NOT YET. Russia is currently in
denial, but Russia will look like all of the other countries sooner rather than
later. The virus does not respect
borders, or relative global power. Nuclear bombs will not affect its behavior.
Vlad the Impaler cannot order it to cease its nasty work in Russia, any more
than Donald Stupidhead can order it away.
It takes no orders yet from anyone.
Perhaps, eventually, Mother Nature will intervene the way she always
does for better or worse.
But it seems most likely that we, HUMANKIND may need to
begin a new world order, one in which global leaders speak with greater respect
to one another, if only to preserve their respective global domains. If we don’t quit the blame-game and begin
adopting some cooperative approaches to resolving the pandemic, sharing
solutions, sharing technology, even sharing equipment, vaccines, etc., then
perhaps we are the next dinosaurs.
At every corner of our globe, the people of the world need
to begin standing up to flawed leaders and begin demanding that their countries
work together, even if that means new leaders everywhere, as it surely does here.
We need people with high intelligence, and people with a moral code that
operates to preserve humanity rather than destroying it.
It isn’t complicated folks. We either band together to
preserve humanity, or we all disappear together. Think of your kids and
grandkids folks. This is no laughing matter. We need to stop killing each
other. Stop calling names. Stop pretending that there are easy answers to
complex problems. Bring in some intelligent people.
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